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Der Psychoanalytiker verspürt nur selten den Antrieb zu ästhetischen Untersuchungen“, aber „[h]ie und da trifft es sich doch, dass er sich für ein bestimmtes Gebiet der Ästhetik interessieren muß“ (297), – so Sigmund Freud zu Beginn... more
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      das UnheimlicheDer SandmannDie VerwandlungLe Horla
nin genel özellikleriyle konuya giriş yapmam daha doğru olur. Alman dili ve edebiyatı mezunu olan Kafka Yahudi bir tüccarın oğuluydu. En belirgin özelliği yalnızlığı sevmesi ki bu aynı eserde de Gregor Samsa karakterinin özeliğidir.... more
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      Franz KafkaDie Verwandlung
La presente tesi magistrale nasce con l’intento di fornire una visione d’insieme sulla collocazione di Kafka e delle sue opere all’interno del panorama letterario italiano, facendo riferimento allo strumento che lo ha reso fruibile nel... more
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      German LiteratureFranz KafkaKafkaLetteratura Tedesca
Brief interpretation of Franz Kafka's narrative "Die Verwandlung"
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiteratureLiterary Criticism
Eine poetologische Untersuchung von vorsprachlich-unbewussten Elementen in der Prosa Kafkas und dessen Kampf um künstlerisch-sprachliche Integrität im Kontext der Sprachkrise der Jahrhundertwende.
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      KafkaSprachkriseDie Verwandlung
Finding equivalence translations is the central and difficult task of a translator. The aim of this study is to compare how Willa and Edwin Muir, Stanley Corngold and Joyce Crick have solved the issue of equivalence while translating... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesFranz KafkaTranslation
Özet Bu çalışmanın ana amacı Franz Kafka'nın "Dönüşüm" adlı eserini incelemektir. Fakat Kafka'nın dünyasını daha iyi anlayabilmek için yazarın mensup olduğu Ekspresyonizm akımını tanıtmak çalışmanın birincil ayağını oluşturuyor.... more
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      Franz KafkaÇeviribilimYeni Türk EdebiyatıTürk Dili Ve Edebiyatı
The negative transformation of Gregor Samsa in „Metamorphosis“ into a half-monster and a half-non-animal is succeeded by a process of anagnorisis, which in our own reading represents a series of negations: "ungeheuer", "Ungeziefer",... more
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      Theodor AdornoHybridityFranz KafkaSigmund Freud
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      Franz KafkaÉthiqueEthique AnimaleDie Verwandlung
Zusammenfassung Den Gegenstand dieser Arbeit bildet die Analyse der Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden in der Ausgestaltung der Hauptfiguren in Franz Kafkas Werken Die Verwandlung und Der Prozeß. Einführend werden Informationen über den... more
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      Franz KafkaDer ProzessDie VerwandlungGregor Samsa
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      German LiteratureLiteratureNarratologyFranz Kafka
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      Discourse AnalysisComic Book StudiesComicsFranz Kafka
An overall typology of the relationship between the preparing narrations and the actual acts of metamorphosis as constructed by Ovidius.
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ABSTRACT One of Kafka’s best-known stories Die Verwandlung, is also one of the most important works of the world literature. Die Verwandlung was written between November 1912 and January 1913, and was first published in a monthly magazine... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureLiteratureFranz Kafka
"En el vocabulario crítico, la palabra "precursor" es indispensable, pero habría que tratar de purificarla de toda connotación de polémica o rivalidad. El hecho es que cada escritor crea a sus precursores. Su labor modifica nuestra... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJorge Luis BorgesFranz KafkaGabriel García Márquez
Die Verbindung von Kafka und Amae mag manchem eigenartig erscheinen, aber seitdem ich vor mehr als zehn Jahren meine erste Vorlesung in Japan über Kafkas „Verwandlung“ gehalten und zugleich Takeo Dois „The Anatomy of Dependence (Amae no... more
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      Franz KafkaDie Verwandlung
"One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug 1 ". As in an uneasy dream, the Kafkian character is an entity in between, in the dichotomy of... more
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      SemioticsSelf and IdentitySocial IdentityContemporary Art
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      Franz KafkaGDR HistorySensualitySpace and Place in Literature