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We study the impact credit rating revisions have on stock returns of Australian firms rated by Standard & Poor's and Moody's. Our evidence is consistent with that documented in the USA showing that only downgrades contain pricerelevant... more
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      Credit RatingCredit RatingsEvent StudyAccounting Finance
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      FinanceEconomic SociologyEconomicsInternational Relations
An efficient financial system facilitates the optimal allocation of resources towards economic development of a country by allocating resources efficiently. Markets which are a part of the financial system, support efficient allocation of... more
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      Sri LankaCredit RatingsCredit Rating Agencies
The goal of this paper is to analyze the role that non-financial variables can play in assessing Smes creditworthiness and to compare their value in predicting business failure with the one of the most commonly used financial ratios. We... more
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      BusinessFinancial ModelingSmall and Medium scale EnterprisesSMES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
Long before the Dana Gas Sukuk default highlighted how the legal complexity of Sukuk could be exploited in a default situation The Investment Dar company of Kuwait tried the same strategy. Did they succeed (like Dana Gas) or Fail? This... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic StudiesIslamic Banking
financial gatekeeper literature to better understand the relationships CRAs have with issuers, investors, and other market participants. The paper makes a conceptual contribution in two ways. First, it contributes by employing interviews... more
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      Credit RatingCredit Ratings
The sustainable investments industry has dramatically evolved in the last decades. More recently, investors have expressed interest in companies whose products contribute directly to addressing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).... more
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      Credit RatingsESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance issues)Sustainable financeUN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)
Per vedere da vicino il rating sovrano, come si calcola e come viene usato - limiti, rischi ed alternative
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      FinanceEconomicsPolitical EconomyCredit Rating
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For decades, the credit rating market has been dominated by three major agencies (Moody's, S&P and Fitch Ratings). Their oligopolistic dominance is... more
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      Credit RatingsOligopolyCredit Rating Agencies
В работе прослежена эволюция подходов к оценке кредитоспособности и рейтингования экономических субъектов, рассмотрены особенности регулирования рейтинговой деятельности в России и других странах – участниках базельских соглашений, а... more
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      TrustCredit Ratings
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    • Credit Ratings
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsAccountingChild Development
Premessa L’idea di aprire un dibattito nell’ambito della comunità degli addetti ai lavori sul problema della discrezionalità oligopolistica con cui le Agenzie di rating operano nel mercato mondiale,mi è venuta assistendo a un... more
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      FinanceCredit Ratings
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a eficiência do modelo de credit scoring na ação de cross-selling para proporcionar uma maior rentabilidade alinhada ao risco do novo produto. O estudo resultou em 3 cenários de rentabilidade e... more
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      FinanceCredit ScoringFinancial Risk ManagementCredit Rating
Purpose-This study is a comparative analysis of the magnitude of economic growth as a key determinant of long-term foreign currency sovereign credit ratings in 30 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America from 2010 to 2018.... more
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      Credit RatingsCredit Rating Agencies
China’s Social Credit System (SCS) has captured the imagination and power of big data technology. Launched at the national level in 2014, the system’s aim is to assess the trustworthiness of Chinese citizens in keeping their promises and... more
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      PrivacyCredit ScoringSurveillance StudiesFreedom of Information
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      Dispute ResolutionAccountingCorporate GovernanceEmerging Economies
Uluslararası finansal ve ekonomik bütünleşmenin artmasıyla birlikte, ülke kredi notları küresel sermaye akımını yönlendiren en önemli unsurlardan biri haline gelmiş ve kredi derecelendirme kuruluşlarının (KDK) küresel ekonomi ve ülke... more
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      Public EconomicsMacroeconomicsCredit RatingCredit Risk
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      MicrofinanceEconomic DevelopmentChinaInternational Finance
This Regular Economic Report (RER) covers economic developments, prospects, and policies in six South Eastern European countries (SEE6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The report is... more
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      BusinessAccountingCapital MarketsCredit Rating
This paper explores the viability of Altman Z-Score for predicting agency credit ratings and equity returns of large, high-quality industrial companies. The hypotheses are that the Z-Score reflects similar implied default probabilities... more
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      Stock MarketsStock ReturnCredit RatingsValue Investing
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      Economic GrowthCorporate FinanceHousingCooperatives
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsAccountingChild Development
This study sought to establish how various credit risk management practices affect performance of commercial banks in Nyeri County in Kenya. Even though commercial banks face several types of risks, credit risk stands out as the most... more
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      ManagementFinanceEconomicsDevelopment Economics
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      MarketingAccountingProductivityRisk Management
Das Altmansche Z’’-Modell gilt in der Folge von Basel II als Benchmark bei der Beurteilung der Güte von Ratingfunktionen. Dabei kann der Z’’-Score für US-amerikanische Unternehmen zunächst mit den Ratings von Standard & Poor’s und... more
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      Credit RatingsEdward Altman Z Score for Financial Analysis
