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Blog essay for Musicology Now, published 12-5-17. Considers the challenge of watching/staging this canonical opera and (in)famous character in the age of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, and so many other powerful men who have abused women.... more
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      MusicologyWomen's StudiesOperaCultural Musicology
Don Giovanni is an opera buffa composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with an Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte in 1787. It is an opera after Gluck’s opera reform. This essay will compare the recorded stage performance produced by The... more
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      Film StudiesOpera BuffaDon JuanWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Contributo critico dedicato alla analisi di alcune componenti inscindibili nel mito del Don Giovanni: la seduzione della donna e l'irriverenza nei confronti della divinità.
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      LiteraturaLiteratura españolaLetteraturaTirso de Molina
The Myth of the Post-race Society. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni staged by Peter Sellars Bogucki analyzes Mozart’s Don Giovani as staged by Peter Sellars, from an anthropological and sociological perspective. He stresses... more
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      Race StudiesContemporary TheatrePeter SellarsOpera Studies
Confronto tra la commedia teatrale "El Burlador de Sevilla" di Tirso de Molina e il libretto dapontiano del Don Giovanni di Mozart - Da Ponte.
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      Tirso de MolinaEl burlador de SevillaWolfgang Amadeus MozartDon Giovanni
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      OperaMozartKierkegaardMichael Nyman
Il mito letterario di don Giovanni, sorto nella commedia, attorno al 1800 viene riformulato in direzione del tragico. La trasformazione inizia con la versione operistica di Mozart-Da Ponte e trova compimento nel racconto di Hoffmann, che... more
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      German LiteratureRomanticismLiterature and MusicGerman Romanticism
Se estudia la aportación del libreto de la ópera de Mozart y Da Ponte al esquema mítico tratado en las obras españolas desde El burlador de Sevilla y se analiza el Don Juan Tenorio de Zorrilla como una desviación del mito original,... more
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      MozartDon JuanDon GiovanniTeatro Siglo de Oro Español
L'interesse per questa commedia, che pur risente di tutta la fretta dell'improvvisazione e l'ingenuità dell'inesperienza giovanile, va probabilmente oltre le intenzioni di Goldoni. La sua lettura permette infatti di osservare come il mito... more
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      Theatre StudiesComedyItalian StudiesDramaturgy
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      MozartDon Giovanni
Abstract: The aim of the essay is a thoroughly innovative interpretation of the outcome of Machiavelli’s intellectual curriculum: an anti-Lutheran interpreter of Erasmus of Rotterdam (Esortazione alla penitenza, 1525... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceErasmus
Nel saggio si indaga la figura di Don Giovanni soprattutto nella sua versione mozartiana e in subordine molieriana) mettendosi dalla prospettiva del servo Leporello/Sganarello. Si esplorano le ambivalenze del loro rapporto: il grande... more
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      Gender StudiesTirso de MolinaDon GiovanniMozart opera Don Giovanni
During the first half of the nineteenth century, the theme of Dom Juan was transformed into one bearing literary qualities (giving rise to an array of poems, plays and novels). It was like a ‘buzz word’, or the obsession of an élite. The... more
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      Theatre StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesE.T.A. HoffmannGiovan Battista Andreini
Commedia dell'arte actresseses, their career strategies and their relationship with the public.
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      Theatre StudiesWomen's HistoryCommedia dell'arteLibertinism
Abstract [Between law, justice and social rules. Mozart/Da Ponte trilogy]. Lorenzo Da Ponte worked together with the most famous composers of XVIII century. He wrote the libretto of Mozart’s Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Cosi fan... more
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      MusicLaw and LiteratureCultural MusicologyLiterature and Law
This article investigates, analyses and reassesses the poetic interpretation of the myth of Don Giovanni Tenorio by Carlo Goldoni published in 1735. Goldoni's Don Giovanni has been largely neglected and dismissed as the product of an... more
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      Theatre StudiesCarlo GoldoniDon Giovanni
En breves páginas analizo cómo la figura del Tenorio pasó de España a Italia, para después instalarse y apropiarse de la cultura de otras tierras europeas, como Francia, Alemania, Inglaterra y Rusia
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      CasanovaTirso de MolinaAndrés de ClaramonteDon Juan
In this dissertation I study musical, sonic and multimodal representations of sadomasochistic erotica in films, music videos, stage performances, and popular music. The study consists of an introductory chapter (1), a theoretical chapter... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyQueer StudiesFeminist Theory
The Original Portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni offers an original reading of Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s opera Don Giovanni, using as a lens the portrayal of the title role by its creator, the baritone Luigi Bassi (1766–1825). Although Bassi... more
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      Early MusicTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMusic Aesthetics
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      MozartDon Giovanni
Penso che capiti a molti, uscendo da teatro dopo l'ascolto del Don Giovanni di Mozart, di avvertire un certo
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      SchopenhauerMozartDon Giovanni
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      Don JuanTradición oralDon GiovanniLiteratura tradicional y popular.
