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"The mausolea of communist leaders, a major component of Stalinist symbolic politics, are still shrouded in mystery. Some are destroyed, like Dimitrov’s in Sofia, Gottwald’s in Prague and Neto’s in Luanda. The Lenin mausoleum in Moscow is... more
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      Political TheoryCzech HistoryReligion and PoliticsPolitical Religion
published in: SOFIA – 120 YEARS AS CAPITAL OF BULGARIA. Jubilee Book. Sofia, Ed. house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2001, pp. 497-507. see also on the website of Sofia History Museum... more
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      19-20th Century (Architecture history)Bulgarian historyHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria19th and 20th century European art and architecture
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      Modernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)History of Sofia, BulgariaHistory of Bulgarian Architecture and Town Planning
RESURRECTING THE SPIRIT OF ANCIENT SERDICA Yulii Farkov and Dobrina Zheleva-Martins In early 2018, following the completion of the restoration of the ancient cultural and communication complex "Serdika", The Council of Ministers... more
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      History3d Reconstructions in ArchaeologyHistory of Sofia, BulgariaArchaeology and Museology
Addressing the question of what was essentially socialist about the socialist city, this paper looks for its specificity beyond the sheer urbanist artifact – the urban layout and the architectural form – into the political economy that... more
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      Urban HistoryHousing PolicyBureaucracyPostwar reconstruction
One discussion silver coin –archaic type from VI BC Lubomir Vassilev Abstract: This paper discusses one very rare early silver coin from the first-second half of VI century BC from the teritorry of Modern Bulgaria (from Sofia or its’... more
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      BulgariaTurkeyAchaemenid PersiaBulgarian history
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      LawInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyStatistics
"Little Russia" on yellow paving stones The book is dedicated to the history of the presence of Russian emigrants in the capital of Bulgaria, their influence on the cultural and scientific life, historical routes, where they lived and... more
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      History of RussiaHistory of Sofia, BulgariaSlavic Studies, Russian Studies, Literature and Cultural History of Gulag and Political Repressions In URSS; Literature and Culture of Russian Post-revolutionnary Emigration; Theory of Literature
Major General Stoyan Stoyanov (1913–1997) was the most successful Bulgarian fighter pilot in history. With his Messerschmitt Bf 109 he achieved fifteen air victories against the British and American aircraft, which invaded the Bulgarian... more
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      Military HistoryArchivesWorld War IIFighter Pilot
Paşa (Sofya) ve Vize Livâları ile Sağkol Kazâları (Edirne, Dimetoka, Ferecik, Keşan, Kızıl-ağaç,
Zağra-i Eski-hisâr, İpsala, Filibe, Tatar-bâzârı, Samakov, Üsküb, Kalkan-delen, Kırçova,
Manastır, Pirlepe ve Köprülü)
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      Ottoman HistoryBulgariaOttoman BalkansBulgarian history
The publication includes documents from the period 1951–1954, related to the so-called Socialist reconstruction of the Sofia city centre, initiated by the then-head of the Bulgarian Communist Party Valko Chervenkov. It is designed in the... more
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      History of architectureHistory of CommunismHistory of Sofia, BulgariaHistory of Architecture and Town Planning
The period after the Liberation of Bulgaria (1878) and up to the end of the 1920s is filled with events leading to significant refugee waves of Bulgarians to the country. This situation creates difficulties for the official authorities.... more
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      Ethnographic ResearchMacedoniaHistory of Sofia, BulgariaFraternity and Sorority Life
THE HISTORICAL TIME OF SOFIA'S CENTRAL SQUARE An Abstract Architect Dobrina Zheleva-Martins, PhD Center for Architectural Studies Bulgarian Academy of Sciences In his famous book The Absent Structure, Umberto Eco writes that, "semiotics... more
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      History of Sofia, BulgariaArchitecture and Urban Planning
Examples of Missionary Articles about the Ottoman Bulgarians
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryMissionary History
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      HistoryHistoriographyHistory of ScienceHistory of Historiography
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryUrban StudiesPublic Space
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      Ottoman HistoryEuropean CatholicismBalkan StudiesBalkan History
The objective of this paper is to illustrate the parable of the ring narrated in Act III of the play, 'Nathan the Wise' by Lessing as a valid metaphor to comprehend the spirit of this national capital. The play is developed around this... more
