Visual Design
Recent papers in Visual Design
Postmodernizm, Sanat Akımları
Abstract — Indonesia has become the witness of WPAP (Wedha's Pop Art Potrait)design style’s birth and popularity. Visual phenomenon of this style is easily visible both in real world and online. The numbers of the WPAP fans are increasing... more
Nature is an information sourcebook of behaviour, function, colour and shape which can inspire visual design and invention. Studying the form and functional characteristics of a natural object can provide inspiration for product design... more
Scientists tend to look at visual design and aesthetics as purely artistic and subjective. Professionals from the creative industry, such as graphic designers, visual designers, and digital media producers are very aware that visuals have... more
Visual design in general is the arrangement of information items (eg, text, images, diagrams, pictures, tables) in such a way that the resulting product is visually attractive, perceptive, and easily understandable. Visual design issues... more
Recent advances in computer graphics, particularly in real-time rendering, have resulted in major improvements in 3D graphics and rendering techniques in interactive entertainment. In this article we focus on the scene-lighting process,... more
We suggest that diversity and changes in the visual design of web pages exhibit trend-like characteristics. We begin with a survey of the fashion and trends literature to clarify these terms and to relate them to the domain of web design.... more
Addressing data visualization challenges typically involves applying lessons from visualization theory to inform design and implementation approaches. This process is shaped to a large extent by the availability of tools that are aimed at... more
We revisit the design space of visualizations aiming at identifying and relating its components. In this sense, we establish a model to examine the process through which visualizations become expressive for users. This model has lead us... more
Although often presented as a single basis for educational visual screen design, Gestalt theory is not a single small set of visual principles uniformly applied by all designers. In fact, it appears that instructional visual design... more
After 1980s contemporary media is shaped from different basis in Turkey. In this span, of time designing newspaper pages with computer software for graphic design presented new and different alternatives and challenges. Post 1980sÕ in... more
The paper explores changes in technology that have implications for the teaching and learning of school mathematics. To this end, it examines aspects of interactive mathematical textbooks; specifically it analyzes functions authors may... more
Researchers have previously examined the technology acceptance model (TAM) in many contexts, including the Internet. More recently TAM has been enhanced to include a hedonic component of enjoyment but the effect has rarely been... more
Game, is an aspect to help all living creatures to be able to prepare for life in a fun and volunteer way. Gamification, which emerges with the idea of increasing motivation by using game elements, is used in many fields such as work,... more
Drawing on recent studies of visual design and current feminist theory, and based on a research project in which males and females were asked to create visual representations of factual information, a feminist theory of design is posited.... more
Visualization and interactivity are valuable active learning techniques that can improve mastery of difficult concepts. In this paper we describe jFAST, an easy-to-use graphical software tool for teachers and students, with an emphasis on... more
إن قضية فقدان التواصل الحسي والإدراكي بين الطالب وأهمية الربط بين المناهج التعليمية التي تؤثر تأثيراً مباشراً في طريقة تعبيره عن مشروعه وإدراك مكوناته وأبجديات المشروع ومادة التصميم المعماري ، تُعد من أهم وأخطر القضايا المطروحة في السنوات... more
Sinemadan sonra izleyicileri en fazla tercih ettiği diziler, televizyon dışında tüm dünyada farklı ortamlarda izlenen bir tür halini almıştır. İzleyicinin beğenisini kazanmak için aynı sinema gibi estetik kaygılarla üretilmesi gereken... more
The introduction of learning technologies into education is making the design of courses and instructional materials an increasingly complex task.
Sustainability is being gradually adapted as a framework in Design in general and in Design Education in particular. However, this is rarely the case when considering Visual Design. To strengthen Sustainability in Visual Design Education,... more
In 1870s, the German architect Hermann Eduard Maertens grounded his Optical Scale research on Hermann Helmholtz and Franciscus Donders' works about the physiology of vision and engrafted it in the tradition of Renaissance perspective and... more
Esta dissertação explora a relação entre o design visual de websites de Instituições de Ensino Superior, nomeadamente de Universidades, e a credibilidade que lhes é atribuída pelo público. Os websites deste tipo de organização... more
Voce Visual Design per la V Appendice dell'Enciclopedia Treccani, con relativa bibliografia (fino al 1993)
The rising crescendo of the digital lifestyle has profoundly affected the human capacity for sustained focus. Since 2000, the human attention span has dropped from 12 to 8 seconds, with decreased long-term focus as users increase digital... more
• MELCHIADES, Richard. GONTIJO, Vinícius. KRAN, Vinícius. LAGARES, Walkenes. Infografia Interativa, 2008, 44 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Artes Visuais com Habilitação em Design Gráfico) – Faculdade de Artes Visuais,... more
Our work introduces immersive collaborative learning to geometry education. More specifically, we present a system that uses collaborative augmented reality as a medium for teaching, and uses 3D dynamic geometry to facilitate mathematics... more
This Graduate Paper presents the partial model of an editorial product for two different types of media: printed and digital. The challenge is to explore the co-existence between them without losses for the editorial product. The proposal... more
(To read this thesis click "URL" at top of this entry) An ontology describing the constructs and their inter-relationships for business models has recently been built and evaluated: the Business Model Ontology (BMO). This... more
Visual images are increasingly appearing in learning and teaching resources, delivered across a range of media in a variety of formats: digitally in Web-based materials and multimedia as well as in print and as transparencies. The... more
Many well-cited theories for visualization design state that a visual representation should be optimized for quick and immediate interpretation by a user. Distracting elements like decorative "chartjunk" or extraneous information are... more
Presentación de capítulo para el libro "La Interacción Humano-Computadora en México", editado por J. Muñoz, J. M. González y J. A. Sánchez. Pearson, México. Detalles sobre el capítulo: * Presenta 10 fundamentos relacionados con el... more
Finite state machines (FSM) are a basic component in hardware design, they represent the transformation behveen inputs and outputs for sequential designs. FSMs can be rep-resented graphically, which would help the designer to visu-alize... more
This paper presents a novel methodology for dealing with decision-making problems in product design fields. The purpose of this study is to evaluate product form design in terms of the perspectives of Gestalt psychology and Minimalist... more
Beginning in Los Angeles, California, in the 1970s, and also known as pop surrealism, the Lowbrow art movement was born as a part of punk music, comic books, street and skateboard cultures and is seen in all fields of art. This study is... more