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In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out ...
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      Social MovementsClimate ChangeProtestEnvironmental Politics
This report looks at what has happened to Indonesia's 212 Movement -- the alliance that brought down the Jakarta governor in 2016 -- in the wake of the re-election of President Jokowi and the onset of the Covid pandemic.
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast AsiaCommunismPolitical Violence
Slogans of the Southern Movement
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      Languages and LinguisticsMiddle East StudiesArabic Language and LinguisticsYemen
In September 2019, the third Global Climate Strike organized by the Fridays For Future (FFF) protest campaign mobilized 6000 protest events in 185 countries and brought 7.6 million participants out onto the streets. This report analyses... more
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      Social MovementsClimate ChangeProtestEnvironmental Politics
När de politiska partierna tappar medlemmar tycks medborgarna söka andra vägar för att uttrycka sitt politiska engagemang. Medan sociala medier och internet erbjuder kanaler för politisk påverkan och opinionsbildning som inte fanns innan... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical PartiesSocial MediaProtest
What are the core issues behind the recent protests? How are Algeria's complex political dynamics playing out with regards to the ongoing protests? What is the significance of Algeria to the wider region? What role do regional and... more
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      North Africa StudiesDemocracyMiddle East PoliticsCivil-military relations
Artykuł jest próbą krótkiego opisu obywatelskich manifestacji jako elementu polskiej kultury politycznej. Demonstracje jako formy protestu mogły zaistnieć legalnie w przestrzeni publicznej w zasadzie dopiero po 1989 roku. Nadal jednak... more
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      DemonstrationsDemonstrationSocial Movements/Civil Society
Worldwide, the use of digital communication networks has been a key strategy in activist events involving demonstrations. Its use was evident in the media’s repeated publication of pictures taken on demonstrators’ mobile phones during... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsVisual SociologyVisual Studies
Η βία στις ελληνικές διαδηλώσεις 2008-2012: μια σχεσιακή προσέγγιση Δημήτρης Παπανικολόπουλος Θα προσπαθήσω να δώσω μια ερμηνεία της συλλογικής βίας που εμφανίζεται στις ελληνικές διαδηλώσεις των τελευταίων ετών (2010-2012) συνομιλώντας,... more
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      ProtestDemonstrationsGreek LeftΚοινωνικά κινήματα
This article examines the reaction by the Australian Federal Government to the protest movements of the 1960s–1970s and their attempts to use public order legislation to thwart radical discontent in Australia. It argues that the Public... more
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      HistoryCriminologySocial MovementsCriminal Justice
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      European StudiesPublic OpinionGlobalizationGlobal Civil Society
First days of a logic course This short paper sketches one logician’s opinion of some basic ideas that should be presented on the first days of any logic course. It treats the nature and goals of logic. It discusses what a student can... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsPhilosophy of MindEpistemologyTeaching and Learning
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      Political PhilosophyMalaysiaResistance (Social)Protest
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      Speech CommunicationDemonstrations
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      Social MovementsPoliceProtest MovementsPolice and Policing
Les affrontements entre la police et les manifestants se sont multipliés en l’espace de quelques années. Avec pour bilan un nombre effarant de blessés, mais aussi des décès. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? Après Mai 68, la... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPolitical SciencePolice
In the 1960s Mancur Olson and Samuel Huntington suggested that the positive correlation between per capita income and the level of sociopolitical destabilization that they detected for low and middle income countries might be partly... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of Terrorism
1. Phương pháp tiếp cận khi xây dựng Luật Biểu tình Đối với dự án Luật Biểu tình, hiện đang có một số phương pháp tiếp cận làm nền tảng cho việc xây dựng. Ban soạn thảo đang phải cân nhắc lựa chọn phương án hợp lý nhất. Qua phân tích,... more
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      DemonstrationsFreedom of Peaceful assembly
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      Collective BehaviorSocial MovementsCollective ActionPolice
In the context of this paper, it is less crucial to discuss the importance or insignificance of the Stonewall riots in the Gay liberation narrative, but rather to understand its immediate consequences. First, is the practice that was... more
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      Urban StudiesGabriel TardeCharles TaylorUrban Sociology
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      Human RightsDemonstrations
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      Islamic StudiesIslamDemonstrationsProtests
Дестабилизация или хотя бы ее угроза – неизбежная фаза развития любого общества. Настоящая работа является попыткой учесть, насколько это возможно, влияние некоторых политических и экономических факторов, как внешних, так и внутренних, на... more
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      TerrorismWorld Systems AnalysisRevolutionsDemocratization
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      Bodies and CulturePerformanceIndependenceAlgeria
Why protest music today differs from that of the 1960s-70s. Recent protest music.
