Sound Recording
Recent papers in Sound Recording
Based on the author's artistic research on migration, contemporary urban experience, and sonic alienation, The Nomadic Listener is composed of a series of texts stemming from psychogeographic explorations of contemporary cities, including... more
In some social mammals, loud calling not only serves to advertise ownership of a territory and attract mates but also plays a vital role in allowing social companions to maintain contact when they are separated by long distances. Under... more
I have been working in the field of radio art, and through creative practice have been considering how the convergence of new media technologies has redefined radio art, addressing the ways in which this has extended the boundaries of the... more
As ethnomusicologists we have always made and used recordings as part of our research yet we have seldom questioned this central methodology beyond stating that we make and use recordings ‘for our own research purposes’. This special... more
Sonograms are images produced by sound; more specifically, they are produced by ultrasound—sound waves vibrating at frequencies well above the range of what humans can hear, but suitable for producing maps below surfaces such as skin or... more
In 1928, missionaries of the China Inland Mission (CIM), an interdenominational missionary society founded in Britain in 1865, established their first station in Yunnan's northwestern Nujiang, a border region renowned for its ethnic... more
In this paper, a new approach for automatic audio classification using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is presented. Training is performed onto each audio class individually, whilst during the test phase each test recording is... more
It is currently common practice for sound engineers to record digital music using high-resolution formats, and then down sample the files to 44.1kHz for commercial release. This study aims at investigating whether listeners can perceive... more
The listener as re-mixer' Experience, Engagement, Meaning -Biennial conference of IASPM UK/ Ireland, School of Music, Cardiff University. September 2 nd -4 th 2010
The article takes its basis in D.W. Winnicott's theories of play and transitional space to argue that Stagnation-era sound recordings and animated films found a devoted audience of both adults and children because, like Winnicott's... more
The main object of this paper is the composition Seven Circles completed in 1959 by Danish composer Else Marie Pade. It is the first piece of purely electronic music composed in Denmark. The paper has three primary focuses which are... more
This article seeks to give an overview of the music recording industry in Zambia from its formative years to its current state.
The article argues that if a sound artist while exploring a city as a site for artistic research does not remain a listener but instead registers his or her presence in the phenomenological development of the artwork by intervening and... more
The most popular expression of poetry in Urdu and Persian, the ghazal is known as much as a poetic form as it is as a genre of music. The ghazal has roots in seventh-century Arabia, and gained prominence in the thirteenth and fourteenth... more
"A white dog with brown ears sits in front of a gramophone, head directed to its brass-horn and slightly tilted to one side. The original painting was purchased in 1899, along with its full copyright, by the emerging Gramophone Company... more
This article considers the impact of time-based signal processors on the shape of alternative rock recordings. The concept of musical shape is considered here as both textural and gestural. In this instance, texture pertains to the... more
Herewith the little known (and authenticated) story of how the world's most famous trademark first came to the US and Canada. New documentation and illustrations indicate that previous accounts of the early history of Barraud's famous... more
Until 1948, high-quality recording involved cutting a live performance directly to wax or lacquer-coated discs, songs were recorded from beginning to end with no simple means of correcting mistakes short of re-recording the entire piece,... more
Colonial knowledge production has left an archival echo. Between the hissing and crackling of old shellac records and wax cylinders, voices can be heard that speak, announce, musick, whisper, chant, narrate, sing, and criticize. These... more
Apresentamos neste trabalho uma introdução às definições de onda sonora, vibração e estudo do movimento harmônico tal como definições musicais de melodia e harmonia. Descrevemos o processo histórico da divisão numérica do intervalo... more
'Loud' is the word that most easily springs to mind when one describes the soundtrack of the archetypal Hindi film. The main purpose of sound is to heighten the melodrama, to imbue the hero with a mythic aura through blood-and-thunder... more
Notas musicológicas para el CD Misa de Indios – Misa Criolla. Ensemble La Chimera, Coral de Cámara de Pamplona, Luis Rigou y Bárbara Kusa. Eduardo Egüez, director. La Música, LMU001, París, 2014, pp. 5-8 (francés)
Practices of collecting are constrained by media circumstances. To show how changing media circumstances can occasion changes in collecting practices, this article explores one case study, an iOS app developed by a Phish fan to allow... more
Motivated by Marshall McLuhan’s suggestion that advances in technology serve to alter sense perceptions, and that it is the role of artists to be aware of such changes, the author explores intersections and contrasts among five different... more
Critical evaluations of audio mash-ups and remixes tend to congregate around two poles. On the one hand, these often clever recombinations of recorded music are celebrated as innovative and creative interventions in the material of bland... more
Dans l’histoire de la musique populaire occidentale de la deuxième moitié du vingtième siècle, bien que le savoir-faire technique et les infrastructures nécessaires à la production des artefacts culturels constituent un domaine... more
The history behind his piano pieces
Vollständige Reproduktion des seit vielen Jahren vergriffenen Standardwerks zur Diskologie und Diskographie.
From the mid-twentieth century into the twenty-first, artists and musicians manipulated, cracked, and broke audio media technologies to produce novel sounds and performances. Artists and musicians, including John Cage, Nam June Paik,... more
Galilée aborde l’étude physique de l’acoustique dans un court passage des Discorsi, son dernier ouvrage. Pourtant son père Vincenzo, musicien et théoricien, avait écrit plusieurs textes sur le sujet. Galilée étudie la nature vibratoire... more
Resumen: La grabación sonora comercial es un producto, un documento y un objeto acústico-musical, mientras que la portada es su rostro y carta de recomendación. Más aún, la iconografía de las carátulas de discos puede derivar en ejemplos... more
Contemporary Indian films, in their essentially digitalised realms, incorporate techniques such as the location-based multitrack “sync” recording, and surround sound design that reorder the organization of cinematic sound. These practices... more
The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or ‘ambience’. Although this sonic... more
Since their 19th-century rediscovery, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas became a milestone both in the educational for violin and in virtuosos’ repertoires. This two-fold destination engendered a series of binary oppositions,... more
Two first order cardioid microphones spaced 17 cm and angled 110° creating the stereo image.
This paper focuses on how I collect and curate sound recordings, particularly the 78rpm shellac format. It deals with the motivating forces behind why I collect sound recordings and how I situate them in their appropriate historical... more