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      Feminist TheoryQueer TheorySexualityDeconstruction
The present study aimed at investigating the process of scaffolding in a naturalistic setting with focus on a key aspect of scaffolding, namely contingency. Three Social Studies teachers in innovative prevocational schools were observed... more
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      Teaching and LearningCase Study ResearchSmall group ProcessesContingency (Social Systems Theory)
a publicação <io3 segut^e» o r tç r » C apitulo 02: Glenn, S .S (15)86) M citoontingcntim in Waltfon Two P ohim tyai Angtya/s antf Soc/a( Action, 5 , 2-fl PiibíincJo ccen a autorcaçüo do fks'.#vk\rifís for Social Responsibility. C a p ítu... more
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      CultureContingency (Social Systems Theory)Behavior AnalysisCultural Practices
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      AutopoiesisSocial Systems TheoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)Niklas Luhmann
The impact that management theory and how the basic functions and practice of management as well as the role of the manager and approaches to management have contributed to the practice of emergency management. Current views of management... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSystems TheoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)Abraham Maslow
A textual journey through Dante s Comedy must begin from its beginnings. For this reason I chose the utmost classical approach of the lectura to examine the first three cantos as a textual whole in three movements, as they develop the... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyDante StudiesRomance philology
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureOrganizational Behavior
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      HistorySociologyGeographyModal Logic
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)Niklas Luhmann
A thorough review of trust models is carried out in this paper to reveal the key capabilities of existing trust models and compare how they differ among disciplines. Trust decisions are risky due to uncertainties and the loss of control.... more
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      Evidence Based Thinking, Managing by Fact Systems (social or technical)Trust ManagementContingency (Social Systems Theory)Systems thinking, complexity science, emergence and organisational development, the application of knowledge from Quakerism to public policy to achieve social enterprise and sustainable development
Scholars have seen a contradiction in Polybius’ view of history because, on the one hand, he talks of cycles and recurrent actions, but on the other is aware of the unpredictable aspects of history (as seen, e.g., with tychê). The... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyContingency (Social Systems Theory)PolybiusAncient Greek Historiography
[This has just been published in the Journal of Political Power at: ] In a critique of Michel Foucault’s understanding of power relations, Andrew Sayer... more
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      Critical RealismMichel FoucaultContingency (Social Systems Theory)Foucault and education
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      ExpertiseControl TheoryLandscape ArchitectureContingency (Social Systems Theory)
This intervention contributes to recent work in urban geography that integrates the conceptual frameworks of assemblages and actor-network theory by highlighting two additional directions that require a more rigorous and detailed... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessDiscourse AnalysisHistory
Resumo: Descreverei nesse artigo como Rorty lê Proust, tomando Em busca do tempo perdido como um substituto para a Alegoria da Caverna de Platão. O protagonista de Proust precisa abandonar a busca pela Verdade e seu encanto por... more
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      TruthContingency (Social Systems Theory)Richard RortyMarcel Proust
"Abstract: This essay examines the emancipatory possibilities of interculturalism. The aim is to evaluate whether the philosophical discourse of interculturalism, which is still parasitic on the vocabulary of modernity, can achieve its... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyIntercultural CommunicationCultural Sociology
This book is the first French introduction to the sociology of Niklas Luhmann, whose work remains largely untranslated. It firstly endeavours to show the various sources and influences of this very iconoclastic writer. These include... more
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      Political TheoryModernitySocial Systems TheoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)
El análisis de la problemática del control telefónico en la Secretaría de Educación Pública se ha realizado en su totalidad. Anteriormente, dentro de la institución, ningún área conformante de la misma o alguna persona en particular se... more
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      Organizational ChangeOrganizational CultureHistory of Public AdministrationContingency (Social Systems Theory)
When the PDF-file is downloaded then the links work.
