Recent papers in Coverage
Hard-core Strauss disc processes with inhibition distance r and disc radius R are considered. The points in the Strauss point process are thought of as trees and the discs as crowns. Formulas for the mean and the variance of the vacancy... more
In this study, a path smoothing strategy is proposed for sensor-based coverage problems. Smooth paths are generated for the coverage problems considering mobile robot kinematics constraints. An open agent architecture-based control... more
The management of exchange risks occurs regularly with the acquisition of hedges of derivative products in the financial markets, according to the theoretical review in publications of scientific articles, books and theses. The objective... more
The power consumption of wireless access networks will become an important issue in the coming years. In this paper, the power consumption of base stations for mobile WiMAX, fixed WiMAX, UMTS, HSPA, and LTE is modelled and related to the... more
Sharing IP blocks in today's competitive market poses significant high security risks. Creators and owners of IP designs want assurances that their content will not be illegally redistributed by consumers, and consumers want assurances... more
Despite growing interest at national and international levels to use community-directed interventions (CDI) for delivery of health interventions in Africa, inadequate information on its acceptability and effectiveness remains. This study... more
This paper describes an integrated location-distribution model for coordinating logistics support and evacuation operations in disaster response activities. Logistics planning in emergencies involves dispatching commodities (e.g., medical... more
Many face-to-face surveys use field staff to create lists of housing units from which samples are selected. However, housing unit listing is vulnerable to errors of undercoverage: Some housing units are missed and have no chance to be... more
Guía del UsUario Primera parte El riesgo de desastre y estrategias para su reducción Capítulo 1 Reasentamiento de población como medida de reducción de riesgo de desastres Capítulo 1 Para explorar los vínculos entre impacto de desastres y... more
Complex applications implemented as Systems on Chip (SoCs) demand extensive use of system level modeling and validation. Their implementation gathers a large number of complex IP cores and advanced interconnection schemes, such as... more
Previous work on the coverage of mobile sensor networks focuses on algorithms to reposition sensors in order to achieve a static configuration with an enlarged covered area. In this paper, we study the dynamic aspects of the coverage of a... more
During the last two decades, optical stellar interferometry has become an important tool in astronomical investigations requiring spatial resolution well beyond that of traditional telescopes. This book, first published in 2006, was the... more
In this paper, we deal with connectivity and coverage problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). We used Friedman test to compare Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Tabu Search (TS). We found out that GA and TS have difference in their... more
Most work on the epistemology of testimony focuses on issues pertaining to what I will call the testimony-to-truth transition a transition one employs whenever one moves from having observed a piece of testimony to the effect that p, to... more
Abstrak-Setiap jaringan komunikasi bergerak seluler membutuhkan perencanaan sel dengan tujuan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pencakupan sel yang ditunjukan oleh jumlah base station, dimana diusahakan seminimal mungkin tetapi dapat... more
The objective of this paper is to outline the implementation of the Walking Skeleton Strategy in the environment of the test driven development. It is often observed that the project build is time consuming which, delays the project... more
System aspects of an anti-intruder multistatic radar based on impulse radio ultrawideband (UWB) technology are addressed. The investigated system is composed of one transmitting node and at least three receiving nodes, positioned in the... more
Scan based delay testing is currently mostly implemented using launch-on-capture (LOC) delay tests. Launch-on-shift (LOS) tests are generally more effective, achieving higher fault coverage with significantly fewer test vectors, but... more
The goal of the paper is to provide an overview of the following classes of models: Gradual cover models: These models seek to relax the ''all or nothing'' assumption by replacing it with a general coverage function which represents the... more
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are experiencing a revival of interest and a continuous advancement in various scientific and industrial fields. WSNs offer favorable low cost and readily deployable solutions to perform the monitoring,... more
Let P be a Poisson process of intensity one in the infinite plane R 2 . We surround each point x of P by the open disc of radius r centred at x. Now let S n be a fixed disc of area n, and let C r (S n ) be the set of discs which intersect... more
In recent years, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained much attention because of its varying applications from catastrophic region to industrial and household region. In few applications, sensors are deployed in extreme... more
Performance analysis of umts network is of major interest, because of the WCDMA technique used in umts, which leads to an interference limited system with a dynamic cell capacity and load dependent cell coverage. The performance of umts... more
J0RGEN BACH ANDER-SEN is a professor at AalboT Universitj and head of the Center for Personkommunikation. THEODORE S. RAPPA-PORT is an associateprofessor of electrical engineenng at Viw'nia Tech.
Guía del UsUario Primera parte El riesgo de desastre y estrategias para su reducción Capítulo 1 Reasentamiento de población como medida de reducción de riesgo de desastres Capítulo 1 Para explorar los vínculos entre impacto de desastres y... more
ABSTRACT This paper explores and compares the effectiveness of Minimum Income (MI) schemes in protecting persons of working age from poverty in the European Union. Using the European microsimulation model EUROMOD we estimate indicators of... more
In India, marriage is an important occasion and huge sums are spent for the pre-marriage and post-marriage rituals. Life-long savings are spent on the marriage ceremony.Average Indian saves and spends majority of his earnings on two... more
Hybrid fiber-wireless networks incorporating WDM technology for fixed wireless access operating in the sub-millimeter-wave and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequency regions are being actively pursued to provide untethered connectivity for... more
The purpose of this study was to provide a reexamination of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) News and the extent to which the publication provides equitable coverage to women and women's teams. To do so, 5,745... more
The increase of temperature might affect the distribution and reproduction of seagrass. This research aims to determine the seagrass bed coverage and the ecosystem condition. Three line transects were established perpendicular to the... more
Wireless Sensor Network is an emerging field which is accomplishing much importance because of its vast contribution in varieties of applications. Wireless Sensor Networks are used to monitor a given field of interest for changes in the... more
Hay riesgos que por su naturaleza no pueden ser asumidos por el asegurador. Ya sea por cuantía, por frecuencia, o por el riesgo moral que implican. Sin embargo, la desprotección de la sociedad frente a los mismos, vaciaría a la... more
Background: Identifying treatments that offer value and value for money is becoming increasingly important, with interest in how health technology assessment (HTA) and decision makers can take appropriate account of what is of value to... more
This document provides intermediate results of the concepts being developed in the radio link research of METIS. For each of the technology components (TeC) within the technology component clusters (TeCC), covering flexible air interface,... more
NoCs while considering execution time and energy consumption. The use of CDCM is shown to provide estimated average reductions of 40% in execution time, and 20% in energy consumption, for current technologies.
This paper seeks to establish the extent and nature of newspaper coverage of not only fire outbreaks but also fire safety issues in Ghana during the period of incessant fires. Contents of 288 editions of the Daily Graphic and The... more
This study is designed to assess some Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of parents/caregivers such as age, sex, marital status, religion, occupation, educational background and residential ownership status (independent... more