Dynamic Geometry
Recent papers in Dynamic Geometry
This work is a part of a larger study, which presents geometry through a daily life story using dynamic geometry software. It aimed in particular to enable students to feel the importance of geometry in daily life, to share in the process... more
Software design is increasingly being recognized as an important factor in student learning when interacting with interactive geometry software (IGS). A categorization of the operations possible within an IGS is used to identify and... more
This paper reports the outcomes of an empirical study undertaken to investigate the effect of students’ cognitive styles on achievement in measurement tasks in a dynamic geometry learning environment, and to explore the ability of dynamic... more
ABSTRACT. There are several possible approaches in which dynamic computerized environments play a significant, and possibly unique, role in supporting innovative learning trajectories in mathematics in general, and particularly in... more
This paper presents new structural analysis tools based on limit state analysis for vaulted masonry buildings. Thrust lines are used to visualize the forces within the masonry and to predict possible collapse modes. The models are... more
This is a snapshot about a student's discovery. Usually, dynamic geometry software is used in investigations of two-dimensional problems. In this snapshot we want to describe how Geometry Inventor (1994) was used by a high school student... more
Our work introduces immersive collaborative learning to geometry education. More specifically, we present a system that uses collaborative augmented reality as a medium for teaching, and uses 3D dynamic geometry to facilitate mathematics... more
This paper describes a study of the cognitive complexity of young students, in the pre-formal stage, experiencing the dragging tool. Our goal was to study how various conditions of geometric knowledge and various mental models of dragging... more
The notion of mediation, widely used in the current mathematics education literature, has been elaborated into a pedagogical model describing the contribution of integrating tools to the human activity, and to teaching and learning... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mathematics instruction supported by dynamics geometry activities on students’ achievement in area of quadrilaterals and students’ achievements according to their van Hiele geometric... more
ÖZ: Bilgisayarın e itim dünyasında hayat bulması, olu turmacı bilgi kuramı ile birlikte kullanılmaya ba lamasıyla gerçekle mi tir. Bilgisayarın matematik ö retiminde etkili bir ekilde kullanılabilmesi için geli tirilen bilgisayar destekli... more
In his work on human cognition, Bruner (The culture of education, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1996) distinguishes between narrative and paradigmatic modes of thinking. While the latter is closely associated with mathematics,... more
The overall aim of our research project is to explore the impact of dynamic geometry environments (DGEs) on children's geometrical thinking. The point of departure for the study presented in this paper is the analytically and empirically... more
In this study, we considered dynamic geometry software (DGS) as the tool that mediates students' strategies in solving and posing problems. The purpose of the present study was twofold. First, to understand the way in which students can... more
In the first part we summarize our development of a system that uses collaborative augmented reality as a medium for teaching, and uses 3D dynamic geometry to facilitate mathematics and geometry education. Geometry education has proven as... more
Dynamic geometry software provides tools for students to construct and experiment with geometrical objects and relationships. On the basis of their experimentation, students make conjectures that can be tested with the tools available. In... more
This paper sits within the research on the affordances of new technologies in the mathematics classroom and focuses on a specific feature that is available in dynamic geometry environments, i.e. measuring tools, within the context of... more
In this paper we propose a taxonomy of the pedagogical opportunities supported by mathematics analysis software: the wide class of software capable of performing the algorithmic processes necessary to carry out routine mathematical... more
Geometry education has proven as one powerful means of improving spatial abilities, an important component of human intelligence. In the first part of this paper we summarize our development of a system that uses collaborative augmented... more
In this paper we report on two complementary research results. In the first we describe a tool that allows different modes of synchronous distance teaching of mathematics. In the second we report the preliminary results of a pilot study... more
The idea of 'interpretative flexibility' underpins new approaches to studying technological artefacts and curricular resources in use. This paper opens by reviewing -in this light -the evolving design of dynamic geometry, its pioneering... more
In vivo determination of 3-D and dynamic geometries of alveolar structures with adequate resolution is essential for developing numerical models of the lung. A thorax window is prepared in anesthetized rabbits by removal of muscle tissue... more
This document will continue to evolve as the IR expands. Additional guidelines will be drafted, as needed, over the coming months.
The aim of this study was twofold: First to examine the impact of the intuitive rule "more A-more B" on Cypriot students while dealing with geometric tasks and secondly to investigate whether teaching with the use of dynamic geometry may... more
In this paper I report a lengthy episode from a teaching experiment in which 15 Year 12 Greek students negotiated their definitions of tangent line to a function graph. The experiment was designed for the purpose of introducing students... more
A computational model incorporating physiological motion and uniform transient wall deformation of a branchless right coronary artery (RCA) was developed to assess the influence of artery compliance on wall shear stress (WSS). Arterial... more
Research in math education emphasises -since TIMSS and PISA -on extended problem solving skills and mathematical processes. But, to solve complex and real life problems students also need to be proficient in the "basic" skills like... more
Pellionisz and Llinás proposed, years ago, a geometric interpretation towards understanding brain function. This interpretation assumes that the relation between the brain and the external world is determined by the ability of the central... more
We present an extension of the original progressive mesh algorithm for large dynamic meshes that contain a mix of triangle and quadrilateral elements. The demand for this extension comes from the visualisation of dynamic finite element... more
Research has shown that the tools provided by dynamic geometry systems (DGSs) impact students’ approach to investigating open problems in Euclidean geometry. We particularly focus on cognitive processes that might be induced by certain... more
, an open web-based tool to determine equations of geometric loci specified using Cabri Geometry and The Geometer's Sketchpad, is described. A geometric construction of a locus is uploaded to a Java Servlet server, where two computer... more
We present a new, three-dimensional (3D) plotting library with advanced features, and support for standard and enhanced display devices. The library -S2PLOT -is written in C and can be used by C, C++, and FORTRAN programs on GNU/Linux and... more
We present a new, general, and real-time technique for soft global illumination in low-frequency environmental lighting. It accumulates over relatively few spherical proxies which approximate the light blocking and re-radiating effect of... more
This paper draws on results of a research project InterActive Education: Teaching and Learning in the Information Age. The overall aim of the project is to examine the ways in which new technologies can be used in educational settings to... more
Un micromundo para el estudio de paralelismo con triángulos y cuadriláteros en la escuela secundaria Educación Matemática, vol. 17, núm. 3, diciembre, 2005, pp. 77-104 Grupo Santillana México Distrito Federal, México Disponible en:... more
The notion of mediation, widely used in the current mathematics education literature, has been elaborated into a pedagogical model describing the contribution of integrating tools to the human activity, and to teaching and learning... more
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) of dynamic or interactive geometry software (DGS) allow users to interact with the DGS by using a computer mouse. Clicking on a GUI icon performs an action like choosing a construction tool or manipulating... more
In this contribution, we present the European project Intergeo whose aims are first to develop a common language for a description of geometric figures that will ensure interoperability of the main existing dynamic geometry systems, and... more
The number of high resolution space imageries, in the civilian market is growing fast.This images have great interest in the photogrammetric and remote sensing communities. The problem with this images for many users, at the present time... more
Dynamic geometry systems are tools for geometric visualization. They allow the user to define geometric elements, establish relationships between them and explore the dynamic behavior of the remaining geometric elements when one of them... more
We describe a framework for computationally embedded physical modeling kits to support interfacing with 3D geometry for science, engineering, and design applications and introduce an example project called FlexM that supports dynamic... more