An important aspect of nineteenth-century operatic life in Europe after the Restoration is the manipulation of the works "in whose veins flowed the way of thinking of the century of the Enlightenment". Our attention focuses here on the... more
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      Cultural StudiesMozartMolièreFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
C’est cette relativité du théâtre, de l’opéra, de la musique, de tout art de scène qui est pour moi la chose la plus intéressante et inspirante. J’ai essayé de montrer combien on pouvait aller loin dans cette perspective, même si je suis... more
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      GoetheDon GiovanniEgmont
Breve articulo sobre la Opera en la obra de Sergio Pitol. * Texto de sala para la exposición "Sergio Pitol y la ópera. Los territorios del viajero", curaduría de Alfonso Colorado y museografía de Fernán González, presentada en la... more
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      MozartDon GiovanniSergio Pitolópera
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      MozartHistory of ActingHistorically Informed Performance (HIP)Don Giovanni
Staged in February 1669 at the Teatro Colonna in Rome, Alessandro Melani’s L’empio punito is the first opera based on the legend of Don Giovanni. The production took place during the short period of prosperity for opera in Rome, under the... more
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      Don GiovanniOpera librettoItalian Baroque Musicópera
Le dinamiche interne al sistema dei personaggi, nella logica di una esplorazione delle potenzialità - anche speculative - della struttura basilare del duo.
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      OMEROWolfgang Amadeus MozartDon GiovanniUlisse
Il saggio analizza la fitta intertestualità che lega il Faust 67 di Tommaso Landolfi all’archetipica versione di Goethe. A lungo negata dalla critica, la relazione tra le due opere, di tipo ironico e parodico, è stata riconosciuta solo in... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGerman RomanticismJohann Wolfgang von GoetheIntertextuality
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      History of ChristianityRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)
Draft of the paper presented at the conference "Ephemeral condition: body - eroticism - architecture", 10-11 June 2016, Kolegium Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian StudiesDon GiovanniDa Ponte Lorenzo
Gli argomenti che sono considerati in questa relazione per ribaltare l’immagine di benpensante e conservatore che gli è stata attribuita sono tre: – la testimonianza della sua produzione – due esempi del suo linguaggio musicale, che ebbe... more
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      Ludwig van BeethovenWolfgang Amadeus MozartDon GiovanniAntonio Salieri
The Original Portrayal of Mozart’s Don Giovanni offers an original reading of Mozart’s and Da Ponte’s opera Don Giovanni, using as a lens the portrayal of the title role by its creator, the baritone Luigi Bassi (1766–1825). Although Bassi... more
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      Early MusicTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMusic Aesthetics
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      Mozart18th-century Italian OperaWolfgang Amadeus MozartDon Giovanni
El argumento central que motiva este estudio es el de explorar la permanencia de don Giovanni en dos distintas puestas en escena, que si bien pueden ser consideradas contemporáneas (una de finales del siglo XX y la otra de principios del... more
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      IntermedialityOperaEstéticaHistoria del Arte
Frédéric Chopin was first recognized as an exceptional pianist-composer with the Variations on "Là ci darem la mano", Op.2. Variation set for piano and orchestra improvised and notated in 1827-1828, interpreted on 1829 August 11 in Vienna... more
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      MozartBeethovenPiano MusicPianists and Piano Literature
Cosa rappresenta Don Giovanni per una donna? E cosa per un uomo? Come ha fatto a diventare il seduttore per eccellenza, pur essendo un impostore e un infame poco incline – a leggere bene i testi – all’arte del corteggiamento? Perché mai... more
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      PsychoanalysisDon JuanDon GiovanniFemminismo
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.
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      Cultural HistoryKulturgeschichteMozartKulturwissenschaft
AVVERTENZA: La storia qui narrata è un’avventura mentale. È disposta su più piani (reale, mentale, artistico, fisico, erotico, psichiatrico, letterario, scientifico, filosofico etc.) ognuno dei quali può essere indagato e percorso anche... more
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      James JoyceMental HealthSchizophreniaJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Leggere i libretti scritti da Lorenzo Da Ponte durante il suo decennale soggiorno a Vienna significa immergersi nel mondo scintillante e favoloso della grande vita musicale europea dove si fronteggiavano, fra rivalità sottilmente feroci,... more
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      MozartCarlo GoldoniHaydnMetastasio
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      HistoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
In this brief article I briefly discuss the limits of sadomasochism and violence in Claus Guth's adaptation of Mozart's Don Giovanni, especially in the character Zerlina. Paper version in Synkooppi, longer version in English will be in my... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyQueer Studies
De l'influence de la législation criminelle de l'empereur Joseph II sur le livret de Don Giovanni. Comprend une analyse des propositions de Casanova pour une scène de Don Giovanni, du cadre légal de la promesse de mariage, et des... more
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      Criminal LawDroitDon JuanWolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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      MozartEroticismDon Giovanniópera
Imaginemos que un amante tuviera una cita importante, muy importante, tan deseada como esperada. Imaginemos que esta cita fuera en su propia casa y, a tal efecto, quisiera tenerla lo más hermosa posible y con el mejor aspecto, cuidando... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyMusical TheatreOpera
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      Lacanian theoryPyschoanalysisDon JuanDon Juanism
Variazioni sul mito di Don Giovanni - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila 7 ottobre 2020
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      RomanticismMozartE.T.A. HoffmannMyth and Literature
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      Don GiovanniItalian Baroque Opera
Discological account of the first complete recording of Mozart's Don Giovanni, conducted by Fritz Busch in Glyndebourne in 1936.
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      Sound RecordingHistory of Sound RecordingDiscographyHistory of Recorded Sound