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We keep chasing happiness, but true clarity comes from depression and existential angst.  Admit that life is hell, and be free.
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      Anxiety DisordersDepressionCBTAnxiety
The present text deals with the question of the meaning of life in the existentialist theory of the Norwegian philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe . In his book On the Tragic (1941), Zapffe sketched a theory of the human condition where the... more
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      Meaning of LifeImmanuel KantExistentialismPessimism
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      KierkegaardScandinavian StudiesExistentialismPessimism
translations from Norwegian into Bulgarian
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    • Peter Wessel Zapffe
The human predicament is a precarious one, since man’s consciousness brings about a variety of existential problems. This essay explores some of these problems and the ways man addresses them according to Peter Wessel Zapffe and Søren... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyConsciousnessThe Self
Outlining the influence of both Berkeley's sensationalism and Uexküll's biosemiotics on Zapffe's biosophy, I will examine why the latter can be defined as an experiential philosophy, which contributes to avoiding the pitfalls of... more
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      BiosemioticsGeorge BerkeleyPeter Wessel ZapffeMoral Naturalism
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      AestheticsHeroismImmanuel KantMorality
The main objective of this extended chapter is to analyze the reasons behind the development of the concept of biosophy, as displayed by the Norwegian philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe. Providing a genealogical reconstruction of biosophy... more
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      BiosemioticsGeorge BerkeleyPeter Wessel Zapffe
By calling for cooperation in the midst of actual social cooperation, which has manifested itself so vividly during the current pandemic, intellectuals retroactively take credit for it. By filling with themselves the imaginary lack and by... more
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      PhilosophyDepressionPsychotherapy and CounselingSlavoj Žižek
The aim of this monograph is to reveal the complex development of 20th-century Norwegian environmental philosophies from a comparative perspective by outlining not only the role of the similar philosophical premises they derive from, but... more
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      Arne NaessPeter Wessel Zapffe
The so-called asymmetrical argument demonstrates a significant disproportion between a value of goodness and evil for existing people, compared to the absence of these phenomena in case of those, who have never existed. The philosopher,... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsHermeneuticsJohn Rawls
Outlining the influence of both Berkeley’s sensationalism and Uexküll’s biosemiotics on Zapffe’s biosophy, I will examine why the latter can be defined as an experiential philosophy, which contributes to avoiding the pitfalls of... more
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      BiosemioticsGeorge BerkeleyPeter Wessel ZapffeMoral Naturalism
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      Friedrich NietzscheScandinavian StudiesExistentialismPessimism
Master's Thesis
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      Political PhilosophyHegelGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche