1. Social theory by Renzo Taddei

Runa, 2025
En octubre de 2023, la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) organizó el 2º Foro Global sobre ... more En octubre de 2023, la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) organizó el 2º Foro Global sobre Información Científica del Clima para la Acción Climática en el Centro Nacional de Meteorología de Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Uno de los temas centrales en la agenda del evento fue la inclusión de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en los servicios climáticos. Para ello, se invitó a líderes indígenas y a algunos científicos sociales a realizar presentaciones. Las ideas que siguen forman parte de mi ponencia, cuyo objetivo fue discutir las dificultades estructurales en el campo de las ciencias atmosféricas para incluir formas no occidentales de conocimiento. Entre las muchas contribuciones que la antropología puede ofrecer a los esfuerzos de interpretar y actuar sobre la triple crisis ecológica, una de las más importantes, desde mi perspectiva, es fomentar la reflexividad en Occidente sobre sus modos de pensar, su organización institucional y los efectos de ambas en el mundo. Este ejercicio de cuestionar las propias formas de pensamiento debería llevar a provincializar los sistemas hegemónicos de interpretación y organización del mundo, en los cuales la ciencia ocupa un lugar destacado.

Maritime Studies, 2025
This review article engages with Stefan Helmreich’s paper ‘Waves dangerous, domesticated, and dia... more This review article engages with Stefan Helmreich’s paper ‘Waves dangerous, domesticated, and diagnostic’ as well as his ‘A Book of Waves’. It offers a set of critical commentaries on key themes raised in these works unpacking the role of wave science, technology and power in various contexts: On treating waves as an outside enemy to be fought by hard barriers between land and water, or as objects of commodification when models functions as ways to claim and export knowledge thereby overriding other forms of knowing waves and protecting coasts; On the role of the state in coastal governance in the Global South and on transdisciplinary approaches dealing with the systemic nature of coastal risks and resilience; On comparison and integration of modern wave science with indigenous knowledges; On the importance of social besides physical oceanography; On practices of attuning not only to the daily tidal schedule and coastal weather, but also to the oceanic rhythms, tempos, and shifts that materialize the ocean’s potentials and risks, and on waves as carriers of meaning. The review paper ends with a response by Helmreich.
Anuário Antropológico, 2024
[...] as transformações em curso nos padrões do clima nos fazem perceber que não é apenas a atmos... more [...] as transformações em curso nos padrões do clima nos fazem perceber que não é apenas a atmosfera que está em transformação. As formas como pensamos a respeito dela e sobre nossa relação com ela também estão. Vivemos um momento de mudanças climáticas e de mudanças antropológicas. O momento atual é caracterizado por grandes incertezas: sobre o que está ocorrendo com o mundo, e, igualmente, sobre nossa capacidade de entender tais transformações e nos ajustarmos a elas. [...]

Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 2024
This article reviews Western perspectives—in a fruitful dialogue with nonWestern perspectives—on ... more This article reviews Western perspectives—in a fruitful dialogue with nonWestern perspectives—on the climate emergency and artistic experiences amid the ongoing debate about futures currently at stake in the climate crisis or climate emergency. Moving beyond the various ways of naming this crisis, we focus on how art can communicate, envision, and activate ways of inhabiting this problem, opening communities to an other-than-human coexistence and reconfiguring matters as we understand them in a geological, natural, or material sense. The analyses indicate that, instead of aiming at a singular solution, multiple exercises and imaginative and speculative avenues of narratives can tell different stories and envision alternative futures. If the climate crisis ignited in the Anthropocene is a shared crisis—both political and aesthetic—then art, inseparable from life and hence nature, holds a crucial role in nurturing care and the potency of imagining other possible worlds.