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyPolitical SociologyMetaphysics
This article focuses on cosmopolitanism utilising the theoretical concepts of collective learning and triple contingency. Starting from the link between cosmopolitanism and collective learning in the context of the process of... more
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      GlobalizationConflictSocial Learning TheoryCosmopolitanism
The Nintendo DS has been, given its huge popularity, relatively understudied. This article is a small step toward correcting that and, in doing so, contributes to game studies in general. Using Goffman's and Benjamin's theories of play... more
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      Video GamesArchivesContingency (Social Systems Theory)Mobile games
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
The brief of this chapter is to provide an assessment of the prospects for the realization of a cosmopolitan modernity, with due consideration for contemporary conditions. It undertakes this task from the perspective of critical theory... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsSocial TheorySociology of Culture
"This book develops a sociologically informed theory of constitutionalism in the global realm, addressing both national and transnational forms of constitutional ordering. The book begins with the argument that current approaches to... more
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      FinanceSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      HistoryMarxismLouis AlthusserContingency (Social Systems Theory)
In a critique of Michel Foucault’s understanding of power relations, Andrew Sayer outlined an alternative that was both more conceptually rigorous and offered a clearer analytical framework with which to approach the analysis of power.... more
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      Critical RealismMichel FoucaultContingency (Social Systems Theory)Foucault and education
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      Mood Disorders (Psychology)DepressionContingency (Social Systems Theory)Learning
Descreverei nesse artigo como Rorty le Proust, tomando Em busca do tempo perdido como um substituto para a Alegoria da Caverna de Platao. O protagonista de Proust precisa abandonar a busca pela Verdade e seu encanto por palavras-sagradas,... more
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      TruthContingency (Social Systems Theory)Richard RortyMarcel Proust
The aim of the paper is an extension of the idealizational theory of science in order to explicate intuitions of historians and philosophers of history about unpredictability and contingency of history. The author identifies two types of... more
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      Chaos TheoryPhilosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)
12/15/2015: “Ludus est necessarius (…): Spiel und Kontingenz bei den Dominikanern des 13. Jahrhunderts,” DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 1919: “Vorsorge, Voraussicht, Vorhersage. Kontingenzbewältigung durch Zukunftshandeln”, University... more
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      History of Toys and PlayContingency (Social Systems Theory)Mechthild of MagdeburgSt Thomas Aquinas
9/17/2016: “Gegner Zeit: Spiel als Zukunftsbewältigung am Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts,” Colloquium “Spielerleben, Lebensspiele. Zur Symbolik von Spielhandeln und Spielwelten,” Schweizer Gesellschaft für Symbolforschung (Swiss Society for... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
5/19/2017: “Mechanisms of Trust. Board Games as Agents of Social Reliability in the Middle Ages,” Board Games Studies Colloquium XX: Models, Metaphors, Meanings, University of Copenhagen.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesTrustHistory of Toys and Play
Critical theory was always characterised by a particular attempt to develop a general theory of society on the basis of an integrative approach characterised by a combination of philosophy and sociology and of normative and descriptive... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
The paper presents an extension of L. Nowak's idealization theory of science in order to explicate intuitions about unpredictability and contingency of history shared by professional historians and methodologists of history. In the first... more
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      Chaos TheoryPhilosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryContingency (Social Systems Theory)
""In his chapter “Iconspicuous Revolutions of 1989: Culture and Contingency in the Making of Political Icons,” Dominik Bartmański revisits the European icons of the euphoric year of 1989 and asks what constitutes a powerful iconic fact.... more
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      SemioticsEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
8/24/2015: “In den Fallstricken des Spielteufels. Zu einer mittelalterlichen Figuration ludischer Diabolisierung,” IFK Academy “Die Regeln des Spiels,” Maria Taferl, Austria
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      DemonologyHistory of Toys and PlayContingency (Social Systems Theory)Alfonso X el Sabio
The theme of the conference invited reflection, with reference to both society and sociology, on where we are and where we are going in the twenty-first century. This paper thus suggests in outline a theory of location(s) appropriate to... more
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      Social TheoryCommunicationGlobalizationGlobal Civil Society
This article argues that Oakeshott's theory of freedom possesses a greater degree of coherence than is often perceived. Freedom in Oakeshott's philosophy may be defined as `recognized contingency', combining the notions of a genuine... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPhilosophy Of FreedomContingency (Social Systems Theory)
This paper examines the causes of the riots in an attempt to explain how a small, local conflict in Zangon Kataf town exploded into a massive social dislocation. It argues that the cause of the conflict was not ethnicity, or religion, in... more
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      HistoryInternational RelationsMulticulturalismInternational Law
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      DepressionContingency (Social Systems Theory)LearningDepressive realism