Radiation Effect
Recent papers in Radiation Effect
Abstract— Irradiation of 1,3–dimethyluracil (DMU) in 1–aminopropane (AP) with u.v. light resulted in the formation of reduced and dimeric forms of DMU and adducts between DMU and AP. The formation of these compounds may be rationalized... more
Partial desiccation treatment was applied to improve plant regeneration response in irradiated in vitro cultures. Embryogenic callus cultures of sugarcane cv. Co-671 were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation (0-80 Gy) and... more
patients with advanced primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of cervix (FIG0 Stages RIB, IVA or extensive nodal involvement) and 8 with recurrent disease were treated using a pilot regimen of combination chemotherapy (CT): Mitomycin C... more
The radiation response behaviour of high phosphorous doped step index multimode (SIMM) fibers of different P 2 O 5 concentrations and core diameters has been investigated in comparison with Ge doped SIMM fiber at different transmission... more
ln this paper a novel on-line tritium monitor is pre sented. TI is made with a single crystal diamond detector (SCD) covt'rtd W\Ul a thin taycr of LiF 95% emiched in oLi. Thermal neutrons impinging on the LiF tayer produce o: and T ions... more
The effect of ethanol pretreatment on X-ray-induced mitotic recombination in D. melanogaster females was investigated by means of the white/ white+ (w/w+) spot test. White females inseminoted by yellow males were allowed to oviposit for 8... more
Future energy needs and requirements in manufacturing processes (like fertilizers, synfuels, etc.) makes hydrogen an important chemical commodity. It is projected that hydrogen required for various processes may reach 1.8 x ]09 MBTU by... more
This review focuses on the present status of kidney protection during peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) using radiolabelled somatostatin analogues. This treatment modality for somatostatin receptor-positive tumours is limited... more
The volume, distribution, and mobility of opacified pelvic small bowel (PSB) were determined by fluoroscopy and orthogonal radiqgraphs in 150 consecutive patients undergoing pelvic irradiation. Various techniques including uteropexy,... more
The effect of temperature in the 293-473 K range, on the secondary electron emission (SEE) yield of single crystal and polycrystalline diamond film surfaces is reported. For the polycrystalline films the SEE yield was found to decay as... more
Radiation-induced oxidative degradation of PVC films using 6°CO-~ radiation has been investigated at room temperature. Quantitative analyses of evolved gases and oxidative products during irradiation under vacuum conditions and in the... more
In 1997, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) led an effort to revise and expand the Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) with the goal of integrating systemic agent, radiation, and surgical criteria into a comprehensive and standardized system.... more
Premium Q and Supreme Q are the grades of high quality commercially available cultured quartz from Sawyer Applied Research Products, OH and Toyo Communication Equipment Company, Kawasaki, Japan. These grades of materials are generally... more
In this work we have studied the radiation effects on MOSFET electronic devices. The integrated circuits were exposed to 10 keV X-ray radiation and 2.6 MeV energy proton beam. We have irradiated MOSFET devices with two different... more
The phenomenon of growth, decline and death-aging-has been the source of considerable speculation . This cycle seems to be a more or less direct function of the metabolic rate and this in turn depends on the species (animal or plant) on... more
In this paper, an effective new approach for estimating the operating temperature of a photovoltaic (PV) module by using the simple diode model is presented. The developed method is simple and does not need any additional hardware. The... more
Allelic loss is an important mutational mechanism in human carcinogenesis. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at an autosomal locus is one outcome of the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and can occur by deletion or by mitotic... more
Single event burnout was seen in power MOSFETs exposed to high energy neutrons. Devices with rated voltage 2 400 volts exhibited burnout at substantially less than the rated voltage. Tests with high energy protons gave similar results.... more
Dielectric materials for transmission windows in electron cyclotron (EC) wave systems are studied for the radiation eects on their dielectric properties (permittivity, loss tangent). Based on comparative neutron irradiation experiments... more
In a power plant environment, the piping systems form a network that extends throughout the facility. Various components in a piping system can be major sources of in-plant and community noise, both the pipe and the contained fluid can be... more
Single-event upsets (SEU) in microelectronics are calculated from newly-developed silicon nuclear reaction recoil data for incident protons and neutrons with energies up to 150 MeV. This paper focusses on the nuclear reaction physics that... more
