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76564 MM Shabits Exhibition Guide A5 40pp Inner.indd 7 03/10/2017 07:25
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtSyriaCuratorial Practice (Art)
Carolyn Riccardelli, Jennifer Mass, Jonathan Thornton
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      Egyptian Faience GlazingEgyptian Faience
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      Ceramic TechnologyEgyptAncient Egyptian HistoryEgyptian Faience Glazing
This chapter, written for Zeev Herzog’s publication of his Iron IIA-B excavations at Tel Beersheva, describes four Egyptian faience amulets, the rim of a vessel made of Egyptian blue, five Egyptian and locally-made Egyptian-style ceramic... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyEgypt and CanaanThird Intermediate PeriodAncient Egyptian Art and Archaeology
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesAegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsCross-cultural interaction (Archaeology)Mediterranean archaeology
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      SCORPIONSSekhmetAncient Gems and FingerringsEgyptian Faience
Uno de los materiales más bellos y emblemáticos del Egipto faraónico es la llamada “fayenza egipcia”, la cual se utilizó profusamente para elaborar innumerables objetos que, a pesar de los miles de años transcurridos, aún conservan su... more
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      EgyptologyExperimental ArchaeologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
Ptolemaic and Roman faience vessels emerged from a long Egyptian tradition and their presence at Naukratis reflects the continued popularity of faience vessels within Egyptian society until the beginning of the 3rd century AD. However,... more
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      Roman PotteryFaienceCeramic Glaze TechnologyPtolemaic pottery
Es handelt sich um die publizierte Version des Vortrages, den der Autor auf Einladung von Dr. Βασίλης Χρυσικόπουλος, Präsident der Ελληνική Εταιρεία Μελέτης Αρχαίας Αιγύπτου, am 29.6.2012 Im National Museum von Athen gehalten hat. Die... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyAncient Mediterranean ReligionsMediterranean archaeology
En Ibiza la arqueología ha deparado un buen número de hallazgos de amuletos de iconografía egipcia fundamentalmente localizados en contextos fenicio-púnicos. En dicho conjunto destacan por su abundancia y calidad aquellos que presentan el... more
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      MagicPhoenician Punic ArchaeologySoapstonePhoenician and egyptian amulets
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian FaienceAncient Faience and Viteous paste
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      Ancient Egyptian MagicGreek SicilyAegyptiaca in ItalyAegyptiaca in the Mediterranean
This paper deals with the meanings of faience in Egypt during the Old Kingdom. First, the analysis presents its most ancient uses and the terms employed for describing this material. The study continues with the main uses of that material... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)FaienceLate Bronze Age
Excavations in the area of tomb MMA 1152 at Sheikh Abd el-Gurna, conducted since 2003, have uncovered a substantial set of faience objects coming from burials made there during the later Pharaonic Period, before the tomb became a... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyEgyptMiddle Kingdom necropoleis (Egyptology)
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      Aegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsMediterranean archaeologyIoniaAmulets
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      ArchaeologyUrban HistoryArchitectural HistoryCross-cultural interaction (Archaeology)
Dedicamos este artículo a la profesora Catalina Galán, en reconocimiento a su generosa dedicación a la vida uni-versitaria y a la investigación. Resumen En momentos tempranos del Tercer Período Intermedio 2 se documenta en Egipto un... more
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      Ancient Egyptian IconograpyEgyptian Third Intermediate PeriodEgyptian Faience
A number of experiments has been conducted to replicate ancient Egyptian faience for past decades, but none succeeded in making 3D shape that 'stands' upright. This failure was due to selection of ingredients. The author tested a number... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyAncient Technology (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyFaience
The hundreds of faience shabtis in an individual Late Period burial demanded a significant production effort within a workshop. Petrie’s discovery of thousands of molds for small faience objects in Amarna (1891-92) and Memphis (1908-13)... more
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      HistoryAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyShabtisEgyptian Faience
Il contributo presenta il terzo rapporto di lavoro del progetto di ricerca „Materiali di tipo egizio nella Sicilia greca e d’influsso greco durante l’Età del Ferro (VIII-VI sec. a.C.)”. Nelle prime campagne di lavoro (marzo e luglio 1997)... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologySicilyAegyptiaca in Italy
The complex nature of the interactions between Egypt and its Nubian neighbors is reflected in the most telling way in the material culture of both cultures developed, in particular within the medium of what is known as “Egyptian faience,”... more
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      KermaNubian Studies and EgyptologyEgyptian FaienceNubian Archaeology
Among the very rich material from the archaic deposits of the three sanctuaries of Athena in Camiros, Lindos and Ialysos, as well as different rhodian necropolis, a particular set of faience vases and figurines can be distinguished from... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyFaienceFunerary PracticesRhodes
BibliograWsche Information Der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen NationalbibliograWe; detaillierte bibliograWsche Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesAegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsCross-cultural interaction (Archaeology)Ancient Egyptian Magic
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      25th Dynasty (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAmun-ReVotive offerings
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesAncient ReligionAegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsAegean Archaeology
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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient GlassGreek burial praticesAncient Greek Pottery
The faience of the New Kingdom period is frequently decorated with an expanded palette of red, black, and yellow. This polychrome decoration was often accomplished by inlaying one color of paste into another. The aesthetic success of... more
