I'm PhD student in Institute of ethnology and folklore studies with Ethnographic museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. I'm working on issues of urban culture, identity issues, visual anthropology and lately anthropology of disaster. I have participated in various regional and international projects related to the study of the history, culture and everyday life of different social groups. Currently I'm involved in a project on local disasters and quality of life.
Supervisors: Elya Tzaneva
Address: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum–BAS,
Moskovska 6a str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Supervisors: Elya Tzaneva
Address: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum–BAS,
Moskovska 6a str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
InterestsView All (16)
Papers by Stamen Kanev
природни бедствия. В такива ситуации кризата е продължителна. Тя
изисква ангажираността, подкрепата и усилията на много институции и хора, за да се преодолеят бързо и своевременно последиците. Първоначално текстът очертава основните характеристики на доброволчеството в историческа и съвременна перспектива. Акцентът е поставен върху наводненията в Аспарухово, Варна (2014 г.) и Берковица (2023 г.), които са причинени от проливни дъждове. Целта е да се покаже, че доброволческата дейност е фундаментална основа за
възстановяването на опустошено селище.
EN: This article explores the topic of volunteering after natural disasters. In such situations the crisis is prolonged. It requires the commitment, support and efforts of many institutions and people to overcome the consequences quickly and in a timely manner. Initially, the text outlines the main characteristics in a historical and contemporary perspective, which helps to provide a broader and clearer understanding of the role of volunteers. The focus is on the floods in Asparuhovo, Varna (2014) and
Berkovitsa (2023), which were caused by torrential rains. The aim is to show that volunteer work is the fundamental basis for the reconstruction of a devastated settlement.
музея и пр. Освен това на страниците на сборника са споделени актуални модели
на музейно-педагогически практики, които днес се прилагат както в музеите в
страната, така и в чужбина.
immediate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on everyday life.
The ethnographic data for the study was collected mainly from
citizens of Sofia. The study focuses on the individual experience
and reflection, provoked by the current situation.
The results of an online survey were used. The aim is not to
generalize and come to final conclusions. The dynamics of time
and the nature of the research do not allow for the linking of a few
dozen stories with the ‚bigger picture‘ in the country, the Balkan
region or the world.
The study of everyday life allows us to get into the depth of the
problem. Our daily habits and behavior are not only indicative
of individual life strategies, but are also a marker of societal
development. The following paper highlights some basic changes
in habits and behavior, home and leisure time and notes tentative
(1878) and up to the end of the 1920s is filled with events
leading to significant refugee waves of Bulgarians to the
country. This situation creates difficulties for the official
authorities. They are obliged to find a quick solution to the
refugees’ problems in regard to accommodation, provision
of arable land, education etc. Some of the refugees decided
to settle in Sofia. This text is aimed at finding the role of
some Macedonian fraternity activities in Sofia in the life of
migrants from Macedonia. In this publication I use part of
the results of ethnological research that was held this year
in several districts in Sofia. Also I attach excerpts of some
archives from Central State Archives in Sofia.
The first monument is located in the central part of Asparuhovo. He is
honoring the volunteers who help with recovery of the quarter. The other monument is located in the periphery of Asparuhovo and it is in memory of the victims of the flood. The author considers the two monument in the context of different strategies of communities is Asparuhovo for overcoming the crisis.
природни бедствия. В такива ситуации кризата е продължителна. Тя
изисква ангажираността, подкрепата и усилията на много институции и хора, за да се преодолеят бързо и своевременно последиците. Първоначално текстът очертава основните характеристики на доброволчеството в историческа и съвременна перспектива. Акцентът е поставен върху наводненията в Аспарухово, Варна (2014 г.) и Берковица (2023 г.), които са причинени от проливни дъждове. Целта е да се покаже, че доброволческата дейност е фундаментална основа за
възстановяването на опустошено селище.
EN: This article explores the topic of volunteering after natural disasters. In such situations the crisis is prolonged. It requires the commitment, support and efforts of many institutions and people to overcome the consequences quickly and in a timely manner. Initially, the text outlines the main characteristics in a historical and contemporary perspective, which helps to provide a broader and clearer understanding of the role of volunteers. The focus is on the floods in Asparuhovo, Varna (2014) and
Berkovitsa (2023), which were caused by torrential rains. The aim is to show that volunteer work is the fundamental basis for the reconstruction of a devastated settlement.
музея и пр. Освен това на страниците на сборника са споделени актуални модели
на музейно-педагогически практики, които днес се прилагат както в музеите в
страната, така и в чужбина.
immediate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on everyday life.
The ethnographic data for the study was collected mainly from
citizens of Sofia. The study focuses on the individual experience
and reflection, provoked by the current situation.
The results of an online survey were used. The aim is not to
generalize and come to final conclusions. The dynamics of time
and the nature of the research do not allow for the linking of a few
dozen stories with the ‚bigger picture‘ in the country, the Balkan
region or the world.
The study of everyday life allows us to get into the depth of the
problem. Our daily habits and behavior are not only indicative
of individual life strategies, but are also a marker of societal
development. The following paper highlights some basic changes
in habits and behavior, home and leisure time and notes tentative
(1878) and up to the end of the 1920s is filled with events
leading to significant refugee waves of Bulgarians to the
country. This situation creates difficulties for the official
authorities. They are obliged to find a quick solution to the
refugees’ problems in regard to accommodation, provision
of arable land, education etc. Some of the refugees decided
to settle in Sofia. This text is aimed at finding the role of
some Macedonian fraternity activities in Sofia in the life of
migrants from Macedonia. In this publication I use part of
the results of ethnological research that was held this year
in several districts in Sofia. Also I attach excerpts of some
archives from Central State Archives in Sofia.
The first monument is located in the central part of Asparuhovo. He is
honoring the volunteers who help with recovery of the quarter. The other monument is located in the periphery of Asparuhovo and it is in memory of the victims of the flood. The author considers the two monument in the context of different strategies of communities is Asparuhovo for overcoming the crisis.