Fire Protection
Recent papers in Fire Protection
This paper addresses the efficiency of thermal insulation layers applied to protect structural elements strengthened by fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) in the case of fire event. The paper presents numerical modeling and nonlinear... more
h i g h l i g h t s Fire test in a full-scale compartment built using light and massive timber elements. Assessment of gypsum plasterboards and wood based panels as fire protection claddings. Gypsum plasterboards offer better fire... more
The thesis of the paper is that Africans make up a significant portion of the makeup of southern fire departments. Municipalities of the 1700s and 1800s needed to provide fire protection in order to prevent the fires that could (and did)... more
Structural fire safety is assured if the design value of the effect of the actions (thermal and mechanical) is lower than the design value of each structural element fire resistance or, in other words, structural safety is assured when... more
Cast iron columns were used in many 19th century structures. Many such structures are still in use today and it is important that they fulfill the current requirements on fire resistance. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive... more
The "slim deck" and the "slim floor" systems are typical examples of composite shallow floor systems that have been applied recently in the civil engineering industry, while various manufacturing companies developing their own systems.... more
ASFP Blue Book - Volume 1 of 3
This review covers mainly intumescent coatings, with briefer discussions of non-intumescent organic fire-resistive coatings and cementitious inorganic coatings. Emphasis is placed on the more recent developments, and the more recent... more
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
"Cette recherche est réalisée en conformité avec l’article 57 de la Loi sur la sécurité incendie, qui octroie le mandat à l’École nationale des pompiers du Québec d’effectuer ou de faire effectuer des recherches et des études dans des... more
The ISO 9001 certified laboratory that performed the testing and prepared the report works for many product manufacturers and does not endorse any manufacturer over another. This multidisciplinary engineering and scientific consulting... more
Fire protection of historic buildings has been a subject of many investigations over the last 2 decades. In this article, the perspective of historic buildings, fire situations, and fire protective documents in recent years are introduced... more
(Ban hành kèm theo quyết định số: 18/QĐ-TTTP ngày 15 tháng 01 năm 2015)
(Ban hành kèm theo quyết định số: 18/QĐ-TTTP ngày 15 tháng 01 năm 2015)
RESUMO Diante da quantidade de modelos de simulação disponíveis e variadas opções de utilização, potencialidades e restrições que tais modelos apresentam, este estudo busca como objetivo discutir parte das ferramentas e potencialidades do... more
To compete with another Master Plumber for employment on the basis of professional charges, by reducing his usual charges and in this manner attempting to underbid after being informed of the charges named by another. To use the... more
Through the fire investigation activity, it is possible to understand the phenomena related to fire and to detect inconsistencies in the processes related to Fire Safety (SCI) and correct them, promoting their improvement. It is observed... more
Hướng dẫn sử dụng cuộn vòi phun nước chữa cháy
Khi phát hiện cháy, lập tức triển khai cuộn vòi theo các bước sau, thao tác phải nhanh, dứt khoát
Khi phát hiện cháy, lập tức triển khai cuộn vòi theo các bước sau, thao tác phải nhanh, dứt khoát
Đối với những nhà xưởng, công ty lớn, thậm chí cả hộ gia đình, ngoài việc cần trang bị bình chữa cháy cũng nên có thêm một bộ bảng nội quy tiêu lệnh PCCC như hình bên dưới :
In the first century BC Rome was quite vulnerable to fire due to the many wood dwellings and warehouses. To limit the risks as much as possible several preventive measures were taken including the institution of a fire brigade by Augustus... more
RESUMO A fumaça do incêndio florestal contém contaminantes que podem causar problemas respiratórios. Combatentes de incêndios florestais por todo o mundo estão se protegendo contra esse risco. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão da... more
privind aprobarea Normelor tehnice pentru proiectarea, executarea si exploatarea sistemelor de alimentare cu gaze naturale -NTPEE-2008 Publicat in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I nr. 255 din 16 / 04 / 2009 1. OBIECT, DOMENIU DE APLICARE,... more
Qatar Civil Department Regulations 2015 Revision
The contributions of fire disaster to the varying degrees of students’, staff and schools’ property and/or lives lost in secondary schools in Nigeria is recently alarming. The study assessed causes of fire disaster in public and private... more
En consecuencia de fenómenos globales tales como el calentamiento global, el periodo de duración de las estaciones climáticas, el aumento de la temperatura y la contaminación por basuras, se generan condiciones propicias para el inicio de... more
This essay discusses the obstructions that may occur in the fire protection systems. It explains the different types of the obstructions and focuses on the Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC). The essay explains the causes of MIC... more
L e strutture in acciaio sono penalizzate in caso di incendio per una serie di fattori, come l'elevata conducibilità termica dell'acciaio, il degrado delle caratteristiche meccaniche con l'aumento della temperatura e gli esigui spessori... more
Automatic systems can detect aircraft fires or potential ignition which might not be apparent to the crew until they have developed to an extent which makes their successful control difficult, or impossible. These systems are based upon... more
This article reconsiders the historical problem of firesetting firefighters. The research draws upon an original dataset of firefighters arrested (n = 1,213) for arson dating back to the early nineteenth century. The quantitative analysis... more
Recent archive researches have revealed that, after the fire that destroyed in 1823 a large part of the papal Basilica of Saint Paul outside the walls, the Engineer and Architect Luigi Poletti was commissioned by Pope Leo XII to provide... more
The managerial function charged with creating the framework within the communities reduce vulnerability to hazard and cope the disasters is known as the disaster management.
Details of fire protection system in Hospital Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia
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Echiparea şi dotarea construcţiilor, instalaţiilor tehnologice cu mijloacelor tehnice
de prevenire şi stingere a incendiilor
Clasificarea mijloacelor tehnice de prevenire şi stingere a incendiilor
de prevenire şi stingere a incendiilor
Clasificarea mijloacelor tehnice de prevenire şi stingere a incendiilor