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This article explores the expectations made of organised supervision in health and social care settings. In particular, the way that supervision claims to be meeting the needs of the supervisee yet, is so often instructed in those of the... more
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      Domestic ViolenceEthnographic Research
Данная книга представляет собой каталог археологической коллекции музея «Помор», находящегося в российском поселке Баренцбург на архипелаге Шпицберген (Норве- гия). Основу собрания составляют находки Шпицберген- ской археологической... more
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      Arctic ArchaeologyEthnographic ResearchKultura Pomorska
Asia is changing. Socio-political shifts in the world economy, technological advances of monumental scales, movements of people and ideas, alongside ongoing post-colonization projects across the region have created an emerging Asia – one... more
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      Area StudiesAsian StudiesInternational RelationsSoutheast Asian Studies
Energy transitions in the Global South are typically said to sit somewhere between autocratic mega-projects with considerable fallout for local communities on the one hand, and promissory projects to foster a better, sustainable and more... more
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      Development StudiesPolitical ParticipationInternational DevelopmentPostcolonial Studies
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyGlobalization
Talk about food at work is typically overlooked as peripheral, just like other relationally-oriented discourse (e.g. small talk and humour). Drawing on a data set of workplace interactions recorded in formal and informal settings, we... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAnthropological LinguisticsSociolinguisticsAnthropology of Food
The importance of preschool education for societies' future has been acknowledged by a vast number of stakeholders, including researchers, policy makers, government organizations, educators and citizens across the world.
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      Qualitative methodologyAutoethnographyEthnographic Research
Isa sa mga hamon na kinakaharap ng sinumang mananaliksik sa kasaysayan ay ang pagsusulat tungkol sa kasaysayan ng mga lipunang wala namang kinagisnang tradisyon ng panulat. Ano ang maaaring pagbatayang batis sa pagsulat sa kasaysayan ng... more
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      Local HistoryPhilippinesIndigenous PeoplesEthnographic Research
Abstract Etymologically, ethnography comes from the Greek words ethnos (nation, people) and graphia (writing) and means therefore a written presentation of a people or a population and seeks to identify and interpret its universal traits.... more
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      DesignResearch MethodologyEthnographyDesign Research
The establishing of large churches in urban Metro Manila was a phenomenon that imperceptibly began in the 80s. After more than two decades, these large churches had become a permanent, visible, and influential feature of the church... more
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      Appreciative InquiryTheological EducationQualitative ResearchLeadership Development
The present article aims to analyse the photographic creations by Portuguese artist Cristina Rodrigues (b. 1980) which constitute the basis for her research on the rural areas of Portugal. Since 2007 Cristina Rodrigues has been... more
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      PhotographyRuralDesertificationEthnographic Methods
This paper deals with the person of sudetengerman ethnographic researcher Franz Josef Beranek and his research about the community of german speaking woodsmen-Huncokars. The first part is focused on the historico-geographical... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryEthnologyEthnographic Research
This study explores Religious culture and life centrally based on oracles and divinities, it takes a look at the continent of Africa. An alternative to ethnographic research on the case study of the Awon goddess of the Shao people of... more
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      EthnohistoryEthnographyEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)Ethnographic Research
This chapter focuses on the role of the Caballeros Templarios cartel in local governance from 2011 to 2013. I conducted thirteen months of fieldwork in Michoacán, spread out over five visits between 2013 and 2017. My hypothesis is that... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceState crimePolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of Political Violence
Many Saudis studying English suffer because of their inability to write well in English. There are few studies that examine the impact of first language and culture on the ability of Saudis to write in a second language. This study... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEthnographic ResearchArabic-speaking students
Nadine Gordimer's line about the difficulties of returning to "half-written letters" is used to frame anthropology's critique of "container cultures, " re: Cultural Studies. Anthropologists Lila Abu-Lughod and Kirin Narayan describe... more
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      Creative WritingCultural StudiesCommunicationEthnography
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryPolitical Sociology
In today’s rapidly changing, highly competitive world, product design requires swift translation of human needs and desires into technical specifications for the development of devices and services that meet those... more
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      BusinessDesignEthnographyService Design
This article argues that the works of Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman are complementary, specifically in their analyses of disciplinary power. This style of analysis is what Foucault calls a ‘micro-physics’ of power. Micro-physics is... more
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      Continental PhilosophyInstitutional TheoryMichel FoucaultFoucault (Research Methodology)
Liminality has the potential to be a leading paradigm for understanding transformation in a globalizing world. As a fundamental human experience, liminality transmits cultural practices, codes, rituals, and meanings in situations that... more
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      Political SociologySocial TheoryAnthropologyHistorical Anthropology
“Metaphysical Blending in Latino/a Botánicas in Dallas,” in Rethinking Latino/a Religion and Identity, Miguel A. De La Torre and Gastón Espinosa, eds. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2006
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      Latino/A StudiesSpiritualityPopular Culture and Religious StudiesLatino Studies
בנקודת המפגש בין אנתרופולוגיה ולימודי תרבות לבין מדעי היהדות, בוחנת אסופת המאמרים בספר זה את ה"טקסטואליות היהודית", דהיינו, את הפנייה לטקסט, ואת השימוש והמשמעות הסמלית המיוחסת לטקסט הדתי ביהדות לגווניה. המאמרים בוחנים כיצד קהילות יהודיות... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of ReligionJewish StudiesEthnography
The period after the Liberation of Bulgaria (1878) and up to the end of the 1920s is filled with events leading to significant refugee waves of Bulgarians to the country. This situation creates difficulties for the official authorities.... more
