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Logic and rhetoric are "the practice of the holy Ghost". 1 So says William Perkins, one of the leading godly clergy of Cambridge during the later Elizabethan period, in his commentary on the book of Revelation, posthumously published in... more
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      RhetoricHistory of ReligionPreachingSeventeenth Century
Caterina Vigri's practice of "exhorting and leading" her sisters, especially in the setting of their weekly Chapter Meeting, was at the core of her Clarissan Observant identity. Thus, this chapter will use the Sermoni to explore the... more
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      Medieval WomenFranciscan StudiesEarly Modern SermonsMedieval Sermons
The sermon Thomas Gataker gave at the wedding of Brilliana Conway and Sir Robert Harley in 1623, was published under the title “A Wife in Deed” (1623). Gataker defines marriage as an affective contract between two agents with... more
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      Early Modern WomenRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Early Modern Women WritersEarly Modern Women's Writing
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
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      ChristianityJapanese StudiesLatin LiteraturePrint Culture
In the attempt to unravel the religious entanglements of the Syrian Christians from Malabar and the literary networks of this Christian community in the early modern times, the present article focuses: (1) on collections of Syriac... more
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      Early Modern CatholicismSyriac ChristianityEarly Modern SermonsIndian Christianity
English translation, with an introductory essay and commentary, of St. Francis de Sales's four extant sermon texts for the feast of St. Joseph (19 March).
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      Early Modern SermonsSalesian StudiesThe Cult of St. Joseph & the Holy Family
A fordításokat az eredetiekkel egybevetette Csepregi Zoltán, Horváth Orsolya, Vajda Károly Minden jog fenntartva. Bármely másolás, sokszorosítás, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben való tárolás a kiadó előzetes írásbeli engedélyéhez van... more
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      Reformation StudiesReformation TheologyMartin LutherHomiletics
As an aspect of the reception history of the Heidelberg Catechism this article gives a bibliographic survey of all the commentaries on this catechism published throughout Europe since its publication and until 1620, including the reprints... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern Church HistoryEarly Modern SermonsPastoral and catechism
This paper argues that the recent trend in early modern studies occasionally referred to as the “new humoralism”, which lays heavy emphasis on the physiological and humoral significance of the emotions in seventeenth-century Renaissance... more
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      EmotionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ChristianityRenaissance Studies
This paper considers a phenomenon of war preaching discourse of the second half of the 17th century, based on the Old Ukrainian sermons written by Antonij Radyvylos’kyj. The discursive peculiarities of the war sermons are described as a... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesBaroque art and architectureEarly Modern SermonsUkrainian Language
On 23 May 1498 Girolamo Savonarola, one of the most spell-binding figures of the Italian Renaissance, was publicly burned at the stake on the main piazza of Florence on trumped-up charges of heresy and sedition. Thus ended the friar’s... more
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      HistoryItalian (European History)Italian StudiesReformation History
Around 1675, preachers across Spain and from many religious orders began to find chymical analogies useful or pleasing, and they began talking about chymistry in the pulpit. The results of preachers’ newfound interest in chymistry... more
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      History of ScienceAlchemyEarly Modern SermonsSpanish Golden Age
In der Reformationsgeschichte wird das Jahr 1522 bisweilen als Jahr des Durchbruchs bezeichnet. Es ist das Jahr, in dem Luther von der Wartburg zurück nach Wittenberg kam und Zwingli dem legendären Wurstessen die theologische Begründung... more
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      Urban ReformationEarly Modern Sermons
The aim of this study is to investigate a group of nine early modern Ruthenian homilies dedicated to the Marian feast of the Dormition, while focusing on both the liturgical and extra-liturgical sources of their Biblical quotations. One... more
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      PreachingUkrainian StudiesThe Apocalypse of JohnBook of Song of Songs
8 temas para una semana de Gratitud
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      GratitudeEarly Modern SermonsHomiletics and HermeneuticsSermon
Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer ao prof. José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy, orientador e amigo, a quem devo a descoberta de Vieira, dos sonhos e muito mais. Ao Fábio Bezerra de Brito, pela amizade, pelas leituras argutas e sensíveis,... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryEarly Modern Europe
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      Early Modern SermonsAntijudaismInquisição Portuguesa
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      English ReformationEarly Modern Sermons
The persecution of the Huguenots in France, followed by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, unleashed one of the largest migration waves of early modern Europe. Focusing on the fate of French Protestants who fled to the Dutch... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory and Memory
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation StudiesEarly Modern Sermons
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of MedicineEarly Modern SermonsReligious Studies
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      Cultural HeritageLiterature and MedicineEarly Modern SermonsHebrew grammar
This international and interdisciplinary volume investigates Protestant 'devotional identities' in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England. Divided into two sections, the book examines the 'sites' where these identities were forged -... more
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      Early Modern LiteratureEarly Modern economic and social historyEarly Modern English dramaEarly Modern Women's Writing
Pre-publication draft. Published version: Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel umfasst eine Ausgabe und englische Übersetzung des zweitältesten bekannten manx-gälischen... more
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      Celtic StudiesManuscript StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureEarly Modern Sermons
Álvaro Dinis (Samuel Jachia) was a spiritual leader, founder of the Sephardic Community in Hamburg, known as «Nação Portuguesa». His book Trinta Discursos ou Darazes is a clear evidence of a religious identity that is consistent with... more
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      Early Modern SermonsJudaic StudiesMerkavahTabernacle
This article investigates not whether one person, using one form of shorthand, on one occasion, copied Q1 Hamlet, but whether some people, using any form of handwriting they liked, on any number of occasions, could have penned Hamlet Q1.... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the Book
This paper studies the interaction between clerical and lay English Catholics on the Continent in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. In contrast with Protestant exiles, who established separate exile churches, Catholic... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryHagiography
The paper examines the topic of Jewish circumcision and other birth rituals in a narrow segment of three Christian literary treatments from the early modern period that are intertextually connected. Analyzing three literary genres, the... more
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      PreachingMale CircumcisionJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
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      Portuguese HistoryEarly Modern SermonsCaptivesPulpits
Desde o início do século XVII, a literatura católica escrita em Portugal deixou de acreditar em uma conversão sincera dos cristãos-novos e passou a defender que a incompatibilidade de fé estava na herança do sangue judaico. Este artigo... more
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      Early Modern SermonsAntijudaismAutos da FéRacial Prejudice
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksJesuit historyHistory of The NetherlandsHistory of Roman Catholicism
Analysis of Donne's sermon of 1593 (with the Thomas Nashe pseudonym), Christ's Tears over Jerusalem, and the treatise Pseudo-Martyr of 1610. His evolution explained. Common themes between both works noted.
