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Ich übergebe euch dieses Büchelchen als einen Spiegel um hinein nach euch und nicht als eine Lorgnette um dadurch und nach andern zu sehen. » Lichtenberg, D 617 « Ich soll nur der Spiegel sein, in welchem mein Leser sein eigenes Denken... more
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      First-Person MethodologiesWittgensteinLater WittgensteinThought-Experiments
Dans le cadre de leur interprétation phénoménologique de la pensée de Wittgenstein, Jaakko et Merrill B. Hintikka ont proposé un argument concernant la nature des objets de l’ontologie du Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Selon eux, les... more
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      PhenomenologyWittgensteinLater WittgensteinPhénoménologie
A critical review of Wittgenstein's 'On Certainty' which he wrote in 1950-51 and was first published in 1969. Most of the review is spent presenting a modern framework for philosophy (the descriptive psychology of higher order... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceAnthropologyEnglish Literature
This paper's aim is to critically analyze Wittgenstein's arguments against traditional philosophy. It is possible to identify three arguments against it in Wittgenstein's work: (1) The tractarian critique of the metaphysical necessary... more
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      PhilosophyWittgensteinLater WittgensteinEarly Wittgenstein
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      Modal LogicPossible World SemanticsTractatus Logico-PhilosophicusDeontic Logic
I start with some famous comments by the philosopher (psychologist) Ludwig Wittgenstein because Pinker shares with most people (due to the default settings of our evolved innate psychology) certain prejudices about the functioning of the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
One of the reasons colours, or better the conceptual organisation of the colour system, could be relevant to the philosophy of logic is that they necessitate some mutilation of truth tables by restricting truth functionality. This paper... more
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      Philosophy of LogicWittgensteinHistory of PhilosophyHistory and Philosophy of Logic
The paper argues that philosophers commonly misidentify the substitutivity principle involved in Russell’s puzzle about substitutivity in “On Denoting” (the so-called "George IV puzzle"). This matters because when that principle is... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageBertrand RussellGottlob FregePropositions
Abstracts for 20 papers to be discussed at a symposium on Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933, From the Notes of G. E Moore, edited by David Stern, Brian Rogers, and Gabriel Citron. The symposium will be held at the University... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageAestheticsPhilosophy Of MathematicsPhilosophy of Logic
Nel 1949 Wittgenstein stava lavorando all’ultima parte delle Ricerche filosofiche e durante una conversazione con Maurice Drury disse: «Nel libro mi è impossibile dire una sola parola su tutto quello che la musica ha significato nella mia... more
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      MusicAestheticsPhilosophy of MusicMusic Aesthetics
ABSTRACT: One of the main challenges faced by Russell’s theory of judgment was to provide a satisfactory account of judgment that was not committed to the existence of true, false or inexistent complex entities such as Meinongian... more
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      Bertrand RussellAlexius MeinongTheory of JudgmentEarly Wittgenstein
This is a section from Chapter 1 of my MLitt thesis.
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      Philosophical LogicPhilosophy of Language (esp. Wittgenstein, Rule-following, and the Normativity of Meaning)Early Wittgenstein
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      Religious LanguageWittgensteinTractatus Logico-PhilosophicusReligious Belief
I argue that Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgment was NOT refuted by Wittgenstein’s famous criticisms of it. Russell's theory only came back strengthened as a higher-order theory of belief, a theory which still merits attention... more
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      WittgensteinBertrand RussellEarly Wittgenstein
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up.  Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageKantMetaphilosophy
This paper aims to a comparative investigation on Wittgenstein’s approaches to philosophical propositions. These approaches will take place in Wittgenstein’s two main philosophical works, namely, his Tractatus logico-philosophicus and his... more
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinEarly Wittgenstein
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of LanguageHistory of Analytic Philosophy
The article presents a first part of an interpretation of the intention of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. The intention itself used to be considered a rather marginal topic until so called new-Wittgensteinian interpretations. The present... more
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      WittgensteinResolute Reading of Wittgenstein's TractatusEarly Wittgenstein
Vorrei sapere, quanto è grande il verde, com'è bello il mare, quanto dura una stanza… F. De Andrè, Oceano, 1975 Introduzione. Wittgenstein e la ricerca sul senso Negli anni a cavallo tra XIX e XX secolo la cultura europea attraversa un... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageNonsensePhilosophy of LogicWittgenstein
This paper argues that Wittgenstein opposed theories of meaning, and did so for good reasons. Theories of meaning, in the sense discussed here, are attempts to explain what makes it the case that certain sounds, shapes, or movements are... more
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      Theories of MeaningDisjunctivismWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
《逻辑哲学论》是青年维特根斯坦哲学思想的结晶,本文以该书为主要研究内容,... more
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    • Early Wittgenstein
Here we compare the logical behaviour of negation in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (1921) with Demos’ account of denial (1917). Even if we hold negation as a pure syntactical device, at least in some context, it shall bring a handful of... more
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      Philosophy of LogicWittgensteinEarly 20th Century Analytic PhilosophyNegation (Logic)
Ludwig Wittgenstein is one of the most important and influential philosophers of the twentieth century, but he is also one of the least accessible. This volume provides a comprehensible guide to his work by a wide range of experts who are... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologySocial Philosophy
This paper focuses on the relation between young Wittgenstein's philosophy and the Stoic concept of fate. In the first part, we discuss the current knowledge on Wittgenstein's direct or indirect acquaintance with Stoic doctrines. We show... more
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      StoicismEarly WittgensteinLudwig Wittgenstein
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      Philosophy Of LanguageWittgensteinLater WittgensteinEarly Wittgenstein
This collection of articles was written over the last 10 years and the most important and longest within the last year. Also I have edited them to bring them up to date (2016). The copyright page has the date of this first edition and new... more
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      LanguagesSociologyPolitical SociologyPsychology
Ciò che mi prefiggo con questo scritto è di analizzare la struttura di un esperimento mentale in modo da comprendere se e come sia usabile per stabilire la verità o meno di una tesi. Cercherò quindi di vedere i vari aspetti che sono... more
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      Hans-Georg GadamerHilary PutnamWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
John O. Nelson, 1999, “Is the Pears-McGuinness Translation of the Tractatus Really Superior to Ogden’s and
Ramsey’s ?” Philosophical Investigations: 1999: 22(2), pp.165-175.
