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      TrustGreen MarketingTraditional Environmental KnowledgeGreen Consumerism
Eko-etiket sistemi, tüketiciler için tasarlanmış olup, daha yeşil ürün ve hizmetleri ayırt edebilmelerine yardımcı olmak amacıyla başlatılmış gönüllülük esasına dayanan bir sertifikalandırma uygulamasıdır. Çevre etiketi (Eko- etiket),... more
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      Eco LabellingEcolabelling
Voluntary labeling improves market efficiency if consumers receive the product characteristics they demand and producers are compensated for producing these characteristics. For this to occur, label claims have to be truthful, credible,... more
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      EconomicsFood LabelingEco LabellingAntibiotics
The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to explore the concept of consumers’ perception of sustainable wine and second ,to investigate different clusters based on three factors identified (belief about environmental protection,... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentConsumer BehaviorWine EconomicsWTP Global Label market to grow at a CAGR of 4.13 percent over the period 2014-2018. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increasing demand for... more
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      Mining Multi-label DataMarketing ResearchMulti-label learningProduct Labeling
Due to increasing threats to environment such as global warming and depletion of Ozone layer, countries have woken up to the fact that there is immediate need to develop policies for protection of environment. One such type of policy is... more
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityEco Labelling
Increasingly, consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about the environment and reflecting this knowledge in their decisions to buy green products. While previous research on the topic has generally examined green consumption related to... more
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      TrustGreen MarketingTraditional Environmental KnowledgeGreen Consumerism
The latest statistics reveal that Australia now has more certified organic agriculture hectares than the rest of the world put together. Organics is a major success story for Australia and the achievement of global majority (51%) is an... more
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      Food SafetyAustralian StudiesEnvironmental StudiesOrganic agriculture
Quinoa farmers in San Agustín, Bolivia face the dilemma of producing for a growing international market while defending their community interests and resources, meeting their basic household needs, and making a profit. Farmers responded... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyDevelopment StudiesPolitical Ecology
Atualmente os ecossistemas marinhos sofrem as consequências das atividades antrópicas e de anos sobreexploração, por isso a gestão da pesca se voltou nas últimas décadas para a exploração sustentável dos recursos pesqueiros, utilizando... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable DevelopmentConsumer BehaviorSustainable Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture
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      Environmental SustainabilityProduct LabelingEco Labelling
This opinion article addresses the implications of recent EU regulations on alcoholic drinks labeling for regional development. In March 2017, the European Commission released a report requiring the mandatory labeling of ingredients and... more
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      European StudiesFood SafetyEuropean LawConsumers & Consumption
an Environmental Management
System infobooklet for small
and medium enterprises
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      Environmental ManagementCorporate SustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental reporting
Il saggio, a partire dal riconoscimento della difficile comprensione e valutazione della sostenibilità nel settore edilizio, propone un excursus commentato dei protocolli e delle normative internazionali oltre che dei documenti nazionali... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable DesignEco Labelling
Thirty-seven products were labelled to indicate embodied carbon emissions and sales were recorded over a 3-month period. Green (below average), yellow (near average) and black (above average) footprints indicated carbon emissions embodied... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsEmission reductionConsumer Policy
Green Food is a Chinese eco-certification scheme for food. It certifies both the production process and the outcome. Green Food is produced with a controlled and reduced use of pesticides, together with a testing regime for pesticide... more
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      Asian StudiesFood SafetyOrganic agricultureSustainable agriculture
While prior ecolabel research suggests that consumers’ trust of ecolabel sponsors is associated with their purchase of ecolabeled products, we know little about how third-party certification might relate to consumer purchases when trust... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionEcolabelConsumer BehaviorConsumer Research
This paper investigates the factors associated with the (non)adoption of eco-certification among the nature-based tourism companies in the Scandinavian region. Previous research suggested that the popularity of tourism eco-certification... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingEco Labelling
Purpose – This paper aims to explore the potential for the labelling of the water footprint of products in an Australian context. It considers theoretical contribution and technical challenges of water labelling and in particular how... more
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      Water accountingEco LabellingCorporate Water Stewardship
In the five decades since Vance Packard published The Waste Makers (1960), planned product obsolescence has developed in many subtle and sophisticated ways. Yet its social and environmental impact remains largely unacknowledged; planned... more
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      MarketingIndustrial EcologyPolitical EcologyEcological Economics
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      Environmental ManagementEU LawPublic ProcurementEco Labelling
Our review explores the role of quality conventions that have emerged since the 'quality turn' in the food sector. By examining how the 'quality turn' contributes to transforming the wine sector, it asks whether the labeling systems seek... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingWine EconomicsFood MarketingFood Quality and Safety
Eco-certifications have become an important site of power struggles in commodity sectors such as forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, palm oil, and soy. In each, multiple eco-certification initiatives have been developed and resisted through... more
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      Political EconomyGovernanceFisheries ManagementTerritoriality
