Recent papers in Denialism
This chapter explores three anthropological dimensions of the denial of crimes committed during the François Duvalier regime in Haiti (1957 and 1971): the manner in which social obligations created by kinship and social bonds induce... more
Compreender os fatores que culminaram na decisão de vários governantes de voltar às ruas antes do tempo recomendado para enfrentar a pandemia do coronavírus demanda uma análise cuidadosa. Não se trata de falta de entendimento do problema... more
O primeiro objetivo deste ensaio é compreender a natureza específica das fake news e da pós-verdade enquanto fenômenos com características epistêmicas e sociais. Essa compreensão faz-se sob a hipótese de que um dos fatores que as tornam... more
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
Resumo O artigo problematiza a emergência de histórias públicas reacionárias e novos negacionismos influenciados pela pro-fusão de narrativas históricas vinculadas aos meios de comunicação e às ideias de pós-verdade. Assim, destacam-se as... more
In the mid-1990s, elements of the social justice movement joined growthists and religious conservatives in a veritable Greek chorus of opposition to the problematisation of population growth. This unlikely alliance was highly successful... more
El propósito de este trabajo es abordar el discurso del odio (más referido al plano racial y étnico que al religioso, sexual o político), en relación a la libertad de expresión en el continente europeo. En este sentido, se sostiene una... more
Systemic avoidance Misrepresentation of social distancing in an overcrowded context Modelling crisis development ignoring relative population density? Ironies and contradictions of social distancing Potential challenges of social... more
The origins of al-Andalus traditionally proved a highly controversial issue in Spanish historical writing, mainly because of ideological reasons. A declared follower of fascism before the Spanish Civil War and amateur historian, Ignacio... more
In responding to Weller and O’Neill’s ‘argument with neoliberalism’, I question the novelty of their approach and the problematics of denying the critical power and associated violence that neoliberalism continues to wield in our world.... more
Si le conflit en Syrie est le plus documenté de l’histoire, c’est parce que ses propres protagonistes ont produit une masse de contenus (audiovisuels mais aussi photographiques et textuels) considérable. Depuis dix ans, des millions de... more
Law’s claim of mastery over past political violence is frequently undermined by reversals of that relationship of mastery, so that the violence of the law, and especially its symbolic violence, becomes easily incorporated into longues... more
Sans doute à lui seul ce chapitre pourrait constituer une sorte de résumé ou de condensé de cet ouvrage collectif. Théories du complot, alterscience, dénégation du changement climatique, contestation du massacre organisé des juifs... more
[ENG] Climate change has been the subject of much research in various fields of the social sciences in recent decades, including that of communication. As a result, much evidence has been accumulated on the complex reality behind... more
The Zimbabwean government instigated Gukurahundi massacres resulted in the death of around 20 000 people. The majority of the victims belonged to the Ndebele ethnic group while the Fifth Brigade, a Shona dominated military out it, were... more
SOMMARIO 1. Introduzione-2. Le evoluzioni normative in Italia-3. Due problemi per gli antinegazionisti: la contestualizzazione e il negazionismo in buona fede-4. Il negazionismo come problema culturale-5. Conclusioni. 1. Introduzione Nel... more
The key idea this paper explores is that if climate change denial is relatively widespread, in spite of the continued efforts of researchers and journalists to debunk it, it is not only because of the ignorance of the average citizen and... more
This article compares how COVID-19 affected state–society relations differently in two relatively similar countries: Brazil and Argentina. Bringing together social movement theories and ideational institutionalism, we argue that variation... more
In early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, celebrity experts rushed to predict its outcome in Israeli media. Their predictions undershot the real spread of the pandemic by one or two orders of magnitude. Media seems to be lenient towards... more
. This book combines practitioner scholarship with the voices of 42 contributors from various walks who co-produce knowledge about the impact of oppression(s) over time. The reader is provided with an adaptable conceptual framework... more
Denial, or the habit of treating a real problem as if it were a nonissue, has both rational and irrational features. The interplay between these is best captured by a utilitarian-rationalist framework stretched to its limits. When in... more
O artigo pretende analisar a crise sanitária global advinda da pandemia da COVID-19 a partir de uma análise temporal para evidenciar o papel temporalizador do direito. Primeiro delineio os aspectos temporais que singula- rizam esta crise... more
African Studies Quarterly , Volume 9, Issue 4, Fall 2007
This chapter surveys the literature on violence over civilians during the Spanish Civil War produced in the last decace by historians who can be considered representative respectively of pro- and of anti-Republican sensibilities. By... more
In Climate Matters John Broome defends two claims. First, if you live a "normal life" in a rich country, you will probably cause significant harm by your emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG), violating a moral duty of harm-avoidance. Second,... more
Petr Skrabanek (1940 - 1994) was a leading figure in the Anglo-Saxon skeptical movement. Claiming to speak in the name of science and reason, the "skeptics" deploy a systematic critique of acupuncture plunged into the jumble of... more
Consideramos viver numa sociedade que se orienta pela racionalidade e o conhecimento, uma sociedade que definimos com frequência como "moderna". Portanto, a manifestação de crenças que nos parecem francamente irracionais é recebida sempre... more
Paratactic ruminations on June 2019 visit to Auschwitz: reflections, impressions, (anonymised) conversations, Celan's Todesfugue, Trawny's "liberty to err", Hoss' memoirs, denialism, Heidegger, Martin Swords' "Birches at Birkenau", Elie... more
May you live in interesting times, the famous maxim quotes. Undoubtedly, at least in the historical context, periods of political, social, scientific, or economic riots – or at least commotion, ferment, crisis – have certainly earned such... more
Violence and Catastrophe in the Age of Uncertainty. University of Derby, UK, March 24-25, 2022.
Mucho se ha escrito en los últimos años acerca de la creciente desconfianza de la ciudadanía ante la ciencia actual, la objetividad, la verdad, la evidencia y los hechos. Se ha escrito acerca de la posverdad, de la progresiva desaparición... more
Albert Friedlander's writings were part of a generational struggle to find a language in which to speak of the experience of the Holocaust. This struggle was, in part, a response to the 'unspeakability' of the Holocaust, the silence and... more
L’unità italiana del progetto MELA insieme al Dottorato in Scienze Giuridiche dell’Università di Bologna organizzano un ciclo di conferenze dal titolo "Tempo, memoria e diritto penale". I Seminari in programma, in lingua inglese,... more