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    • Early Wittgenstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), filósofo austríaco, transitó dos etapas durante su actividad filosófica: la primera, orientada a la confrontación entre lenguaje ordinario y lenguaje ideal. Y la segunda, en la que presta atención a la... more
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinFilosofia Del LenguajeFilosofía
In this paper I argue that we may regard Wittgenstein's mature view of the will both as a rigorous adaptation of Schopenhauer's and as the continuation of his early investigations on the nature of the ethical and the psychological will.... more
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      Philosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of AgencyPhilosophy of Action
The last proposition of the Tractatus states that "what we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"? 1 However, what concerns ethics, religion, and aesthetics, which do not belong in the empirical world, cannot be represented by... more
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      MetaphorWittgensteinTractatus Logico-PhilosophicusMetafora
O terceiro livro de Teolinda Gersão, Os guarda-chuvas cintilantes, publicado em 1984, constitui-se em um jogo de desafios que se inicia com o paratexto “diário” logo abaixo do título. Ainda que conformado pelo modelo diarístico, com... more
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      WittgensteinTractatus Logico-PhilosophicusLiteratura PortuguesaLiteratura portuguesa contemporânea
Focusing on the particular topic of semantics, the paper investigates some aspects of Wilfrid Sellars's multifaceted attitude towards the history of philosophy by considering, as a case study, the complex way in which Sellars, both for... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
This article argues that, propaedeutic to the construction of an Objectivist aesthetics, scholars must refute the irrational/immoral philosophical premises that have been destroying the philosophy of art. Due to the troubling combination... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyMetaphysics
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      WittgensteinLater WittgensteinWittgensteinian EthicsEarly Wittgenstein
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceWittgenstein
A Brief Overview of some important contributions in European Thought
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      HegelFriedrich NietzscheLater WittgensteinImmanuel Kant
This paper reconsiders understandings of Tractarian ethics by proposing to recontextualize it within the anthropological bent that runs through Wittgenstein’s philosophy and culminates in the Philosophical Investigations. More... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEthicsWittgensteinLater Wittgenstein
"Este trabajo se ocupa del desarrollo histórico-filosófico de las posiciones subjetivistas sobre los valores surgidas a partir del siglo XVIII con David Hume, en el seno de la tradición del empirismo analítico. Partiendo de esta posición,... more
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      EthicsNormative EthicsMeta-EthicsLogic
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      PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionWittgenstein
2 3 "A che cosa serve studiare la filosofia se ti permette unicamente di parlare con una certa plausibilità di questioni di logica astruse, ecc. & se non migliora il tuo modo di pensare alle questioni importanti della vita di tutti i... more
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      American LiteraturePsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of Language
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    • Early Wittgenstein
[Revised version of a paper first published in the Proceedings of the 33rd International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, vol. 2, 2011.]
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      AestheticsPaintingVisual perceptionWittgenstein
My paper examines the notion of 'happiness' in the writings of the early Wittgenstein as a notion that does not seem to involve any particular content or objective marks and addresses the worry whether such a thin and abstract notion... more
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      Virtue EthicsMeaningHappiness and Well BeingEarly Wittgenstein
A close reading of leading passages in which Wittgenstein discusses Jews and Jewishness, and argues that previous interpreters have been too quick to condemn or defend him. If we consider what it could mean to say that Wittgenstein was,... more
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      Jewish StudiesIdentity (Culture)BiographyLater Wittgenstein
Turbulencias es el signo de los tiempos. La encrucijada de una crisis radical del mundo moderno en la que despunta la filosofía como una ontología de la actualidad (es decir, como una teoría crítica de los procesos históricos en... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ArtMartin HeideggerRadical Democracy