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      TheologyBiblical TheologyPolitical TheologyElizabethan Literature
This master's thesis is a comparative analysis of three sermon collections from Denmark in the period 1450-1550. The study contains two parts. First the collections are studied as collections with respect to how they are structured, how... more
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      Reformation StudiesPreachingEarly Modern SermonsMedieval Sermons
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      English LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      Early Modern LiteratureEarly Modern History/Central European History/ TransilvaniaEarly Modern Sermons
Começo a tirar da sepultura estes meus borrens, que sem a voz que os animaua, ainda ressuscitados saõ cadaueres PADRE ANTÓNIO VIEIRA Os sermões do jesuíta Antonio Vieira (1608-1697) foram durante muito tempo lidos, em especial no Brasil,... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureEarly Modern History17th-Century StudiesHistory of the Portuguese Empire
In Richard Meek & Erin Sullivan (eds), The Renaissance of Emotion: Understanding Affect in Shakespeare and his Contemporaries (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015), pp. 45-64. A fundamental aim of English Protestantism was to... more
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      LiturgyTudor EnglandEarly Modern SermonsThomas Cranmer
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      Religious ConversionEarly Modern SermonsItalyCounter-Reformation
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      Early Modern SermonsEarly Modern print cultureJesuit educationBaroque Sermons
The paper is in Croatian language. Summary: With the end of the Morean war came the aftermath, the Treaty of Karlowitz, signed in January 1699., which confirmed Venetian possesion of Kaphalonia, and Morea with the island of Algina. Also,... more
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      FolkloreOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCroatian History
In this article, I discuss the concept of allegory, as well as the related terms ‘type’ and ‘figure’ amid the Christian hermeneutical tradition, in order to understand their use in Father Antonio Vieira’s sermons. Stemming from the... more
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      RhetoricAllegoryLiteratura brasileiraEarly Modern Sermons
The main aim of this study is to present how early modern preaching in the Czech lands shaped the image of the local Jewish community in Christian eyes at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Bohemian and Moravian preachers, drawing... more
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      PreachingJewish - Christian RelationsHistory of the JewsCzech Literature/Czech Culture/Language
Si au XVIIe siècle s'affirme la prééminence du style moyen et de l'esthétique conversationnelle 1 , c'est pourtant au grand style, ou à la « grande manière » qu'est resté associé dans le domaine des beaux-arts, pour les siècles... more
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      PreachingEarly Modern SermonsBaroque SermonsFrench preaching in the Early Modern era
This is an overview of the IMSSS gathering in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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      Gender StudiesTheologyTransgender StudiesMedieval Studies
a burgomaster in the town of Delft, was a man who seriously disliked getting wet. Seeing the menacing thunderstorms on the morning of 25 August 1687, he decided to stay at his country estate and spend his time doing something he did like:... more
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReligious HistoryEarly Modern Sermons
The rich historical-cultural traditions of the carnival time, the period between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday, cannot be studied without examining their extensive primary sources belonging to various literary genres. The aim of this paper... more
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      Early Modern SermonsCarnivalOld Hungarian Literature
online: Der moderne Begriff des Gewissens wurde wesentlich im Mittelalter geprägt. In dieser Zeit entstanden neue Vorstellungen vom Menschen und von Gemeinschaft, neue Ideen des Rechts, neue... more
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      Latin LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The article deals with the artistic features of presentation of the Gospel story about the Resurrection of Christ in Lazar Baranovych’s sermons. The author concludes that the texts of Lazar Baranovych are the examples of baroque... more
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      Early Modern SermonsBaroque SermonsUkrainian Baroque Literature
The old commentaries on the Heidelberg Catechism (HC) witness how this catechism was interpreted in the sixteenth century. Students, being trained in Christian doctrine with this catechism, as ministers had to wrestle with its contents in... more
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      Commentaries: History and TheoryEarly Modern SermonsHoly SpiritPastoral and catechism