These are the proceedings from the Conference on Reforming the Public Expenditure Management System, which offered an opportunity to discuss a variety of policy recommendations and proposals. It is expected that these will provide... more
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      BusinessPublic FinancePublic AdministrationEconomic Growth
The primary aim of the study was to assess the performance of Ghanaian banks using the CAMELS rating model. The model is an acronym for capital adequacy, assets quality, management efficiency, earning, liquidity, and sensitivity. The... more
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      Digital EconomyCredit RatingsDevelopment FinanceE-Banking
Institutional investors are becoming ever more aware of the potential risks and opportunities associated with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. From natural resource scarcity to changing governance standards, from supply... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySustainable DevelopmentCorporate SustainabilityTriple Bottom Line
Is China's Social Credit System leading the way to a dystopian future? ‘Yes’, claims Wessel Reijers, who identifies dangerous dictatorial tendencies that do not live up to the promise of cultivating civic virtue. ‘No’, argues Jens van 't... more
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      TechnologyCredit ScoringChinaCredit Ratings
In the monograph the author proposes and operationalizes the notion of “charts power” (or “index power”, “ratings power”) as a significant component of soft power of national states and international institutions. The author proves that... more
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      Global GovernanceSoft Power and International RelationsCredit RatingsInternational Sanctions
Repeated crises have proven credit rating agency (CRA) models/methods erroneous and ‘business-as-usual’ unsustainable. Nevertheless, considerable dubious ‘default risk’ management and technoscientific capitalist expertise remain... more
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      FinanceEconomic SociologyPolitical EconomyGovernmentality
Widespread, precarious credit risk management and technoscientific expertise precipitating and exacerbating repeated crises remain taken-for-granted and virtually unaccountable. Especially evident in the ratings space, this paper analyses... more
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      Political EconomyInternational Political EconomySociology of ExpertiseDecision Making Under Uncertainty
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
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      MathematicsMathematical StatisticsStochastic ProcessCalculus
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      Real EstateAccountingFinancial SystemsDeveloping Countries
Il presente studio, condotto in occasione della mia tesi di laurea, ricostruisce i profili tipologici che connotano il modello giuridico dell' agenzia di rating, analizzando le normative cui esse sono soggette negli Stati Uniti ed in... more
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    • Credit Ratings
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    • Credit Ratings
As debts surge, at the heart of the struggle to constitute the ‘politics of limits’ – the parameters defining the budgetary realities facing governments – is the growing antagonistic relationship between the imperatives of corporate... more
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      FinanceEconomic SociologyEuropean StudiesInternational Relations
Modelación del Capital Asset Pricing Model
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    • Credit Ratings
Analysing the European Union's regulatory response in the wake of the credit and sovereign debt crises, this paper argues how its adoption of risk management as the core strategy for governing the credit ratings space may undermine... more
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      Economic SociologyInternational RelationsGovernmentalityPolitical Science
Alternative lending platforms provide an end-to-end loan experience through digital delivery, from application and origination to underwriting and servicing. Alternative lenders perform the credit underwriting process and approve or... more
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      FinanceCredit RatingsCorporate Finance and Bank LendingPeer-to-peer Lending and Crowdfunding
Le financement est un des instruments importants pour faciliter et appuyer les producteurs dans leur adaptation aux nouvelles exigences en tenant compte des aléas climatiques et du marché. L'ensemble des études consacrées à l'agriculture... more
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      FinanceBanks and credit marketsCredit RiskCredit Ratings
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      FinanceBankingCredit Ratings
9 I costi di informazione sono infatti annoverati fin dalle analisi giuridico-economiche più risalenti tra i costi di transazione che impediscono alle controparti di contrattare tra di loro raggiungendo la soluzione più efficiente tra... more
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      Securities LawRatingsCredit RatingsSecurities Regulation
The globalization and liberalization of economies trigger the expansion of the volume of capital markets. Parallel to this developments, the use of corporate bonds, one of the most important tool of capital markets, become widespread.... more
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      Multiple DiscriminationLogit & Probit modelsCredit RatingsCorporate Bonds
Crypto­property is one of the most rapidly growing classes of economic assets nowadays. There are several protocols that determine working principles of the cryptocurrencies as well as several protocols that enable creation and accounting... more
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      Financial EconomicsProperty RightsFinancial AccountingDecentralized Systems
Multilateral development banks depend on international capital markets for much of their financing. This, in turn, means that MDBs must obtain strong bond ratings from the major credit rating agencies. However, these agencies - in... more
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      Development StudiesCapital MarketsWorld BankAsian Development Bank
The growth of shadow banks changed the face of banking in Zimbabwe. Their inconsistent product nature and complexity of form has been a cause for concern to regulatory authorities. The interrelationship between their financial... more
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    • Credit Ratings
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      Portfolio ManagementPortfolioCredit RatingsPolitical Risk
Mit einer Reihe so genannter Derivateunfalle, Unternehmenszusammenbrüchen auf Grund mangelnder Risikovorsorge durch Vorstand oder Aufsichtsrat, insbesondere aber durch die zuletzt dramatisch gestiegenen Insolvenzzahlen erhöhte sich das... more
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      Risk ManagementCredit Ratings