Environmental and Ecological Sustainability Through Indigenous Traditions, 2024
Chapter 10 in B. K. Pattnaik (ed.), Environmental and Ecological Sustainability Through Indigenou... more Chapter 10 in B. K. Pattnaik (ed.), Environmental and Ecological Sustainability Through Indigenous Traditions. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-7079-5_10

Encontros de cultura e saúde : como a antropologia pode ajudar a pensar o SUS hoje, 2024
Debate-se atualmente a proposição de que vivemos em uma nova época geológica denominada Antropoce... more Debate-se atualmente a proposição de que vivemos em uma nova época geológica denominada Antropoceno, em que os efeitos das atividades humanas atingiram escalas planetárias, na ordem de grandeza de eventos geológicos como terremotos. O Antropoceno e seus efeitos nos obrigam a repensar a presença humana sobre o planeta e as maneiras como nos relacionamos com as demais formas de vida e com os ecossistemas. Neste texto, buscamos discutir as implicações desse debate para os conceitos e as práticas do cuidado. Exploramos o conceito de Saúde Única e discutimos as implicações da ideia de que os seres humanos são
emaranhados simbióticos denominados holobiontes. Dentro da mudança de paradigma que se faz necessária, argumentamos que as práticas de cuidado devem deixar de ocupar a posição de excepcionalidade na qual estão atualmente e passar a constituir o elemento que caracteriza todas as relações sociais e dos humanos com as demais formas de vida e com os ecossistemas.
Presentation delivered at the 2nd Global Forum on Climate Science Information for Climate Action,... more Presentation delivered at the 2nd Global Forum on Climate Science Information for Climate Action, National Center of Meteorology, Abu Dhabi, 10 October 2023
Nature Climate Change, 2023
The IPCC has been successful at building its scientific authority, but it will require institutio... more The IPCC has been successful at building its scientific authority, but it will require institutional reform for staying relevant to new and changing political contexts. Exploring a range of alternative future pathways for the IPCC can help guide crucial decisions about redefining its purpose.

Revista Iberoamericana CTS, 2023
The article argues that most of the debates on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary... more The article argues that most of the debates on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and co-production focus solely on human actors and human agency and, as a result, fail to acknowledge the role of other-than-human agency in fields where it plays a central role, environmental governance being one of them. Two cases are presented and analyzed. In the first, climate scientists and technicians in South America co-produce solutions for an environmental crisis brought about by a drought. The article argues that the drought was what enabled co-production to happen meaningfully. The second contrasts the thinking of Yanomami Indigenous author and shaman Davi Kopenawa about the environment and the agencies involved in shamanistic action with the ontological basis of the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in which the integration of Indigenous knowledge has been a goal for over a decade. Based on the analysis of these cases, it is argued that other-than-human agencies need to be recognized in environmental governance.
O nível de atenção pública dada ao tema do Antropoceno mostra que há bem mais do que geologia na ... more O nível de atenção pública dada ao tema do Antropoceno mostra que há bem mais do que geologia na questão. Um campo em que o debate tem se mostrado particularmente vivo é o das humanidades e ciências sociais. Se é verdade que o Antropoceno tem se revelado um termo impreciso e já em desgaste, ele contudo mostrou-se bom para pensar. A presente coletânea pretende dar provas disso. O chamado é por encarar as novas figurações do humano e da natureza, e sobretudo as relações entre esses dois termos, que ora existem sob constrangimentos inéditos, como ilustram as evidências do Antropoceno. Como agora esses termos se compõem? E com que novas exigências metafísicas e políticas? [Texto da quarta capa]
Everyday Matters: Contemporary Approaches to Architecture, 2022
Taddei, Renzo. Intervention of Another Nature: Resources for Thinking in (and out of) the Anthrop... more Taddei, Renzo. Intervention of Another Nature: Resources for Thinking in (and out of) the Anthropocene. In: Vanessa Grossman and Ciro Miguel, editors, Everyday Matters: Contemporary Approaches to Architecture. Berlin: Ruby Press, 2022, pp. 124-141

The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, 2022
The Anthropocene debate is here situated in the context of the environmental crisis. The polysemi... more The Anthropocene debate is here situated in the context of the environmental crisis. The polysemic nature and political implications of the concept are examined. The prefix Anthropos is discussed, especially in its historical connections to environmental injustice, racism, and specism. The concept of domestication is adopted as a heuristic tool to explore some of the colonial legacies that inspire contemporary ecological thinking and point to alternative ways of inhabiting the world, particularly those associated with multispecies ethnographies and Indigenous and Black diasporic ontologies. The core argument of this entry is that a productive decolonial perspective on the Anthropocene can operate as a reverse or counteranthropology of the contemporary condition, in which the present and the scientific attempts at making sense of it, through concepts such as the Anthropocene, are seen and evaluated from the fringes of the hierarchies of knowledge that structure modern science.

