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      MythologyArt HistoryGanymedeDiachronic Typology
Morphological strategies for inflectional exponence have traditionally been associated with different stages in the evolution of languages. Moreover, the so-called morphological cycle (or the typological cycle in morphology) is claimed to... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsHistorical MorphologyMorphology
The present paper provides a typological study of the semantic shift from ‘word’ or ‘speech’ and from speech act verbs to nouns with the meaning ‘thing’. The evidence for such a shift was found in various Indo-European and Semitic... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Semitic languagesSlavic LanguagesComparative Semitic Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationProper NamesLinguistic Typology
Chapter 6 (by Santazilia) is a study of the Basque noun morphology, which sets out the noun paradigm of historical Basque and the structure of its NP, and then goes on to list the explanations proposed so far for every aspect concerning... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonology
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsIndo-European StudiesMorphology
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the main sources of antipassives based on a 120-language sample. The sample includes the 48 languages with an antipassive in the WALS (Polinsky 2013) + 72 further languages in which an... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationLinguistic Typology
This article examines various aspects of the reconstruction of the passive in Proto-Indo-European (PIE), foremost on the basis of evidence from the Indo-Aryan (Early Vedic) and Greek branches. In Proto-Indo-European the fundamental... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesLinguistic TypologyAncient Greek Language
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesHistory of Latin Language
Работа посвящена пассивным конструкциям в уральских языках. Две основные цели работы: установить инвентарь пассивных показателей в уральских языках и обобщить их основные свойства и функции, а также предложить пути исторического развития... more
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      Uralic LinguisticsVerbal MorphologyComparative Uralic LinguisticsDiachronic Typology
In this paper, we take the strong position that syntactic constructions can be reconstructed, first by identifying constructional cognates, then by identifying evidence for the directionality of constructional change that best explains... more
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      Historical SyntaxLinguistic TypologyDiachronic SyntaxDiachronic Typology
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      MarxismModernizationHistorical InstitutionalismElites (Political Science)
Irrealis markers are characterized by the rampant heterogeneity of their distributional patterns and by the tendency to appear as portmanteau morphemes encoding other grammatical categories (e.g. person). These and other characteristics... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsModalityGrammaticalization
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      Sinhala and Dravidian languagesSlavic Historical LinguisticsFinno-Ugric languagesArmenian Language
Antipassive constructions may be polysemous, with aspectual and modal functions other than patient demotion, and may differ with respect to the way agents and patients are coded. This paper explores the hypothesis that at least some of... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)GrammaticalizationLinguistic TypologyDiachronic Typology
This paper provides a diachronic typology of what we call ‘heterogeneous plurals’, an overarching term comprising associative plurals (expressions meaning X[person] & company) and similative plurals (expressions meaning X and similar... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMorphosyntaxGrammaticalizationCategorization
In this chapter we set out to discuss some issues concerning the diachrony of non-verbal predication. The first issue is what diachronic sources can be singled out for copula constructions. Secondly, we discuss how predicative inflection... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMorphosyntaxGrammaticalizationLinguistic Typology
In some languages, arguments in inverse constructions happen to be marked in the same way as possessors or there is some morphological material shared by the inverse construction and possessive constructions. This synchronic connection... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Linguistic TypologyNominalizationDiachronic Typology
This paper gives an overview of the change of typological features that occurred in Ethio-Semitic language history. The following fields are covered: Word order, adpositions, determination, case marking, relative clauses, coordination,... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Ethiopian StudiesEthiopian languagesDiachronic Typology
A review of Thomas (Talmy) Givón's latest book on the life cycle of adpositions. The review of the book discusses adpositions, preverbs, prefixes and their (cross-linguistic) diachronic relationship. Givón places a particular emphasis on... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)PragmaticsSyntaxLinguistic Typology
The particular affinity linking together glottality and nasality seems to be responsible for various phonetic phenomena in different languages. In sound changes associated to what has been termed ‘rhinoglottophilia’ (Matisoff 1975) the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsBasque linguisticsLinguistic TypologyDiachronic Phonology
The Pavia Diachronic Emergence of Alignment (DEmA) database is a new resource for the study of the diachrony of alignment patterns cross-linguistically. In this paper, we offer a description of DEmA, its structure and the choices that... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDatabasesLinguistic TypologyCase system and grammatical relations
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical SyntaxAncient Indo-European LanguagesReflexivity
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)SyntaxLinguistic TypologyDiachronic Typology
Zusammenfassung Die Frage nach der Klassifizierung der west-und südjütischen Dialekte (zu deren Lage s. die Karte 0.1 im Anhang) und der Differenzierung zwischen Erbe und Entlehnung hat die Sprachgeschichtsschreibung wie die Dialektologie... more
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      German StudiesHistorical LinguisticsDialectologyGermanic linguistics
