Recent papers in Microfinance
The study examined the impact of microfinance on livelihood the main objective of the paper is to investigate and analyze the impact of micro finance on house hold livelihood in Red Sea State. In methodology the study used econometric and... more
The objective of this paper is to study the effect of official development aid (ODA) and microfinance (MF) on economic growth and compare the results. To achieve this objective, we identify and analyze the transmission mechanisms from ODA... more
Progetto "Capacity building sugli strumenti finanziari di microcredito: definizione e sperimentazione di nuove competenze e strumenti per la gestione efficiente ed efficace dei programmi
Notre étude se propose de mesurer l'efficacité des institutions de microfinance (IMFs) en UEMOA, en utilisant la méthode DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis). C'est la première étude qui considère à la fois la fonction... more
A brief explanation of how the Business Correspondent model of Microfinance Delivery works.
The key aim of the research is to investigate the relation between the perceived changes in financing gap and employment growth by SMEs in the EU. The paper builds on and extends the analysis of SAFE survey data to focus on the question... more
Jacob, coll. « Économie », Paris, 2015, 256 p.
This study provides insights into the sustainability of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Africa with specific emphasis on documented measures of MFI sustainability, stylized facts surrounding the phenomenon, perspectives on the growth... more
This research aims to determine the impact of the microfinance loan program on the lives of Gambian. Concentrating on RFS loan program called women finance WF. This study is qualitative research using an interview, the research extract... more
The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh has been in the vanguard of the microfinance movement, showing the potential to alleviate poverty by providing credit to poor households. Part of this success has been built on subsidies. In 1996, for... more
"Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies contains papers from notable members of the academia from four continents - Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Specifically, twenty nine authors from nine... more
The Mutual insurance companies of Solidarity contribute enormously to the financial inclusion of the low-income people, and constitute an answer to the problem of financing of the agricultural activities in rural areas in RD Congo, more... more
In the present context of women’s socio-economic empowerment, Bangladesh has played a revolutionary role in microcredit movement and has proved that the poor women are creditworthy and they can even do better in repaying the debt. This... more
The first of the two essays in this dissertation uses primary data from Bangladesh to explore the role of microloan repayment frequency (weekly vs. bi-weekly, assigned randomly) on loan repayment performance of microfinance borrowers... more
This paper to address the central issue on the main governance mechanisms for achieving the financial performance in the microfinance sector.Firstly it is attempted, to understand the different mechanisms of governance of microfinance... more
This paper analyzes gender-differences with respect to microfinance repayment-rates using a large global dataset covering 350 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in 70 countries. The results indicate that more women clients is associated... more
Despite the success of microfinance in including the poor people in the financial sector, critics claim that this antipoverty tool lacks hard data to prove its positive impact on reducing poverty levels. This study sought to establish the... more
Microfinance programs targeting poor women are considered a ‘prudent’ first step for international financial institutions seeking to rebuild post conflict economies. IFIs continue to visibly support microfinance despite evidence and... more
Tesis de Gobernabilidad y la Gestion Administrativa de la Caja Rural de Ahorro y Crédito Señor de Luren (2010-2015)
This article is a reflection on empirical data gathered in an ethnographic study of masculinity in a designated slum in urban Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This gestures towards possible new scholarly projects for those interested in... more
Dear Sir/Madam, Warm Greetings! With pleasure, we invite you to contribute a research paper to an edited volume titled “Dynamics of Financial and Economic Research” by Dr. N.M. Leepsa, Assistant Professor, NIT Rourkela, Mr. Abdul... more
Microfinance in India flows to the target group with the help of diverse institutions that involve banks, government agencies, and non-government organizations. The concept of microfinance was introduced in India especially for the... more
Commitment needed to maintain a balance between financial performance aspects of the operational aspects of social performance in microfinance institutions (MFI's). In this article the author conducted a literature study, by dividing the... more
Based on measurements of several indicators including the level of community participation, community empowerment, repayment rate was good, cross reporting good, and the application of penalties in accordance with the applicable rules,... more
Benchmarks are very useful tools. A benchmark is "a point of reference for measurement". They are (definitionally) the relative standards by which things are judged. As humans, we tend to benchmark almost everything in our lives that can... more
A presentation made in June 2003 to the National Disaster Management Authority of India on Microfinance & Disaster Management.
ნაშრომში განხილულია მწვანე ეკონომიკის განვითარების კუთხით არსებული მდგომარეობა, ფინანსური სექტორის როლი და გავლენა კლიმატის ცვლილებასთან მიმართებაში და მისი პოტენციური შესაძლებლობები მცირე ლოკალური ენერგოეფექტური პროექტების... more
This introductory chapter provides an overview of corporate finance. Included in this chapter are discussions of the types of business organizations, the objective of financial management and that of the corporation, and the decision... more
The microfinance plays the important role for the development of micro enterprises. However enterprises are a crucial path of both rural and urban areas in the North East India, special reference to poor entrepreneur for the engineering... more
This paper draws upon ethnographic work in the global microfinance industry as well as interviews with urban microfinance clients in southern India to subvert the gendered “microfinance myth” that supports the moral legitimacy of... more
Social innovations create social change or disruptions in society. These disruptions can be both positive and negative. Social perceptions on the benefits as well as the costs of change may influence society's reaction to the social... more
Research on Poverty Alleviation, REPOA, is an independent, non-profit organisation concerned with poverty and related policy issues in Tanzania. REPOA undertakes and facilitates research, enables monitoring, and promotes capacity... more
In 1990’s microfinance is began to develop as an industry and in the 2000s is main objective is to satisfy the unmet demands on a much larger scale and to play a role in reducing poverty. Rural women in India is quite aware of the fact... more
MFIs have struggled to link monetary assistance to savings and ultimately prosperity on a level comparable with Western expectations. Some solutions have offered more money, the forgiveness of debt in a general MFI jubilee, or a focus on... more
In the context of neoliberal financialization, what is the role of debt in agrarian change? To address this question, I combine insights about debt from rural political ecology and development finance scholarship in order to analyze the... more