A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2022
This chapter discusses the concept of 'civic epistemology' in relation to the Intergovernmental P... more This chapter discusses the concept of 'civic epistemology' in relation to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the governance of climate change. Civic epistemology refers to 'the institutionalised practices by which members of a given society test and deploy knowledge claims used as a basis for making collective choices' (Jasanoff, 2005: 255). Differences in civic epistemologies seem to be directly related to how scientific climate knowledge, presented in IPCC assessment reports, relates to political decision-making at different scalesnational, regional, global. The concept is especially rich because it enables a nuanced understanding of the role of IPCC assessments in national climate governance and in meeting the challenges of building more cosmopolitan climate expertise. Both of these aspects are important if emerging institutional arrangements that seek to govern global environmental change are to be understood. Through a critical review of the civic epistemology literature related to the IPCC, this chapter investigates how the cultural dimensions of the sciencepolicy nexus, in different national and geopolitical contexts, conditions the legitimation and uptake of IPCC knowledge.
Philosophy on Fieldwork: Case Studies in Anthropological Analysis, 2023
This chapter explores the ideas of Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa about the connections... more This chapter explores the ideas of Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa about the connections between knowledge and life, about the ways in which non-indigenous Western peoples tend to connect the two, and how this is related to their tendency to destroy the natural environment. Through the exploration of the particular philosophy of language and of the self that structures Kopenawa's understanding of personhood and the relationships between beings, a radically new perspective on the environmentand on knowing the environmentemerges, challenging well-established assumptions about the current environmental crisis and the role that science plays in it.
Energy Research & Social Science, 2022
The article provides an anthropological analysis of the different social worlds that make up elec... more The article provides an anthropological analysis of the different social worlds that make up electrical energy infrastructures. Using the lens of the anthropology of infrastructures, we reflect on the role of meteorological information artifacts in the constitution of the infrastructure of the electrical energy system in Brazil. Based on fieldwork, we show how meteorological artifacts play a performative role as boundary objects in the sociomaterial dynamics of the hydropower infrastructure. The article describes how social worlds are entangled with the circulation of weather and climate knowledge in the electrical energy infrastructures, which is increasingly important in the current context of climate change.
La Antropología de los Desastres en América Latina: Estado del arte, 2021
Novos temas em emergência climática: para os ensinos fundamental e médio, 2021
As vozes dos povos indígenas e das populações tradicionais se fazem imprescindíveis nos debates s... more As vozes dos povos indígenas e das populações tradicionais se fazem imprescindíveis nos debates sobre as mudanças climáticas. Os pensadores indígenas e quilombolas contemporâneos nos oferecem novas formas de perceber e nos relacionarmos com o mundo à nossa volta e nos ajudam a entender as razões pelas quais as sociedades industrializadas tão frequentemente devastam o meio ambiente.
Cinema em Foco: cinema, cultura e pensamento, Vol. 3, 2020
As reflexões apresentadas aqui tratam da crise na relação entre nós, humanos, e as coisas não hum... more As reflexões apresentadas aqui tratam da crise na relação entre nós, humanos, e as coisas não humanas, vivas ou não (aquilo que convencionamos chamar de "Natureza"), através da discussão do filme Árido Movie.
Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 2021
The text provides an analysis of the disorganization of large sociotechnical networks and infrast... more The text provides an analysis of the disorganization of large sociotechnical networks and infrastructure in Brazil, due to the coronavirus epidemic. Special attention is paid to the entanglement of infrastructural networks, such as the health system and the electrical energy supply system in the country. The effects of COVID-19 in economic activities and in some key social dynamics cause disorganization in these and other sectors, in levels rarely seen, and in doing so provide evidence of how they are entangled. The concept of disentanglement is proposed, as a development of the widely employed concept of entanglement in the social sciences.