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      Social MovementsMusicPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
Two quasi-experimental and longitudinal studies examined positive effects of participation in positively valence collective religious and secular activities. Collective emotional gatherings strengthen social cohesion, enhance personal and... more
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      Collective BehaviorMoral emotionsRitualsDemonstrations
Se puede consultar a partir de la página 589, del tomo en PDF: Esta ponencia interpretará "El puente" (Bardem, 1977) desde la óptica literaria, explicitando la... more
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      Spanish LiteratureTourism StudiesSpanish StudiesSpanish
Demographic changes associated with the transformation from traditional to advanced economies are the basis for many of today's theories of violent and non-violent protest formation. Both levels of urbanization and the size of the "youth... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical AnthropologyModernizationUrban Studies
During First World War protests, involving especially women, were occurring in many countries. They were initially started from the simple need to provide basic supplies, but later, by demanding peace or the improvement of women's broader... more
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      Women's HistoryFirst World WarTriesteDemonstrations
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryVisual SociologyUrban Geography
The study compared the performance of students in Chemistry when taught with guided discovery and demonstration teaching techniques in senior secondary schools. It determined the effectiveness of guided discovery and demonstration... more
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      Chemical EducationTeaching and LearningEducationChemistry Education
The Candlelight Movement of 2016 and 2017 that successfully called for president Park Geun-hye to step down is among the largest social movements in South Korean history. This movement attracted millions of participants over a sustained... more
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      South KoreaSocial ActivismSocial MediaOnline Media
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      Social MovementsSymbolic InteractionDemonstrations
Paper brief for the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna. 08/2020
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      Social MovementsContentious PoliticsDemonstrations
Perkembangan dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi digital memberi respon pada perubahan terkait praktik advokasi dan aktivisme pengorganisiran masyarakat. Keindahan jaringan menghadirkan konektivitas untuk proses distribusi politik. Jaringan... more
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      Information TechnologyPolitical ScienceSocial ActivismDigital Activism
OUP webpage: Amazon webpage: 2017 John Whitney Hall Book Prize, Association for Asian Studies Honorable Mention, 2016 Alan Merriam Prize, Society for Ethnomusicology Despite widespread... more
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      Social MovementsJapanese StudiesCensorshipFestivals and music
El presente artículo expone la importancia que tienen las demostraciones en el campo de las Matemáticas a través de algunos ejemplos básicos y conceptos elementales.
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      Science EducationScientific DivulgationDemonstrationsDivulgacion CIentifica
Across languages, demonstratives provide a frequent diachronic source for a wide range of grammatical markers including certain types of clause linkers such as English so, that, thus and therefore. Drawing on data from a sample of 100... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsDeixis
Demographic changes associated with the transformation from traditional to advanced economies are the basis for many of today's theories of violent and non-violent protest formation. Both levels of urbanization and the size of the "youth... more
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      Political AnthropologyPolitical ScienceSocial InteractionPolitical Violence and Terrorism
There are grounds to conclude that in 2011–2012 the World System experienced to some extent a phase transition to a qualitatively new state of global protest activity. This phase transition is shown to bear some resemblance to the one... more
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      World Systems AnalysisWorld HistoryProtestGlobal History
Our research suggests that the relation between GDP per capita and sociopolitical destabilization is not characterized by a straightforward negative correlation; it rather has an inverted U-shape. The highest risks are typical for the... more
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      EducationQuantitative Methods (Political Science)Social SciencesPolitical Anthropology
This paper aims to address the possible effects on Angola, known as the Arab Spring revolution (the Arab revolution that brought down the pedestal several despots autocrats in Arab North Africa). As we will see in the text such effects,... more
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      North Africa StudiesSocial PoliciesAngolaArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
Die vorliegende Studie ist das Ergebnis eines Forschungsprojekts an der Philipps-Universität Marburg im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs Politikwissenschaft unter der Betreuung von Prof. John Kannankulam. Ausgangspunkt des Projekts war der... more
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      Jacques RancièreErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeHegemonyPolitische Philosophie
After the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2011, explosive global growth was observed for the majority of indicators of sociopolitical destabilization in all parts of the World System. In order to identify the structure of this... more
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      TerrorismWorld Systems AnalysisDemocratizationPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the... more
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      SemioticsLanguagesNeuroscienceCultural Studies
Why should a progressive planner pay attention to the Spanish 15-M movement? One of its most complex and interesting aspects is its spatiality. Today, just a few months after the hatching of the #spanishrevolution—a hashtag used by... more
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      Social MovementsSocial NetworksUrban PoliticsSocial Movement
This work rests on a socially vitalized form of privacy to justify the political right to participate “without a face.” Social protests take place in the public sphere, a place states watch 24/7. Surveillance, however, meets with... more
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      Privacy (Law)MasksDemonstrationsRight to Protest
Stejně jako po roce 1918 vznikal oficiální československý státní narativ a s ním související komemorační rámce, vytvářely si skupiny, které odmítaly na státním tělese a tudíž i na jeho svátcích participovat, alternativní festivitní... more
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      Czech HistoryNationalismNational IdentityNationalism And State Building
The paper will be dealt with Albania's stance on the demonstrations held in Kosovo in 1981, largely based on archival documents state that the Albanian Government, documents from the Archives of Kosovo, etc. There are archive documents in... more
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      Albanian StudiesKosovoYugoslaviaYugoslavia (History)
Наши эмпирические тесты подтверждают обоснованность гипотезы Олсона—Хантингтона о наличии криволинейной перевернутой U-образной зависимости между уровнем экономического развития и уровнем социально-политической нестабильности. Согласно... more
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      World Systems AnalysisPolitical AnthropologyEconomic GrowthRevolutions