Cultural heritage tourism
Recent papers in Cultural heritage tourism
World heritage sites across the globe are adapting themselves to the homogenizing standards of tourism at the same time as trying to maintain, or even increase, their local particularity. While local and national tourism authorities and... more
this paper is composed of the current situation of the walled city of Intramuros. the researchers introduced to proposed a heritage tourism to revitalize its historic identity.
Τι στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης του τοπικού τουριστικού τομέα μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αμεσότερα και με χαμηλότερο κόστος; Ποιο είναι εκείνο το προϊόν–υπηρεσία που μπορεί να προορίζεται για όλους επηρεάζοντας όμως τον καθένα ξεχωριστά; Πως η... more
Event tourism in Sri Lanka can be divided in to two broad categories as international and domestic event tourism. The first category comprises from MICE, heritage event tourism, wedding tourism and sport event tourism.
Mwanga District, in Kilimanjaro Region, as part of the eastern arc mountains, has a lot of potential as a tourist destination, especially the heritage and eco-tourism domain. The District, home to the popular North Pare Mountains, has a... more
Cultural heritage can be a huge source of tourism as enables people to announce to the world what their past is, how they are living in the present and what their future lives will be. Apart from being a source of national identification,... more
Contribution of Handicraft exports is well acknowledged due to its valuable contribution to India in terms of foreign exchange earnings and employment potential. (6.77 million In 2006-07). The sector has been expanding and witnessing... more
In Adell, Nicolas; Bendix, Regina F.; Bortolotto, Chiara; Tauschek, Markus (Eds.), (2015). Between Imagined Communities and Communities of Practice.
In case of India, it is strongly emphasized that both heritage management and cultural heritage tourism hold huge potential for national development and also will reemphasize the shared relationships, values of cultural tourism,... more
As part of the critical tourism studies stream of research, this paper draws inspiration from Edward Said's criticisms of Orientalism. It examines how the three national museums of Singapore-the Singapore History Museum, the Singapore Art... more
Abstract Battlefield sites are important cultural heritage attractions and serve to enhance local, regional and national tourism resources. They are able to stimulate powerful emotional responses in some visitors and have deep, if... more
Les excursions dans les paroisses catholiques de Yaoundé ou même dans les mémoires des paroissiens ne renseignent généralement que sur l'ordre de passage des premiers curés et des premiers catéchistes des missions chrétiennes. On trouve... more
It is known that many travel which performed by tourists are related to culture strongly. Even if the basic travel purpose of tourists is not culture, almost all of the travels include at least one cultural activity. Edirne which had been... more
- by selda uca
- Acting on the existent (Architecture), Architecture, Built Environment, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Culture Studies, Domesticity, Interior design, Military Architecture, and Modern Movement and Local Traditions, Cultural Studies Cultural Tourism, Cultural heritage tourism, Kültürel çalışmalar
Investment and financing are essential for tourism development in Uzbekistan. Investments that conserve natural resources and preserve cultural heritage help to sustain tourism development and contribute to the distribution of benefits of... more
The relationship between the need to preserve archaeological sites and the needs of mass tourism has often proved problematic, as the various papers in this volume demonstrate. The aim of this chapter is to further refine the problem and... more
This study assessed religious tourism in Batangas, Philippines on the following aspects: historical significance, holiness and spirituality, and customs and traditions. The assessments made were also subjected to tests of differences when... more
In the Sahel region of Agadez in Niger many members of the Kel Ewey Tuareg still live as nomads and caravaners. Part of their traditional natural territory, the Aïr-Ténéré Reserve, was inscribed on the UNESCO WHS list as early as 1991,... more
Tourists have been labelled, metaphorically, in multiple ways. This includes descriptions of tourists as (secular) pilgrims in a quest of authenticity but also as travellers on a sacred journey. In contrast, the stereotypical image that... more
Cultural tourism is the fastest-growing sector of the tourism industry and hence there is a trend towards an increased specialization among tourists. The attraction over the adventure, culture, tradition, history, etc. marks the increase... more
