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A year ago this week, on the 4th January 2019, my wonderful friend and colleague Dr. Sandra Annunziata passed away suddenly leaving a baby daughter Elena and partner Francesco. This was, and is, a great loss not just to her close family... more
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      ArtUrbanismEulogyACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
giornale on-line di urbanistica journal of urban design and planning ISSN: 2531-7091 edito da con il supporto di per informazioni
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      EvictionsDisplacementAnti gentrification Strategies
This paper questions the implications of entrepreneurial responses to conditions of employment precarity by 'healthy volunteers' in phase I clinical trials in the United States. Such individuals are typically serial participants who often... more
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      Self and IdentityRace and EthnicityPrecarityCritical Organization Studies
This article explores the relationship between personal sacrifice and identity work within conditions of profound structural insecurity. We develop the concept of sacrificial labour to describe how individual self-sacrifice aligns... more
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      Race and EthnicityCritical Organization StudiesIdentity WorkHuman Clinical Trials
Motivated by the question of responsible AI and value alignment, I seek to offer a uniquely Foucauldian reconstruction of the problem as the emergence of an ethical subject in a disciplinary setting. This reconstruction contrasts with the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMichel FoucaultDispositif (Apparatus-Theory)Moral Machines
The Leeds Beckett repository holds a wide range of publications, each of which has been checked for copyright and the relevant embargo period has been applied by the Research Services team. We operate on a standard take-down policy. If... more
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Scholars whose work has been broadly classifi ed as falling within critical management studies (CMS) have sought to challenge the assumption that management is a neutral and value-free activity concerned with attaining the instrumental... more
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      SociologyPolitical SciencePublic Relations
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På udkig efter de nye strategiske konfigurationer – Fra disciplinære teknikker til kampen for frihed og sikkerhed - interview med Jens Erik Kristensen
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    • Slagmark
To confront the climate crisis requires fundamental system change in order to break the convention of relentless economic exploitation of nature. In this Special Issue we extend understanding of the opportunities for an organizing... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsSocial MovementsOrganizational TheorySociology of Work
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      ManagementOrganizational PsychologyPostcolonial StudiesCritical Management Studies
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The Leeds Beckett repository holds a wide range of publications, each of which has been checked for copyright and the relevant embargo period has been applied by the Research Services team. We operate on a standard take-down policy. If... more
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What is the problem? Despite UK government legislation to promote equality in the workplace e.g., Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and flexible work, the gender pay and care gaps continue to favour men over women (ONS, 2020; UK Government,... more
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Today’s fathers are more involved with childcare than the generations that preceded them. There is evidence to suggest that men consider fatherhood and their relationships with their children as more important than ever before. Still,... more
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      SociologyDevelopmental PsychologyGender StudiesMasculinity
This model applies theories of organizational socialization to characterize the aspiring entrepreneur's journey from neophyte to firm founder and to Identify factors that may Influence the transition from a pre-organization to the... more
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Knowledge can get lost when workers leave the company, or it may be missed when new challenges emerge. Specific knowledge may be important for the value-added chain of an organization, and its inaccessibility could be a problem. The work... more
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      SociologyEpistemologySystemics Cybernetics and Informatics
In-depth studies of and attempts to theorize or conceptualize resistance to gentrification have been somewhat sidelined by attention to the causes and effects of gentrification in the now rather extensive gentrification studies... more
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      Political ScienceGentrificationUrban StudiesResistance (Social)
Critics lament that corporate social responsibility has failed to significantly change business practices and that it became ‘de-radicalized’ once embraced by corporate business management. Using historical analysis, this article... more
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      SociologyCorporate Social ResponsibilityGenealogyPolitical Science
Purpose-The majority of organizational newcomers have prior work experience. Organizational socialization tactics are less effective for such "experienced newcomers", relative to graduate newcomers. Hence experienced newcomers tend to... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyOrganizational CultureSocialization
Foucault’s notion ‘the dispositive’ has been introduced in organization studies as a highly promising concept. However, its analytical and empirical potentials remain to be fully explored. This article develops dispositional analytics... more
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      SociologyEpistemologyOrganization StudiesMichel Foucault
O conceito de tecnologia desenvolvido por Michel Foucault ocupa uma posição ambígua na pesquisa organizacional contemporânea. Por um lado, a noção foucaultiana de "tecnologias de poder" tornou-se uma ferramenta analítica chave... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of AgencyTechnology
Formal organization is often seen as opposed or resistant to change, in theory as well as in practice. Drawing primarily on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze we argue that the reverse is true — that organization is itself a dynamic quality... more