This paper provides a historical review of the literature on the effects of radiation-induced displacement damage in semiconductor materials and devices. Emphasis is placed on effects in technologically important bulk silicon and silicon... more
The basic concepts of radiation dosimetry are reviewed on basis of ICRU reports and text books. The radiation field is described with, among others, the particle fluence. Cross sections for indirectly ionizing radiation are defined and... more
Page 1. 1484 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL. 40, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1993 Altitude and Latitude Variations in Avionics SEU and Atmospheric Neutron Flux E. Normand and T. J. Baker Boeing Defense & Space Group, Seattle, WA... more
In order to explore the Moon and Mars it is necessary to investigate the hazards due to the space environment and especially ionizing radiation. According to previous papers, much information has been presented in radiation analysis... more
| Reconfigurable antennas, with the ability to radiate more than one pattern at different frequencies and polarizations, are necessary in modern telecommunication systems. The requirements for increased functionality (e.g., direction... more
This paper describes the design trade-offs presented in DC-DC power converters used in space applications. The major concern, in the design of power supplies for space applications, is to obtain a very high reliability level, which can be... more
Unfortunately, it has been more difficult to establish criteria as to the adequacy of the major engineered safety features, particularly the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). These safety features are rarely used and are very... more
Ground level upsets have been observed in computer systems containing large amounts of random access memory (RAM). Atmospheric neutrons are most likely the major cause of the upsets based on measured data using the Weapons Neutron... more
Purpose. To develop a procedure based on manometric temperature measurement (MTM) and an “expert system” for good practices in freeze drying that will allow development of an optimized freeze-drying process during a single laboratory... more
Books and documents attacked by fungi and insects have already been treated by radiation for disinfestations purposes. However, there is still need to investigate the influence of radiation on the cellulose paper structure. The aim of... more
The effects of irradiation at tcmperaturcls bct,wccn 93 and 454" C upon the room-teml,craturt, mechanical properties and cloctron mic~rostructlncs of AISI type 304 stainless steel have been d&orminrd. Irradiation at tempcrat,ures betwcon... more
The Office of Energy Management of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) has formulated a program for the research and development of technologies and systems for the assessment, operation, and control of electrical power systems... more
Vanadium dioxide single-crystal precipitates with controlled particle sizes were produced in an amorphous, fused SiO 2 host by the stoichiometric coimplantation of vanadium and oxygen ions and subsequent thermal processing. The effects of... more
Advanced measurement methods using microelectronic test chips are described. These chips are intended to be used in acquiring the data needed to qualify Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC's) for space use. Efforts were... more
This paper presents the implementation of a fault detection and correction technique used to design a robust 8051 micro-controller with respect to a particular transient fault called Single Event Upset (SEU). A specific study regarding... more
This paper presents a gamma radiation dosimeter built in a standard 0.35 m CMOS technology. The dosimeter, which occupies 300 150 m m of silicon area, gives a digital output signal of frequency proportional to the total dose. Experimental... more
The neutron and gamma doses are crucial to interpreting the radiation effects in microelectronic devices operating in a high-energy accelerator environment. This report highlights a method for an accurate estimation of photoneutron and... more
The goal of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of various image-guided adaptive radiation therapy ͑IGART͒ techniques to deliver and escalate dose to the prostate in the presence of geometric uncertainties. Five prostate patients with... more
C omplementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology is dominant in the microelectronics industry for a wide range of applications, including analog, digital, RF, and sensor systems. The advantages of silicon CMOS technology... more
Urban Heat Island (UHI) has significant impacts on the buildings energy consumption and outdoor air quality (OAQ). Various approaches, including observation and simulation techniques, have been proposed to understand the causes of UHI... more
Results of irradiation experiments on a 0.6 µ µ µ µm switched-capacitor analog array indicate a sudden recovery of the FPAA performance degradation during the irradiation phase. The main parameter considered to check the performance of... more
For last 15 years, we have investigated low-dose radiation genetic effects on human populations affected by the Chernobyl accident. Cytogenetic longitudinal investigations showed that radiation markers for cleanup workers remained at an... more