1. Social theory by Renzo Taddei
emaranhados simbióticos denominados holobiontes. Dentro da mudança de paradigma que se faz necessária, argumentamos que as práticas de cuidado devem deixar de ocupar a posição de excepcionalidade na qual estão atualmente e passar a constituir o elemento que caracteriza todas as relações sociais e dos humanos com as demais formas de vida e com os ecossistemas.
emaranhados simbióticos denominados holobiontes. Dentro da mudança de paradigma que se faz necessária, argumentamos que as práticas de cuidado devem deixar de ocupar a posição de excepcionalidade na qual estão atualmente e passar a constituir o elemento que caracteriza todas as relações sociais e dos humanos com as demais formas de vida e com os ecossistemas.
O texto abordará esta questão através da apresentação de três estudos de caso em que a interação entre cientistas e outros grupos sociais produziu mudanças efetivas e construtivas na realidade, mas em escalas e formas de operação para as quais a meteorologia é cega, ou com foco em dimensões da realidade que o meio meteorológico não trata como legítimos.
Abstract: Previous studies have shown that the coastal zone of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is considered highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change. This scenario is complicated by the presence of nationally relevant economic activities, large population and legally protected ecosystems. The present study aims to analyze perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of environmental managers about the effects of climate change on coastal regions, as well as to evaluate the type of information that is used (or planned to use) in the construction of effective adaption plans. This research was carried out through the application of a survey using the online platform SurveyGizmo. The results document growing levels of preoccupation among environmental managers about the impacts of climatic changes; at the same time, they make evident the absence in effective activity in the creation of public policy addressed to the mitigation or adaptation to the expected impacts.
innovation from a cross-cultural perspective. We describe a number of important tensions, paradoxes and opportunities that emerged over the three days of the workshop.
reflections and observations from the workshop discussions, paying particular attention to the discourse of responsible innovation from a cross-cultural perspective. We describe a number of important tensions, paradoxes and opportunities that emerged over the three days of the workshop.
como antítese às abordagens teóricas dominantes dos trabalhos que buscam entender a torcida como fenômeno social.
que la Policía, con su determinación de establecer el orden y el control, proyecta sobre las hinchadas la imagen de un colectivo alborotador y rebelde a la autoridad policial, lo cual la conduce a una neurótica escalada en el uso de la violencia oficial. Los aficionados, por su parte, se centran en las heroicidades y en el protagonismo como parte de su proceso de individualización, y ven en las fuerzas policiales un obstáculo para sus objetivos, lo cual los conduce a actuar con mayor energía, histéricamente, en sus actividades habituales. Neurosis e histeria son conceptos que se definen en el texto y se emplean de manera específica.
This article presents and analyzes ethnographic data generated in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, among soccer fans whose conduct is supposedly violent, and their relation to the police force. Using a theoretical framework proposed by authors working in the field of Melanesian anthropology, this text suggests that the police, with their insistence on stablishing order and control, project an image of soccer fans as an unruly mob that rebels against police authority, thus leading to a neurotic escalation in the use of violence by the police. The fans, on the other hand, focus on their own supposedly heroic actions and leading roles as part of a process of individualization, and consider the police force an obstacle to the achievement of their goals, which leads them to act with even greater energy, to the point of hysteria, in their customary activities. Neurosis and hysteria are terms that are defined and used in a very specific way in this text.
Este artigo apresenta e analisa dados etnográficos gerados em Buenos Aires, capital da Argentina, entre torcedores de futebol cujo comportamento é supostamente violento e sua relação com as forças policiais. Partindo do referencial teórico originado na antropologia melanésia, este texto sugere que a polícia, com sua determinação de estabelecer a ordem e o controle, projeta sobre as torcidas organizadas a imagem de um coletivo alvoroçado e rebelde à autoridade policial, o que a conduz a uma neurótica escalada no uso da violência oficial. Os torcedores, por sua vez, centralizam-se nas heroicidades e no protagonismo como parte de seu processo de individualização,
e veem nas forças policiais um obstáculo para seus objetivos, o que os leva a atuarem com maior energia, histericamente, em suas atividades habituais. Neurose e histeria são conceitos que são definidos neste texto e empregam-se de maneira específica.
