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I am a retired scientist with a PhD and DSc in medical biochemistry, not an Egyptologist. I learned about Egyptology by visiting repeatedly the best Egyptian museums worldwide (the Cairo Museum, the Metropolitan Museum, the Brooklyn... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyAmuletsEgyptian Faience Glazing
Dopo un'esauriente introduzione al patrimonio culturale egizio dell'Italia meridionale dal X al VI secolo a.C. il volume offre un quadro completo degli oggetti di produzione egizia ed egittizzante rinvenuti negli scavi archeologici... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionMediterranean StudiesPopular Culture and Religious StudiesArchaeology of Southern Italy
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Ein Charakteristikum der ägyptischen erzählenden Literatur der Spätzeit ist ihre Tendenz, ursprünglich historische Ereignisse in einer Art aufzubereiten, die in den Bereich historischer Romane zweifelhafter Detailtreue oder gar dezidiert... more
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    • History
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      MathematicsProduct DesignProduct Lifecycle ManagementManufacturing Engineering
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      HistoryArt HistoryAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyShabtis
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPalestinePottery
A number of small collections of Egyptian amulets were acquired in the 20th C. by the institution that became known as the Powerhouse Museum. The pieces presented in this catalogue come from five different sources which are reflected in... more
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      AmuletsMuseum CollectionsLate Period in ancient EgyptEgyptian Faience
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      Computer ScienceProduct Lifecycle Management
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A statue base from Lindos comprising two newly joined fragments (I.Lindos II, 107 and IG XII 1, 822) shows that in the 3rd century BC two priests of Athena Lindia bore the name Euphrantidas.
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      ArtHistorical StudiesStatue
This analysis of the faiences found at Kerma from Reisner's excavations has been many years waiting for completion and publication. Since a number of articles based on this work have already appeared and there is great interest in it, it... more
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      Nubian-Egyptian RelationsKermaEgyptian Faience
These are illustrations to the draft article on Kerma Faience
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      Nubian-Egyptian RelationsKermaEgyptian Faience
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It was in 2012 that the University of Tübingen started the proper excavation of the temple of King Ptolemy XII at Athribis. This temple was reused for many years during the Late Roman (Coptic) and medieval (Islamic) periods until its... more
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      Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyBeadsGlass BeadsAncient Glass Beads
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingLiDAROil Spill
A la hora de realizar una investigación en arqueología, todos los jóvenes investigadores nos hemos enfrentado en general a los mismos problemas. El acceso a las fuentes de información, informes arqueológicos e incluso al objeto... more
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      Museum StudiesCultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesSymbolism (Art History)
Knowledge processing by CAD systems poses challenging problems for the e缶 cient integra − tion of design and construc 七 ion processes , While CAD systems have been applied to variouB phases of building construction to improve produc 七... more
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A Sindrome dos Ovarios Policisticos e uma doenca endocrina complexa que tem como elementos principais hiperandrogenismo e anovulacao cronica. Caracteriza-se por sinais de irregularidade menstrual, amenorreia, hirsutismo, acne, alopecia e... more
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    • Medicine
This paperaims to elucidate the prQcess ofprototype generationin Le Corbusier ' sarchitectural work for ta Tourette. He pr 〔) jectS universal architectural fbrms on varioussites , strategically adaptingthese general patterns to each... more
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La «piedra Marés» es un fragmento rocoso conservado en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional que presenta cinco antropomorfos esquemáticos, pintados en color rojo, de posible atribución neolítica. El fragmento se produjo por arranque de un... more
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      Quaternary GeologyArte Esquemático
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      ArchaeologyArtAmerican Archaeology
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    • Fluorite
En las páginas que siguen planteamos la identificación de dos variantes tipológicas de los amuletos convencionalmente denominados "cipos" con ciertas arquitecturas de carácter simbólico. En primer lugar, proponemos la correspondencia... more
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Resumen: En esta pequeña digresión en homenaje a mi querida amiga Paloma Cabrera, se abordan tres importantes colecciones constituidas en el siglo xix. La primera, reunida por João Allen en el contexto de su Grand Tour a Italia, es la... more
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      Greek VasesGreek Art
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      HistoryImaging technology
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      ArtAncient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian IconograpyEgyptian Third Intermediate Period
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Abstract;Service Engineering is a new engineering idea which aims at increasing service and knowledge contents of added values generated in product life cycle. This report focuses on a service modeling method which is needed in the first... more
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    • Computer Science
Chapters by McGovern; Holbl; Tite Bimson and Freestone; Kleinmann; Webb; Cable and Smedley; Bimson; Freestone
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      Ancient Glass AnalysisEgyptian Faience GlazingFaience, Egyptian Faience, Polychrome Faience, The International Style, Late Bronze Age archaeology, Near Eastern archaeology, Cypriot archaeology
Chapters by Peltenburg; Reade; Tite Bimson and Cowell; Caubet and Kaczmarczyk; Foster; Mazzoni; Vandiver and Kingery
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      Ancient Glass AnalysisEgyptian Faience GlazingAncient Faience and Viteous pasteAncient Egyptian Pigments
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    • Environmental Science
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    • Physics
Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos... more
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      ArtIlu. Revista De Ciencias De Las Religiones
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    • Computer Science
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    • Mathematics
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    • Computer Science
In this paper, the output regulation problem for nonlinear systems is considered. It is known that, this problem is solvable iff there exists a solution of partial differential-algebraic equation (PDAE) associated with the dynamics and... more
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Multi-agent techniques are expected to develop flexible systems forr utilization in environmental situations, which change complicatedly and continuously-especially, rescue systems in large-scale disasters enabling reductions of damage... more
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    • Computer Science
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