This is a souvenir published for the 8th SSEASR Conference of South and Southeast Asian Association for the Study of Culture and Religion (SSEASR) entitled "Rivers and Religion: Connecting Cultures of South and Southeast Asia (also a... more
The paper discusses the issue of heritage conservation in Indian cities in the face of current rapid urbanization trends. The urban development pressure, coupled with the lack of an appropriate conservation framework, is causing the loss... more
Bu çalışma, yerel mekânın turistikleştirilmesi kapsamında çok kültürlülük kurgusunu, Mardin’in Savur ilçesine bağlı Kıllıt (Dereiçi) köyü örneğinde, coğrafyanın ve kentin Neo-Marksist analizi ve bu kapsamda, David Harvey'in ekonomik... more
Κριτήριο του διαχωρισμού είναι η αναγνωρισιμότητα του πολιτιστικού δημιουργήματος που εξετάζεται και η αποδοχή της ιστορικής του ύπαρξης από ένα άτομο, μια χώρα ή την παγκόσμια κοινότητα. Η αναγνωρισιμότητα ενός πολιτιστικού... more
The report seeks to compare the Czech Republic and Slovakia in order to answer the question whether the greater cultural heritage public attention and protection lead to a greater cultural heritage touristic figures. Revising the data on... more
This study assessed religious tourism in Batangas, Philippines on the following aspects: historical significance, holiness and spirituality, and customs and traditions. The assessments made were also subjected to tests of differences when... more
Cultural heritage tourism is a branch of tourism which is often a blend of education, entertainment and preservation. It is experiential, it involves and engages the visitor. Cultural tourism and sustainable development are the best way... more
The report seeks to inquire the connection between tourism and cultural heritage governance in Albania. Even though the lack of sufficient in-depth quantitative and qualitative prior research does not allow for concrete conclusions, some... more
Somut olmayan kültürel miras unsurları kapsamında incelenen el sanatları, günümüzde yok olmaya başlayan değerler arasında yer almaktadır. Diğer taraftan, Gümüşhane ili Dölek Köyü'nde üretimi sınırlı da olsa halen devam etmekte olan... more
The purpose of this study is to compare the cultural heritage tourism preservation in two heritage sites between Kota Tua Jakarta in Indonesia and Old Town Central in Hong Kong. The study focused on preservation system and efforts such as... more
Tourism makes an important contribution to culture andthe historic heritage by providing means for keeping the traditions alive andfinancing its protection as well as increasing visitor appreciation. Culturaltourism helps preserve the... more
Archaeotourism, a relatively new sub-branch, has played significant roles in the recently growing interest in heritage tourism. Critical heritage areas in different parts of the world have become great economic contributors to their host... more
- by Hasan Ali Erdogan
- Tourism Planning, Cultural Tourism, Tourism Planning & Development, Tourism Impacts, Environmental Preservation through Tourism, Alterations in Urban Island Tourism Destinations, Crisis Management, Hellenic and International Tourism Flows, Destination Marketing, and Tourism Sustainability, Archaeotourism
What strategies for developing the local tourism sector can be used more directly and at a lower cost? What is that service-product which may be intended for all but influ-ence each one separately? How can the utility and service... more
(TIME/INVESTMENT COST AND ATTRIBUTION TIME/AVAILABILITY OF RAW MATERIAL) What development strategies, of the local touristic sector, can we use more directly and with lower cost? (MASS OFFERING IN DIFFERENTIATED DEMAND) Which is that... more
Tourism has played a significant economic part both in Europe and worldwide, which is statistically demonstrated by the growing share of this sector in the European economy in the last decades. An important contribution has been made by... more
- by Ibrahim Canbulat
- Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Acting on the existent (Architecture), Architecture, Built Environment, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Culture Studies, Domesticity, Interior design, Military Architecture, and Modern Movement and Local Traditions, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Culture Studies, Cultural Planning, Destiny, Sense of Place, Spirit of Place, Genius Loci, Cultural Mapping, Placemaking, Local Distinctiveness, Place Identity, Cultural Tourism, Literary Tourism, Gestalt, Culture-Led Regeneration
In questa breve appendice, che riporta le testimonianze di docenti, curatori museali e operatori culturali attivi in ambito modenese, si riflette sul valore formativo delle iscrizioni lapidarie romane per il pubblico scolastico e per il... more
This research focuses on finding the value of local communities in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand and measuring the mindfulness of local communities on the benefits of cultural heritage tourism and the quality of life. The research scope used... more