Tradução em Libras disponível. Faça sua solicitação no ato da inscrição, com no mínimo dois dias de antecedência da atividade.
Uma das características da forma de pesquisa típica da antropologia, conhecida como etnografia, é o contato direto com a realidade pesquisada, no qual o(a) pesquisador(a) apreende, de forma holística, modos de vida e formas de estar no mundo diferentes dos seus. Por essa razão, não são apenas antropólogos e sociólogos que têm se dedicado a engajar-se etnograficamente com o mundo: educadores, ativistas, arquitetos, designers, profissionais da saúde, ambientalistas, e mesmo profissionais da área de recursos humanos têm se utilizado de ferramentas de pesquisa oriundas da etnografia.
Neste curso pretende-se apresentar o método etnográfico em seus conceitos e práticas fundamentais, seu desenvolvimento histórico em relação às ciências sociais, e discutir o seu potencial - não apenas para possibilitar certo conhecimento do mundo, mas para um engajamento transformativo com ele - em múltiplas áreas de atuação na cotidianidade.
Assim, são tratados os seguintes temas: discriminação e minorias, gênero e sexualidade, e a crise ambientais. Na medida do possível, outros temas podem ser trabalhados, escolhidos conjuntamente com os participantes, de modo a atender a suas necessidades e inquietações. Entre as atividades práticas e os exercícios de observação e escrita etnográfica, um encontro acontece fora da sala de aula.
As inscrições pela internet podem ser realizadas até um dia antes do início da atividade. Após esse período, caso ainda haja vagas, é possível se inscrever pessoalmente em todas as unidades. Após o início da atividade não é possível realizar inscrição.
Renzo Taddei
Doutor em Antropologia pela Universidade de Columbia. É professor da USP, no Instituto do Mar e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais.
(Foto: Marcos Nepomuceno do Amaral)
GEERTZ, Clifford. Uma descrição densa: por uma teoria interpretativa da cultura. In: A interpretação das culturas. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara, 1989.
GOLDMAN, Márcio. "Os tambores do antropólogo: Antropologia pós-social e etnografia". PontoUrbe, ano 2, versão 3.0, julho, 2008.
LATOUR, B. Reagregando o social: uma introdução à teoria do ator-rede. Salvador: EDUFBA-Edusc, 400 p., 2012. MAGNANI, José Guilherme Cantor. "A etnografia como prática e experiência". Horizontes Antropológicos. Vol.15, N.32, Porto Alegre, jul./dez. 2009.
MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw. Argonautas do Pacífico Ocidental. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1978.
RODRIGUES, José Carlos. Razões do risco e riscos da razão. In: Comunicação e significado: escritos indisciplinares. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X/Ed. PUC-Rio, 2006, pp. 141-175.
STEIL, Carlos Alberto & CARVALHO, Isabel (orgs.). Cultura, percepção e ambiente. Diálogos com Tim Ingold. São Paulo: Terceiro Nome, 2012.
TADDEI, Renzo & GAMBOGGI, Ana Laura. Etnografia, Meio Ambiente e Comunicação Ambiental. Caderno Pedagógico, Lageado, v. 8, n. 2, p. 09-28, 2011.
VIVEIROS DE CASTRO, Eduardo. "O nativo relativo". Mana, vol.8, N.1, Rio de Janeiro, abril 2002. ______. A inconstância da alma selvagem - e outros ensaios de antropologia. São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, 2002 (b).
WAGNER, Roy. A invenção da cultura. São Paulo: Cosac Naifa, 2010.
20/10/2016 a 17/11/2016
Dias e Horários
Quintas, 14h às 16h
As inscrições podem ser feitas a partir de 27 de setembro, às 14h, aqui no site do Centro de Pesquisa e Formação ou nas Unidades do Sesc em São Paulo.
Rua Dr. Plínio Barreto, 285 - 4º andar
Bela Vista - São Paulo.