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      Business AdministrationSociologyEpistemologyOrganizational Theory
Neste artigo, propomos analisar como as performances de genero ao longo do filme Boi Neon se engendram a partir de dispositivos de subjetivacao marcantes em nossa contemporaneidade como trabalho e sexualidade. O filme explora um horizonte... more
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      HumanitiesArtFilm AnalysisGender and Sexuality
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In spite of-or better, because of these studies-there is a need to go further in analyzing the complex organizational consequences of mergers and acquisitions. Especially questions concerning culture and identity and their relationships... more
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    • Organization Studies
The paper advances the hypothesis that the discursive introduction of 'emotions' has profound effects on the constitutional level of organisations. Our reflections depart from Luhmann's systems theory, where the concept of emotions refers... more
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      SociologyOrganizational TheorySociology of WorkSociology of Organizations
How many anarchists does it take to start a conversation about anarchism in a business school? Perhaps the most appropriate punchline is that such a conversation shouldn’t ever take place at all, never mind the number of participants. And... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementSocial MovementsAnarchism
In this article we argue that a component of structuration theory-the duality of structure-is a valuable heuristic for an integrative framework seeking to explain the role of communication in how membership is negotiated over time. The... more
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      SociologyOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational SocializationCritical Discourse Analysis
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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      ManagementOrganizational PsychologyPostcolonial StudiesCritical Management Studies
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      PhilosophyMichel Foucault
Reading academic journal articles rarely changes you. If you are, like me, an employee of the corporation formerly known as the university, you sadly learn to read in a Tayloristic way,
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      Critical Organization StudiesPsychohistoryPsychoanalytical CriticismHistorical and Intergenerational Trauma
The impetus for this essay arose from a close reading of the work of American psychoanalyst Hans Loewald. Little referenced in the psychoanalytic literature on organizations, Loewald offers a unique and highly influential set of ideas... more
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      History Of PsychoanalysisGroup DynamicsCritical Organization StudiesWilfred Bion
This chapter draws on data from research on 'Textures of food: diffracting eating relationships in an early years setting' which is about young children's embodied engagements with food. The research was based in a nursery in the... more
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    • Psychology
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      Family studiesChild WelfareNarrative AnalysisFatherhood
In this article we argue that a component of structuration theory-the duality of structure-is a valuable heuristic for an integrative framework seeking to explain the role of communication in how membership is negotiated over time. The... more
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      SociologyOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational SocializationCritical Discourse Analysis
Management and humour are becoming more closely interlinked in contemporary organizational life. Whereas humour was conventionally viewed as a deleterious, alien element at the workplace, it is now increasingly viewed as a valuable... more
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      ManagementSociologyPsychoanalysisResistance (Social)
The emergence of the idea that organizations are like organisms is generally seen as having saved organization studies (OS) from its mechanistic precepts. We argue that it has not. Rather, the mechanistic underpinnings of organization... more
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      SociologyOrganization StudiesBusiness and Management
Formal organization is often seen as opposed or resistant to change, in theory as well as in practice. Drawing primarily on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze we argue that the reverse is true — that organization is itself a dynamic quality... more
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      Business AdministrationOrganizational TheoryOrganizational ChangeOrganisational Change
In the early 1960s, a number of anarchist writers showed an interest in cybernetics, in which they saw the tools for better articulating radical forms of self-organisation. Discussions on the connections between anarchism and cybernetics... more
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      PsychologyDemographyMarriage & Family TherapyMarriage and Family
... 56. Van Maanen, J. 1978. People processing: Strategies of organizational socialization. Organizational Dynamics , 7: 19–36. ... situations. This study examines the socialization of emotion during early tenure in a fire department. ...
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      PsychologySocializationApplied CommunicationProactivity
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      Organizational CommunicationCritical Organizational Communication StudiesEffective Communication in Organisation
This chapter draws on data from research on 'Textures of food: diffracting eating relationships in an early years setting' which is about young children's embodied engagements with food. The research was based in a nursery in the... more
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    • Psychology
Formålet med denne artikel er at bidrage til forståelsen af, hvordan praktiske problemer (herunder ledelsesproblemer) og vidensproblemer er forskellige og alligevel kan berige hinanden. Artiklen henvender sig til ledere, som skal lave en... more
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      PhilosophyResearch MethodologyProblem Based LearningManagement Education
Formålet med denne artikel er at bidrage til forståelsen af, hvordan praktiske problemer (herunder ledelsesproblemer) og vidensproblemer er forskellige og alligevel kan berige hinanden. Artiklen henvender sig til ledere, som skal lave en... more
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      PhilosophyResearch MethodologyProblem Based LearningManagement Education
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