Policy makers and their advisors are developing an increasingly sophisticated understanding of what influences consumer behaviour; this can feed through into the design and use of energy labels. This paper examines one area of research,... more
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      Energy efficiencyEco LabellingTransport Energy Efficiency
Obiettivo del paper. Obiettivo del lavoro è illustrare il ruolo e le potenzialità delle certificazioni ambientali all'interno delle politiche di comunicazione dei territori a vocazione turistica. Dopo una prima parte di carattere teorico,... more
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      Sustainable TourismSustainable Tourism CertificationEco LabellingBlue Flag
The number of eco-labeling schemes is rising dramatically, yet the rigor and credibility of such schemes remains uneven. Whereas some eco-labeling organizations (ELOs) comply with best practice guidelines designed to increase the... more
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      Best PracticesGlobal Environmental GovernancePrivate AuthorityEco Labelling
No uniform law for regulating the toxicity or labeling of fertilizers exists. Rather, myriad hazardous waste laws and regulatory bodies are responsible for various aspects of the practice of recycling industrial waste into fertilizers,... more
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      Food SafetyEnvironmental StudiesOrganic agricultureEnvironmental Policy and Governance
‘‘Eco-labels’’ are an increasingly important form of private regulation for sustainability in areas such as carbon emissions, water consumption, ethical sourcing, or organic produce.The growing interest and popularity of eco-labels has... more
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      Eco LabellingCertificationVoluntary StandardsFSC
The rise of global sustainability standards has led to an energetic discussion about their consequences and outcomes. Almost all standards today are built around ‘technology-based’ indicators, which prescribe certain practices assumed to... more
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      ManagementPerformance StudiesMetricsStandards
The wine industry in Ontario is relatively young when compared to many of the wine regions worldwide and in recent decades has working to improve their reputation on in the global market by improving the quality of their wines, developing... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentConsumer BehaviorEnergy and EnvironmentEnvironmental Sustainability
The limitations of market driven sustainability: The case of environmental management systems for food production in Australia.
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      Environmental MarketingKey wordsEco LabellingEms
RESUMO A maioria das edificações brasileiras possui baixo desempenho energé-tico, pois elas sempre receberam pouca (ou nenhuma) atenção quanto à eficiência energética. O intenso uso da energia elétrica com sistemas de cli-matização e... more
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      Energy efficiencyTourism and Hotel ManagementEco Labelling
Quinoa farmers in San Agustı ´n, Bolivia face the dilemma of producing for a growing international market while defending their community interests and resources, meeting their basic household needs, and making a profit. Farmers responded... more
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      EconomicsAnthropologyPolitical EcologyAgrarian Studies
Obiettivo del paper . Obiettivo del lavoro e illustrare il ruolo e le potenzialita delle certificazioni ambientali all’interno delle politiche di comunicazione dei territori a vocazione turistica. Dopo una prima parte di carattere... more
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      Sustainable TourismSustainable Tourism CertificationEco LabellingBlue Flag
Resumo: Após a incorporação do conceito Brundtland de desenvolvimento sustentável pela sociedade durante a Rio 92, o desafio a partir de então passou a ser como colocá-lo em prática no contexto das 179 nações signatárias e, no caso das... more
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      Energy Efficiency in BuildingsEco Labelling
The limitations of market driven sustainability: The case of environmental management systems for food production in Australia.
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      Environmental MarketingKey wordsEco LabellingEms
Obiettivo del paper . Obiettivo del lavoro e illustrare il ruolo e le potenzialita delle certificazioni ambientali all’interno delle politiche di comunicazione dei territori a vocazione turistica. Dopo una prima parte di carattere... more
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      Sustainable TourismSustainable Tourism CertificationEco LabellingBlue Flag
Most Brazilian buildings have low performance in terms of energy, since they received little attention (or none) concerning energy efficiency. In 2009, new perspectives to change this situation emerged, due to an initiative by the Federal... more
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      Energy efficiencyTourism and Hotel ManagementEco Labelling
This book provides an analysis of the politics of consumption and how the ‘educated consumer’ plays a vital role in advancing responsible market practices and consumption. Based on a comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective, it... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityPolitical CultureGreen Consumer BehaviorPolitical consumerism
Timber certification is not expected to provide for Tropical Timber significant commercial Certification? benefits to developing countries in the near future. Revenues from certification Panayotis N. Varangis are limited by the share of... more
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      Economic policyPrice ElasticityDeveloping CountryForest Management
This study provides insights into young consumers’ responses to sustainable labels. Drawing on signaling theory, the article studies how third-party labels (TPLs) act and interact with company-level claims, trying to better understand... more
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      MarketingPsychologyGreen MarketingMarketing Research
Fairtrade retail sales increased by 12.1% in the UK while organics sales decreased by 12.9% in 2009. This paper examines the lessons that the organics sector might usefully draw from the successful experiences of the Fairtrade movement.... more
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureAnthropology of FoodGreen Marketing
As a typical consumer, it is difficult to estimate the long term environmental and economic consequences housing type and household location will have when both home and associated transportation costs are to be considered jointly. Were... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentLife Cycle AssessmentTransit oriented developmentEco Labelling
As a typical consumer, it is difficult to estimate the long term environmental and economic consequences housing type and household location will have when both home and associated transportation costs are to be considered jointly. Were... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTransit oriented developmentEco LabellingLife Cycle Assessment ( LCA )