R$ 18,00 - credencial plena: trabalhador do comércio de bens, serviços e turismo matriculado no Sesc e dependentes
R$ 30,00 - pessoa com mais de 60 anos, pessoa com deficiência, estudante e professor da rede pública com comprovante
R$ 60,00 - inteira
9th CIFAS Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods
July 19 to 30, 2016
The Comitas Institute for Anthropological Study (CIFAS) is pleased to announce the 9th CIFAS Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods, in New York City
The goal of the Field School is to offer training in the foundations and practice of ethnographic methods. The faculty works closely with participants to identify the required field methods needed to address their academic or professional needs. The Field School is suitable for graduate and undergraduate students in social sciences and other fields of study that use qualitative approaches (such as education, communication, cultural studies, health, social work, human ecology, development studies, consumer behavior, among others), applied social scientists, professionals, and researchers who have an interest in learning more about ethnographic methods and their applications.
· Foundations of ethnographic research
· Theory and practice: social theories in the field
· Research design
· Planning the logistics of field research
· Data collection techniques
· Principles of organization and indexation of field data
· Analyzing field data
· Qualitative analysis software packages: basic principles
· Individual, one-on-one discussion of research projects
· Field trips
The course is two weeks long. The total work load of the course is 30 hours. Students interested in earning credits for the course may have additional assignments in order to totalize 45 hours of activities (what is equivalent to 3 credits).
Course venue: Classes will take place at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Columbia University.
Renzo Taddei (Assistant Professor, Federal University of São Paulo/Affiliated Researcher, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/1dn7RuJ.
Lambros Comitas (Gardner Cowles Professor of Anthropology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/ZUHbMn
Registration and other costs: Places are limited. The tuition fee is US$ 900. The tuition fee does not cover accommodation, meals or transportation. Registration should be completed online here.
Other information:
Insurance: Participants are required to have travel insurance that covers medical and repatriation costs (for international students). Proof of purchase of travel insurance must be presented at the first day of activities.
See pictures of the previous editions of the CIFAS Summer Field School here.
For more information, please write to Renzo Taddei at [email protected].
7th CIFAS Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods
June 15 to 26, 2015
The Comitas Institute for Anthropological Study (CIFAS) is pleased to announce the 7th CIFAS Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods, in New York City
The goal of the Field School is to offer training in the foundations and practice of ethnographic methods. The faculty works closely with participants to identify the required field methods needed to address their academic or professional needs. The Field School is suitable for graduate and undergraduate students in social sciences and other fields of study that use qualitative approaches (such as education, communication, cultural studies, health, social work, human ecology, development studies, consumer behavior, among others), applied social scientists, professionals, and researchers who have an interest in learning more about ethnographic methods and their applications.
· Foundations of ethnographic research
· Theory and practice: social theories in the field
· Research design
· Planning the logistics of field research
· Data collection techniques
· Principles of organization and indexation of field data
· Analyzing field data
· Qualitative analysis software packages: basic principles
· Individual, one-on-one discussion of research projects
· Field trips
The course is two weeks long. The total work load of the course is 30 hours. Students interested in earning credits for the course may have additional assignments in order to totalize 45 hours of activities (what is equivalent to 3 credits).
Course venue: Classes will take place at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Columbia University.
Renzo Taddei (Assistant Professor, Federal University of São Paulo/Affiliated Researcher, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/1dn7RuJ.
Lambros Comitas (Gardner Cowles Professor of Anthropology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/ZUHbMn
Registration and other costs: Places are limited. The tuition fee is US$900. The tuition fee does not cover accommodation, meals or transportation. Registration should be completed online here.
Accommodations: International House offers housing for participants for the discount price of US$ 60 per night (provided there are rooms available). Rooms and other facilities can be checked out on their website, on the virtual tour option (the blue button that says “take a tour”): http://www.ihouse-nyc.org/s/707/start.aspx?sid=707&gid=1&pgid=254.
Other information:
Insurance: Participants are required to have travel insurance that covers medical and repatriation costs (for international students). Proof of purchase of travel insurance must be presented at the first day of activities.
See pictures of the previous editions of the CIFAS Summer Field School here.
For more information, please write to Renzo Taddei at [email protected].
