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Love is the strong affection a person has towards the other person. Love can be between people of different gender, age, colour, social status, religion, or nationality. True love knows no boundaries, and that is why there exist different... more
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      LovePhilosophy of LoveModern perspectives on UtilitarianismInterpersonal Romantic Relationships
This dissertation deals with the problem of cultural rights from the viewpoint of the liberal utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill. It intends to include the author‘s political philosophy in the debates that have been held in recent decades... more
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      Cultural PolicyCultural PoliticsModern perspectives on UtilitarianismCultural Rights
The study of the ethics of war is brimming with cases taken from the realist perspective, where war among states is neither right nor wrong and is viewed outside of morality all together, and relativism perspective, where evaluating an... more
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      EthicsWar StudiesJust War TheoryUtilitarianism
This paper identifies and analyzes some of the basic structural flaws of utilitarian economic analysis and provides an alternative way of analyzing economic and moral problems.
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      LawConstitutional LawEconomicsEthics
Utylitaryzm miał duży wpływ na scementowanie założeń myśli ekonomicznej-szczególnie w kształtowaniu jej aksjomatycznej podstawy: wyobrażenia natury człowieka-wolnego politycznie i ekonomicznie, racjonalnego i egoistycznego indywidualisty.... more
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      PragmatismUtilitarianismModern perspectives on UtilitarianismMill's Utilitarianism
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      Moral PsychologyConsequentialismUtilitarianismModern perspectives on Utilitarianism
Article reprinted in: Madill, A., & Gough, B. (2016). Qualitative research and its place in psychological science. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Methodological issues and strategies in clinical research (4th ed., pp. 437–458). American... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of Science and TechnologyPsychologyClinical Psychology
The article is a plea for ethicists to regard probability as one of their most important concerns. It outlines a series of topics of central importance in ethical theory in which probability is implicated, often in a surprisingly deep... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsEgalitarianismDecision And Game Theory
The Dead Sea fault (DSF) is the most impressive tectonic feature in the Middle East. It is a plate boundary, which transfers sea floor spreading in the Red Sea to the Taurus collision zone in Turkey. The DSF has influenced many aspects of... more
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      Human EvolutionModern perspectives on UtilitarianismMiddle EastRed Sea
This title might be interpreted by some as either a contradiction-in-terms or just a plain error. After all, the distinction between Immanuel Kant's ethics and utilitarian ethics, such as that proposed by John Stuart Mill, is one between... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEthicsVirtue Ethics
This paper discusses the basic concept of utilitarianism. It covers the basic foundation needed in order to have a background with the subject matter, so that, it could help understand the difference from the Kantianism
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      PhilosophyEthicsUtilitarianismModern perspectives on Utilitarianism
Due to human’s inability to reflect beyond its own species, animal ethics is a distorted version of human ethics with provisional “rights” handed down to animals. These fictitious rights do not cover the natural right of privacy,... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Mind
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      Human EvolutionModern perspectives on UtilitarianismMiddle EastRed Sea
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      AristotleUtilitarianismAncient PhilosophyEpicurus
The aim of Paul Hurley's sophisticated monograph is to ground deontological ethics on a second-personal conception of normativity. That conception has been much explored in recent work; the distinctive value of Hurley's book is not the... more
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      Modern perspectives on UtilitarianismMoral and Political PhilosophyRule-consequentialism
Parfit advertised the priority view as a new and fundamental theory in the ethics of distribution. He never discusses risk, and many writers follow suit when discussing the priority view. This article formalizes two popular arguments for... more
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      Distributive JusticeEthical TheoryUtilitarianismMoral Philosophy
Utilitarianism and prioritarianism make a strong assumption about the uniqueness of measures of how good things are for people, or for short, individual goodness measures. But it is far from obvious that the presupposition is correct. The... more
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      Distributive JusticeEthical TheoryUtilitarianismModern perspectives on Utilitarianism
Happiness is political. The way we think about happiness affects what we do, how we relate to other people and the world around us, our moral principles, and even our ideas about how society should be organized. Utilitarianism, a... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyHistory of IdeasHistory of Economic Thought
In her book Uneasy Virtue, Julia Driver presents an account of motive or trait utilitarianism, one that has been taken as “the most detailed and thoroughly defended recent formulation” of consequential virtue ethics. On Driver's... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophical Psychology
Unique concept of Utlitarianism, in an effort at objectivity. For the moment included in the list of coherent systems at Quora ("have proven fruitful for the linguistic turn?")
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      EthicsNormative EthicsApplied EthicsVirtue Ethics
Talk delivered at the 'Philosophy, Politics, and Law' workshop, 29 November 2014, University College Dublin, Ireland The paper deals with the question if utilitarianism as presented by Robert Goodin can serve as a normative theory for... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of Public LawUtilitarianismModern perspectives on Utilitarianism
ETHICS This entry considers utilitarianism in the context of other theories. What is the main appeal of the theory? How does it compare to other theories? What are the main criticisms?
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      EthicsUtilitarianismModern perspectives on UtilitarianismMoral intuitions
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      Human EvolutionModern perspectives on UtilitarianismMiddle EastRed Sea