Chapter overview: preliminaries; Middle as a cluster of deagentivized (Intransitivized) syntactic patterns; Middle types/patterns; Middle voice in Indo-European and beyond: The range of variation; Middle and reflexive in a diachronic... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesSyntactic Change
This contribution focuses on the relationship between reanalysis and ambiguity. According to the classical view, reanalysis is made possible by the potentially ambiguous character of surface output. This view has been challenged on the... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeGrammaticalizationConstruction GrammarLanguage Change
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      GrammaticalizationLanguage TypologyLinguistic TypologyPast Tense
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsEnglish historical linguisticsIndo-European Linguistics
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      Indo-European LinguisticsPhonetics and PhonologyDiachronic PhonologyProto-Germanic
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      Indo-european language reconstructionAncient Indo-European LanguagesAtharvavedaIndo-European Studies
Antipassives have different structural and semantic properties and are used under different conditions across languages. They also show a few universal tendencies: for instance, they generally correlate with imperfec-tivity. Both the... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)GrammaticalizationMinimalism (Languages and Linguistics)Linguistic Typology
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      History of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguagesModern Languages
In addition to its central role in the organization of gender systems and its numerous effects on different parts of the grammar, animacy reveals itself as a significant, sometimes even determinant factor in diachronic processes like the... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsTypology
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyComparative LinguisticsDené-Yeniseian Linguistics
Functional approaches account for language universals and patterns of cross-linguistic variation by deriving them from more general aspects of language use. The most important factors that are responsible for universals and variation... more
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      GrammaticalizationFunctional LinguisticsLanguage TypologyLinguistic Typology
The present paper deals with two reflexive pronouns that are attested in Vedic Sanskrit, tanū́- and ātmán-. It is demonstrated that the former is employed both in reflexive usages properly speaking (of the type "John scolds himself"), and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAtharvavedaSanskritVedic Grammar
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxCausation
This paper deals with one of the aspects of the diachronic study of case, variation and competition of two or more cases in some particular function(s). The paper studies both formal parameters (markedness of case forms, interaction... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAncient Indo-European LanguagesIndo-European LinguisticsLanguage Typology
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      Historical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationLinguisticsLinguistic Typology
This paper aims at tracing the origin of the emergence of a new tense in the history of Eastern Aramaic, the bases of which are the historical passive participle (qṭīl) with a conjugation that originated from a cliticization of a datival... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSemitic languagesComparative Semitic Linguistics
In addition to its central role in the organization of gender systems and its numerous effects on different parts of the grammar, animacy reveals itself as a significant, sometimes even determinant factor in diachronic processes like the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsAnimacyDiachronic linguisticsDiachronic Typology
The accessibility hierarchy was first proposed by Keenan & Comrie (1977) to describe the cross-linguistic distribution of relative markers in terms of likelihood of relativization of different syntactic roles. The hierarchy is also... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic TypologyRelative ClausesDiachronic Typology
In this introduction we propose an agenda for working towards a diachronic typology of individual person markers. Rather than tracking the development of entire paradigms, our goal is to arrive at a better understanding of the diachronic... more
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      Historical LinguisticsLanguage ChangeLinguistic TypologyPerson marking
According to Willet (1988:55), evidentiality is “the linguistic means of indicating how the speaker obtained the information on which s/he bases an assertion”. In short, it may also be said to indicate one’s information source (Willet... more
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      Tibeto-Burman LinguisticsEvidentialityHimalayasDiachronic Typology
Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads (LTC) is a new OA journal dedicated to the crossroads where linguistic typology meets its neighboring fields. Submissions for the second issue and subsequent issues are now open. We especially... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsSociolinguistics
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      MorphologyLanguage TypologyLinguistic TypologyLinguistic Diversity (Languages And Linguistics)
In Malayic languages, prefixes derived from Proto-Malayic *(mb)AR- are characterized by a multifunctionality pattern that is cross-linguistically rather unusual. On the one hand, the continuators of *(mb)AR- are used to encode functions... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsMiddle VoiceDiachronic Typology
Настоящая работа преследует три цели: во-первых, дать предварительный общий обзор неопределенных местоимений парагвайского гуарани, прежде никогда не становившихся предметом специального исследования; во-вторых, описать базовый синтаксис... more
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      NegationIndefinitesDiachronic TypologyNegative concord
The paper tries to account for several instances of emerging suppletion by establishing a cross-linguistic tendency of suppletion replication in grammaticalization. It can be shown that words which acquire new grammatical functions and... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionHistorical Morphology