Depressive realism
Recent papers in Depressive realism
Numerous empirical findings relevant for self-regulation research can be related to functional self-regulation patterns (proactive and defensive) and a dysfunctional pattern (depressive absence of self-regulation efforts). The first two... more
We keep chasing happiness, but true clarity comes from depression and existential angst. Admit that life is hell, and be free.
Julie Reshe is an anti-positive psychologist and necro-psychotherapist of Ukrainian Gypsy origin. She is a professor at the School of Advanced Studies (SAS) at the University of Tyumen in Siberia, and director of the Institute of... more
The author discusses depressive realism in the voice of nihilism with particular reference to existentialism and disbelief. The works of Schopenhauer and Heidegger are highlighted.
Seeking the authentic experience is now widely recognised in tourist literature as a fundamental part of the holiday. The posture in recent academic literature is to claim the outbreak of articles around 'authenticity' has little more to... more
This course will take a moderate pessimistic approach considering such negative aspects of life as trauma, anxiety, stress, and depression as not only inevitable but also constitutive parts of human existence. Those concepts will be... more
Depressive realism consists of the lower personal control over uncontrollable events perceived by depressed as compared to nondepressed individuals. In this article, we propose that the realism of depressed individuals is caused not by an... more
Under some conditions dysphoric participants rate action-outcome contingencies differently from non-dysphorics. One variable that seems related is the length of inter trial interval (ITI). Increasing the ITIs results in increased... more
Depressive realism consists of the lower personal control over uncontrollable events perceived by depressed as compared to nondepressed individuals. In this article, we propose that the realism of depressed individuals is caused not by an... more
The authentic experience is a fundamental part of the vacation. The western tourist increasingly demands and needs more than sand and sea. Yet these needs are hard to meet at the category level and the experiential level. Thailand... more
Several classic studies have concluded that the accuracy of identifying uncontrollable situations depends heavily on depressive mood. Nondepressed participants tend to exhibit an optimistic illusion of control, whereas depressed... more
A controversial finding in the field of causal learning is that mood contributes to the accuracy of perceptions of uncorrelated relationships. When asked to report the degree of control between an action and its outcome, people with... more
Adattamento dell'incontro intitolato Attraversare il Deserto, Coltivare le Tenebre, tenutosi il 06/06/2019 a Spazio Morel, Lugano. Il testo introduce il concetto di "ontologia depressiva", ibridando tra loro differenti elaborazioni... more
Depressive realism consists of the lower personal control over uncontrollable events perceived by depressed as compared to nondepressed individuals. In this article, we propose that the realism of depressed individuals is caused not by an... more
In this paper, I ask whether depressive mood has epistemic and psychological benefits for the subject, and what is a character of the relation between such benefits. Symptoms of depression are commonly perceived as psychological... more
Depressive realism consists of the lower personal control over uncontrollable events perceived by depressed as compared to nondepressed individuals. In this article, we propose that the realism of depressed individuals is caused not by an... more