Disaster Mitigation
Recent papers in Disaster Mitigation
Transportation is one of the most important and urgent tasks in a disaster, e.g., earthquake or flood. Trains, trucks and cars are very restricted by destruction of rail and road, bridges and buildings fall down, flood waters and thick... more
Primer manual de mitigación de riesgos y desastres para Puerto Rico, desarrollado gracias al Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños de Hunter College (CUNY) y el Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial y Acción Comunitaria (IdeaComún). Define... more
The waste generated during the construction and demolition activities include sand, gravel, concrete, bricks, metal, plastic, glass etc. This construction and demolition waste is mainly disposed in landfills. Recycling and reuse of this... more
Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICT Forum that will be held in October 14-16, 2014 in Nis, Serbia. Additional information on the 6th ICT Forum is enclosed and can be found at the... more
Indonesia merupakan sebuah wilayah kepulauan yang berada di atas pertemuan tiga lempeng raksasa yaitu Lempeng Benua Eurasia, Lempeng Samudera Pasifik dan Lempeng Samudera Indo-Australia. Lempeng benua ini saling berinteraksi satu sama... more
This book (published May 2015) is the result of two conferences held in Germany to increase understanding of the significance of culture as a factor in people's behaviour in relation to natural hazards.
It is now well known that the world community must share the risks and hazards deriving from climate change and, more generally, from the environment. The fact that just a few months ago, at the end of summer 2019, the European Bank for... more
This integrative review highlights the potential contribution of human psychology to disaster management, in terms of mitigation, advance preparedness, acute responses to events, and longer term psychosocial effects. The aim is not to... more
In Indian scenario, any religious event is a strong reason to gather huge crowd which many a times turn out into a stampede disaster. In this paper the focus is laid on the stampedes in religious gatherings. Two case studies of stampede:... more
Chapter 2 of the Book "The Anthropology of Disasters in Latin America: State of the Art", edited ByVirginia García-Acosta, and published by Routledge (Dec 2019).
This paper discusses various Information and Communication Tools in the form of Internet, GIS, Remote Sensing, Satellite communication for Disaster preparedness, warning and forecasting, Mitigation and Management Keywords: Internet,... more
Hampir sepanjang waktunya Gunung Merapi memberikan manfaat bagi alam dan makhluk yang ada di sekitarnya. Lereng dan wilayah sekitar Gunung Merapi terkenal dengan kesuburan tanahnya karena guyuran abu vulkanis Gunung Merapi. Padi, tanaman... more
What happens to property values after a catastrophic climate event such as flood, or wildfire? This study examines how North American Real Estate markets respond after catastrophic events. The study explores the present and future risks... more
Makalah tugas kelompok ini mengangkat tema tentang Mitigasi Bencana Banjir.
Dalam makalah ini dibahas mengenai pengertian banjir, penyebab banjir, penanggulangan banjir, dan bagaimana mitigasinya apabila banjir melanda.
Dalam makalah ini dibahas mengenai pengertian banjir, penyebab banjir, penanggulangan banjir, dan bagaimana mitigasinya apabila banjir melanda.
This paper is a literature study that discusses the magic of ancient Architecture, planning and construction techniques of the World. It is a brief study that describes and explains various elements of how architecture, planning and... more
On May 27, 2006, the earthquake with magnitude of 6.3 Mw became the most destructive earthquake ever occurred in Bantul. Recognizing the threat of earthquake hazard in the future, it is necessary to study the potential of liquefaction as... more
The Sidoarjo mudflow resulted in a major environmental and social disaster. Consideration of this case provides strong insight into the Indonesian government's recent environmental management of the disaster, which demonstrates... more
Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Lokal Dalam Optimalisasi Titen dan Kentongan
Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gunung Slamet Di Desa Kemutug Lor Kabupaten Banyumas
Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gunung Slamet Di Desa Kemutug Lor Kabupaten Banyumas
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the policy actions of Texas Gulf Coast cities to mitigate the risk for potential hurricane damage. After conducting a review of the scholarly literature on hurricane damage mitigation... more
Sweetpotato is an established part of the diet of rural people at risk of Vitamin A deficiency, particularly children. It is grown in areas where other sources, e.g. oil palm and carrots, are not common. Sweetpotato has proved to play a... more
Уважаемые господа, С большим удовольствием приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе VI Международного форума по информационно-коммуникационным технологиям "ICT Forum 2014", который пройдет с 14 по 16 октября 2014 г. в Нише. Всю нужную... more
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) menyatakan sejak tahun 2002 lebih dari 50 persen bencana alam terjadi di Jawa. Kantor Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Bantuan Sosial dan Bencana tahun 2013 menyatakan masyarakat harus tanggap... more
Fire is one of the main causes of the destruction of cultural heritage, and mostly of the vernacular heritage. Wood is an organic material, thus during fire it forms a protective layer on the surface. In this way, wooden structural... more
Seismic hazards pose a high risk to the Kathmandu Valley. This paper aims to assess the urban vulnerabilities of the valley, highlighting specific factors that increase risk. It also aims to evaluate the valley’s capacity to cope in the... more
Nepal is a mountainous country situated in the heart of the Himalaya. The Himalaya is also famous worldwide for its very active tectonics. In Nepal, over 80% of the rainfall occurs within a short three months during the monsoon period and... more
Bencana alam adalah ancaman lingkungan yang harus diantisipasi oleh Indonesia karena menimbulkan kerugian besar bagi masyarakat domestik maupun masyarakat di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Hal ini mengakibatkan juga munculnya ancaman terhadap... more
On February 27, 2010, a magnitude 8.8 Mw earthquake struck Chile and provoked a tsunami that wreaked havoc on the Chilean coast. A total of 830 failures in the transportation system were registered on roads, with 91 concession bridges and... more
Makalah ini berusaha mengkaji substansi KTSP dan Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Dasar (SD) dalam tinjauan .pendidikali mitigasi bencana gunung api. Analisis ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran sejauh mana pendidikan dasar... more
A Conferência Internacional Riscos, Segurança e Cidadania decorrerá durante dois dias, em Setúbal. O programa contempla Sessões Temáticas, que decorrem em vários pontos da cidade, em simultâneo. __________________________ Veja-se o artigo... more
Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal (CiVEJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. The journal is... more
This monograph is generally designed to analyze the roles of “Al-munaasabah Application Scales for Soft Skills Enhancement” (MASSSE) for the second year USIM students during this period of COVID-19 pandemic. The following are the two main... more
Nowadays, using ionizing radiation (IR) is necessary for clinical, agricultural, nuclear energy or industrial applications. Accidental exposure to IR after a radiation terror or disaster poses a threat to human. In contrast to the old... more