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      Optical microscopyEgyptian Faience GlazingCross SectionEgyptian Faience
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      Aegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsMycenaean era archaeologyAegyptiaca in the MediterraneanEgyptian Faience
In this paper we review a saite New Year Flask housed at the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid). It was purchased in 1879 by the Museum from an Italian collector, monsignore Pietro Taggiasco who -most probably- had adquired this item... more
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      Etruscan ArchaeologySaite PeriodEtruscan TombsEtruscan studies
Ancient Egyptian faience was glazed using three techniques that play an important role in its structural fragility. To improve mechanical stability, consolidation treatment using a resin may be required. Because each glazing method... more
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      Scanning Electron MicroscopyAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageNeutron tomography
If you know me -either in real life or just through my activities online -you'll be aware (possibly to the point of exasperation) that I'm obsessed with archaeology. You'll probably also know that my main area of interest is Irish... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyEgyptologyPrehistoric Archaeology
ABSTRACT: This report summarizes the findings of the summer 2000 excavation season at Tell Tebilla (Ancient Ro-nefer) in the northeast Delta, Egypt (fig. 1), including the results of Dr. Pavlish's coring across the site. The coring at... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyCross-Cultural Studies
The article deals with the finds of Egyptian faience in the settlements on the northern boundary of the nomadic world. These items are among the findings associated with the Sarmatian female subculture. It is not excluded that the... more
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      Eurasian NomadsBlack Sea regionSarmatiansEgyptian Faience
Foundation deposit items in the Brooklyn Museum thought to come from the Amenhotep II temple northeast of the Giza sphinx are the focus of this study. Most items name Harmakhis, but six of the twelve faience bricks name Hauron. The... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient Canaanite ReligionFoundation DepositsEgyptian Faience
Between the eight and the sixth century BCE, the western Mediterranean was fervent with activities, as traders coming from the eastern part of the sea started sailing those waters. Trading routes and cities were then frequented by people... more
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      Egyptian ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyAncient SicilyMozia
The paper provides a brief summary of origins and making techniques of Egyptian faience. Finds from Bohemia dated to the Roman Period, i. e. beads and a pendant, are presented, including their find circumstances. The artefacts are put... more
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      BohemiaRoman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Faience
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      Aegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsRhodesAegyptiaca in the MediterraneanEgyptian Faience
The excavations in the ancient city of Akhetaten at Tell El-Amarna in Egypt produced countless artefacts and fragments of brightly coloured material, known in Egyptology as ‘faience’, in addition to thousands of terracotta moulds for... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyVisual Communication
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      Aegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsIoniaAmuletsEphesos
A review of the faience found at the site of Kerma demonstrates an innovative, local re-engineering of the material in the late Second Intermediate Period
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      KermaEgypt and NubiaAncient Egyptian interconnectionsEgyptian Faience
Faience beads in the form of jewels, which decorated the bodies of the deceased, represent a regular constituent of the burial equipment of officials, priests and their families in the Old Kingdom period. While most tombs were robbed... more
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      Old Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient jewelleryAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyFaience
ABSTRACT: A review of the multi-authored, final publication of the Late Bronze Age to early Iron Age Egyptian garrison at Beth Shan (in northern Palestine; Canaan), including a fort tower, some Egyptian and Egyptian-type residences,... more
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      Military HistoryEgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyMilitary Architecture
The production methods for ancient Egyptian faience were investigated by Tite et al. in the 1980s using microprobe analysis of the composition of the glass phases and imaging of the microstructure in polished sections using scanning... more
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      MicrostructureArchaeological ScienceOptical coherence tomographyFaience
In November 2019, the author had a chance to examine one of the jewelry (SR6009, CG53018) of Khnumit from Dahshur as a part of a joint program between Egyptian and Japanese research on ancient craft technology . In this article, the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyByblosEgyptian FaienceAncient Egyptian glass
This contribution will be an overview of the faïence and glass materials found by the archaeologists of University of Salento in the Graeco-Roman site of Soknopaiou Nesos, today known as Dime es-Seba. Since 2004, the intensive field... more
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptFaienceRoman Glass, Glass TechnologyEgyptian Faience Glazing
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Egyptian ArchaeologyEgypt
Acknowledgement: We are fully indebted to The Ohara Museum of Art, for a generous permission to analyze precious objects and to publish the result for the AIHV 2015 poster presentation.
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      Egyptian Faience GlazingEgyptian FaienceAncient Faience and Viteous paste
Typological and Scientific Observations on Udjat Eyes in Ohara
Museum of Art
– New Insight on the tradition of coloring mixtures during the Third
Intermediate Period to the Late Period-
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      Egyptian Faience GlazingEgyptian FaienceAncient Pyrotechnologies
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      Roman GlassFaienceEgyptian FaienceGreek and Roman Egypt