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      Ethnographic ResearchMacedoniaHistory of Sofia, BulgariaFraternity and Sorority Life
Ementa da disciplina: FLS 5282-1 – Antropologia Visual: políticas e poéticas da prática audiovisual Professores: Mihai Leaha e Vitor Grunvald N. de Créditos: 8 Carga Horária: 12 semanas (4h/semana de aula + horas extra de estudos e... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual AnthropologyMedia StudiesApplied, engaged, and public anthropology
This comparative research explored the mindset and performance of selected graduating students taking French as a second language. The study is anchored on two theories namely: Bronfenbrenner"s Ecological Systems" Theory and Krashen"s... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsTeachers' Motivation And Emotions For Professional DevelopmentCritical Thinking and CreativityNetnography (Research Methodology)
Queda permitida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento informático, siempre que sea sin ánimo de lucro, y con la cita explícita y completa de estos... more
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      Kabyle cultureEthnographic ResearchBerbèreLangues Berbères
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      Northern Ireland LiteratureSocial MovementsSocial TheoryIrish Studies
El estudio de la correspondencia entre los antropólogos Alfred Métraux (1902-1963) y Jules Henry (1904-1969) nos permite reconstruir la trastienda de la etnología chaqueña durante la década de 1930. Las cartas de ambos investigadores... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistory
This article reviews the historical and present prospects of ethnohistorical and ethnographic work in the South American Gran Chaco. Geographically the Chaco is a semi-arid central South American plain, some one million square kilometers... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultural Studies
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      Research MethodologyEthnographyFieldwork in AnthropologyEthnographic fieldwork
Paraskevas Potiropoulos, Recordings of refugee’s memories, transfers and transformations of cultural phenomena and practices: Asia Minor refugees in Attica on the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre’s Archive, Annual of the Hellenic... more
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      ArchivesOral History and MemoryEthnographic ResearchManuscripts
Resumen: los futuros de la etnografía están relacionados con cómo nos acercamos a los límites de la práctica etnográfica y de la disciplina antropológica. Dicho acercamiento se puede lograr al plantear nuevos tipos de preguntas y objetos... more
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      EpistemologyEthnographyEthnography (Research Methodology)Ethnographic fieldwork
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      Ethnographic ResearchKaraokePopular Music and Popular Culture, Critical Theory and Cultural StudiesQueer Theory and Queer Studies
The book is dedicated to the general and ethnocultural analysis of the world view, pantheon tungus-manchu people of Siberia and Far East in the XIX-XX centuries. Reconstruction of the general tungus high pantheon, typology and... more
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      EthnographyEthnographic Research
Ethnography is at the heart of social and cultural anthropology. This has been true since the inception of anthropology as a discipline in the nineteenth century. In one of its earliest forms, anthropology was called "ethnography," the... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyEthnographyQualitative methodology
This study is a theoretical analysis of two dimension of ethnography in social sciences, perceived as educational and re-educational ethnography, and related to three contexts of thinking of it as of a method, methodology and product from... more
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      Social SciencesQualitative methodologyEducational ResearchEthnography (Research Methodology)
invisible. About female Collectors and "colonial context" A survey of ethnographic collections with a “colonial context” shows almost exclusively male collectors' names including a few indigenous collectors. But were women really not... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryMuseum AnthropologyHistory of Collections
This is a review of Niloy Basu's book, "Launda Dancer" published by Anustup, Kolkata in 2020.
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      Queer StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer TheorySexuality
While also concerned with Norwegian seamanship, Wæhle’s chapter takes the reader to the colonisation of the vast area of the Congo and situates a few Norwegian traders of ethnographica within this myth-ridden aspect of colonialism.... more
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      Maritime HistoryAfrican HistoryEthnographic ResearchColonial History
Once thriving for being powerhouse of Ethiopian material and spiritual prosperity, today eastern communities are losing ground in many ways. Those cities and towns which were symbols virtually on every aspect of public life since the... more
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      Ethnographic fieldworkEthnographic Research
Dr. Amy Allocco's current research project is titled Domesticating the Dead: Invitation and Installation Rituals in Tamil South India. Her ethnography investigates the ongoing ritual relationships that Hindus maintain with their dead kin... more
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      HinduismEthnographic Fieldwork (Anthropology)South Asian ReligionsTamil Nadu
Este pequeño libro compila nueve conferencias, comunicaciones breves y entrevistas en las cuales Claude Lévi-Strauss despliega su particular visión del Japón. Los textos cubren temas tan disímiles como el arte, la técnica culinaria, la... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesComparative LiteratureAnthropology
African Americans and contemporary African migrants to the USA do not form a single “Black community”. Their relations are characterized by simultaneous mutual attraction and repulsion. Based on field evidence, the article discusses the... more
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      HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
In this article, I discuss the fact that doing “anthropology at home” involves the same core anthropological methodology as undertaking research abroad. This implies that while doing anthropology at home may have some advantages... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryEthnohistory
In the study of civil war it is widely believed that diasporas play a largely negative role by fueling rebellion. Many believe they harbor grievances from the homeland wars they flee and lack integration into hostland societies. Together... more
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      AnthropologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesGlobalization
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This article argues that the ambiguous status of a traveling ethnic group has implications for the state's interest in the assimilation of that group. The
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      Sex and GenderEthnographic ResearchGypsies & Travellers