June 16 to 27, 2014
The Comitas Institute for Anthropological Study (CIFAS) is pleased to announce the 5th CIFAS Field School in Ethnographic Research Methods, in New York City
The goal of the Field School is to offer training in the foundations and practice of ethnographic methods. The faculty works closely with participants to identify the required field methods needed to address their academic or professional needs. The Field School is suitable for graduate and undergraduate students in social sciences and other fields of study that use qualitative approaches (such as education, communication, cultural studies, health, social work, human ecology, development studies, consumer behavior, among others), applied social scientists, professionals, and researchers who have an interest in learning more about ethnographic methods and their applications.
The total work load of the course is 30 hours. Students interested in earning credits for the course may have additional assignments in order to totalize 45 hours of activities (what is equivalent to 3 credits).
Course venue: classes will take place at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Columbia University, in the Upper West Side of New York City.
See pictures of the previous editions of the CIFAS Summer Field School here.
Renzo Taddei (Assistant Professor, Federal University of São Paulo/Affiliated Researcher, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/1dn7RuJ.
Lambros Comitas (Gardner Cowles Professor of Anthropology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University). CV: http://bit.ly/ZUHbMn
Registration and other costs: Places are limited. The tuition fee is US$900. The tuition fee does not cover accommodation, meals or transportation. Registration should be completed online here.
Accommodations: International House offers housing for participants for the discount price of US$ 60 per night (provided there are rooms available). Rooms and other facilities can be checked out on their website, on the virtual tour option (the blue button that says “take a tour”): http://www.ihouse-nyc.org/s/707/start.aspx?sid=707&gid=1&pgid=254.
Other information:
Insurance: Participants are required to have travel insurance that covers medical and repatriation costs (for international students). Proof of purchase of travel insurance must be presented at the first day of activities.
For more information, please write to Renzo Taddei at [email protected], or visit http://www.cifas.us/page/5th-cifas-field-school-ethnographic-research-methods.
June 16
· Foundations of ethnographic research
June 17
· Theory and practice: social theories in the field
June 18
· Research design & data collection techniques
June 19
· Planning the logistics of field research
June 20
· Field trip & individual, one-on-one discussion of research projects
June 23
· Ethnography in specific fields of activity (applied social sciences, public policy design, business & management, and others)
June 24
· Principles of organization and indexation of field data
June 25
· Analyzing field data
June 26
· Qualitative analysis software packages: basic principles
June 27
· Field trip & wrap up session
Professores convidados: Eduardo Neves (MAE/USP), Karen Shiratori (pós-doc Departamento de Antropologia/USP), Pedro Paulo Pimenta (Departamento de Filosofia/USP), Renato Sztutman (Departamento de Antropologia/USP), Rita Natálio (Instituto de História de Arte/NOVA Lisboa) e André S. Bailão (PPGAS/USP).
A partir das ciências humanas e da filosofia, embora sem nelas se bastar, o curso pretende aproximar-se do tema do Antropoceno (proposição de uma nova época geológica marcada pelos impactos em escala e velocidade de certas ações antrópicas na auto-regulação do planeta). Encarar a fusão entre modalidades de saber tradicionalmente separadas em “ciências do espírito” e “ciências da matéria” parece ser passagem obrigatória para abordagens as mais realistas do tema. Como acontecimento e objeto de estudo, o Antropoceno põe em causa, de modo inédito, as abordagens estritamente disciplinares. Considerá-lo exige afrontar qualquer exclusivismo pretendido por áreas ou domínios do conhecimento. Consequentemente, tal programa de investigação deve desconfiar, logo de partida, da autonomia ou suposta suficiência dos dois grandes repertórios epistemológicos e críticos da modernidade, ambos derivados das “duas culturas” (C. P. Snow), e que hoje podemos identificar como, de um lado, o “humanismo multicultural”, e, de outro, o “mononaturalismo”. Nesse sentido, é como se, por exemplo, não fizesse mais sentido separar a agenda dos Direitos Humanos da agenda dos Direitos Ambientais. Um tal emaranhado, devidamente explorado, tem impactos significativos nas bases epistemológicas da modernidade (conforme definição de Bruno Latour). Em seu lugar, outras visadas pedem passagem. Contra as infecundas Guerras das Ciências (Science Wars), ganham força as reviravoltas ontológicas (Ontological Turn) e outras viradas que permanecem ainda sem um nome (...).