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      South East European StudiesBulgariaUrbanismOttoman Balkans
This paper outlines some preliminary findings of a larger, ongoing study of the changing housing regime during Bulgaria's transition from socialism to post-socialism, with a special focus on the Bulgarian Roma minority and the city of... more
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      Urban HistoryGypsy AnthropologyUrban PlanningUrban Studies
Полиграфически комбинат-София През 2015 г. списание "Християнство и култура" излиза в 10 броя и се подготвя от два редакционни екипа. Редакционният екип с главен редактор Момчил Методиев в състав В. Домусчиева, Д. Спасов, и Т. Николов... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of CommunismHistory of Sofia, BulgariaHistory of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church
The article review two pierced silver coins from 16th century - 3 groschen of Stephen Bathory(1576-1586) for Lithuania struck in 1580(very rare type!) and 3 groschen of Stephen Bathory(1576-1586) for Riga, struck in 1583 - and the both... more
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      Polish HistoryBulgariaOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
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      South East European StudiesSpace and PlaceBalkan StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
В болгарской истории период от освобождения страны в 1878 г. и до так называемых «войн за национальное объединение» 1912–1918 гг. является периодом поступательного развития, нацеленного на вхождение в Европу. Одним из признаков... more
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      Urban StudiesBulgarian history19. and early 20. century Ottoman modernizationSofia
The dissertation explores the changing political ideal of the socialist city as it was articulated in the socialist reconstruction of Sofiaits blueprint and plans as well as their incomplete realizationsthroughout the Cold War era.... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryCold War and CulturePublic Space
Църквата „Св. Богородица Живоносен източник” в квартал Подуяне на град София представлява триконхалнен куполен храм с многостенна апсида от изток и притвор от запад. Иконостасът е изработен през 1883 г. и изписан от Никола Доспевски и... more
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      ChurchesHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria
Český podíl na procesu modernizace jihovýchodní Evropy (Czech Contribution to the Process of Modernization in Southeastern Europe). The chapter, part of a collective monograph dedicated to multiple transformations and modernization of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEastern European StudiesInternational Relations
The book analyzes various periods of the 8,000-year biography of the Bulgarian capital city. It is the product of a holistic approach with interdisciplinary analyses from various perspectives aimed at producing a stereo shot of the... more
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    • History of Sofia, Bulgaria
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      Ottoman BalkansHistory of Sofia, BulgariaEarly medieval Bulgaria
„Битката за София” е част от военните и дипломатически усилия на българската държава да задържи своята територия и население извън обхвата на реалните бойни действия по време на Втората световна война. Тя продължава от октомври 1943 г. до... more
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      Second World WarWorld War IISecond World War (History)World War II history
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      Ottoman BalkansHistory of Sofia, BulgariaOttoman Sofia
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      ByzantiumUnicodeOld Bulgarian LiteratureMedieval Bulgaria
The study was published: Zheleva-Martins, Dobrina, “Sofia in the contecst of Balkan cultural corridors”, In: “The Dialogwith the Oder: Balkan Dimentions of European Identity”, “St.Kliment Ohridski” University Press,Sofia, 2011, pp... more
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      Balkan StudiesSofiaCultural CorridorsHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria
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      EpistemologyBalkan StudiesBulgarian historyHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria
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      Armenian HistoryHistory of ancient ThraceHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria
В статията преглеждам и анализирам историческите и културните фактори, които имат значение за обособяването на днешния столичен квартал " Горна баня " като един от центровете за почивка и лечение в близост до София. Проучвам въздействието... more
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      Urban HistoryModernizationPublic BathsHistory of Sofia, Bulgaria
In this paper the history of the Court House in Sofia is followed through series of interventions, reconstructions, restorations in the interior spaces of the building. Its architecture is connected with the work of many Bulgarian... more
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      SocialismsEastern European historyArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)