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We tested the detection properties of four MOX sensors toward different ozone mixtures to identify sets of sensing layers and interfering compounds concentrations most suitable for a reliable detection of ozone. The measurement campaign... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryCarbon MonoxideStatistical Techniques in Spatial Analysis
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      Neural NetworksNeural NetworkSensor ArraysConcentration
Wireless sensor networks are composed of a large number of sensors densely deployed in inhospitable physical environments. How to disseminate information energy efficiently throughout such a network is still a challenge. Although energy... more
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      Information SystemsLawRouting protocolsSimulation
Abstract: Vector sensors measure,both the acoustic pressure and the three components,of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a... more
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      Underwater AcousticsLow FrequencySource LocalizationScientific Communication
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      FluorescenceEnvironmental MonitoringApplied microbiologyMultidisciplinary
Oral administration is the most convenient route for drug therapy. The knowledge of the gastrointestinal transit and specific site for drug delivery is a prerequisite for development of dosage forms. The aim of this work was to... more
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      Signal ProcessingDrug deliverySignal AnalysisDrug Delivery Systems
Systematic errors can occur in every chemical analysis independent of the method used. In general, the risk of systematic errors can be diminished by separation steps prior to the determination procedure. In sensor measurements systematic... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemistryAnalytical ChemistryChemometrics
Austenitic stainless steels (hereafter A-STS) such as STS304 and STS316 are paramagnetic metals. However, a small amount of partial magnetization is generated in A-STS because of the imperfect final heat treatment and mechanical... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsHeat TreatmentNondestructive Evaluation
A low dark current CMOS image sensor (CIS) pixel without any process modification is developed. Dark current is mainly generated at the interface region of shallow trench isolation (STI) structure. Proposed pixel reduces the dark current... more
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      Cmos Image SensorSensor ArrayElectrical And Electronic EngineeringElectronics Letters
This paper presents a micromagnetoelastic sensor array for simultaneously monitoring multiple biological agents. Magnetoelastic sensors, made of low-cost amorphous ferromagnetic ribbons, are analogous and complementary to piezoelectric... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiosensorsWireless Sensor NetworksSensor Arrays
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is a research hotspot in recent years and has yielded many fruitful results. However, the biomedical applications of WSN haven’t received significant development due to its many unique challenges for the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPublic HealthDistributed SystemWireless Network
In this paper, the problem of spectral search-free direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in arbitrary nonuniform sensor arrays is addressed. In the first part of the paper, we present a finite-sample performance analysis of the well-known... more
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      MultidisciplinaryPerformance AnalysisFourier transformDirection of Arrival Estimation
We examine the improvement attained by using acoustic vector sensors for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, instead of traditional pressure sensors, via optimal performance bounds and particular estimators. By examining the Cramér-Rao... more
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      Approximation TheoryMonte Carlo SimulationPerformanceMultidisciplinary
The detection of the carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THM) in public water supply systems using low-cost equipment has become an essential feature, since these compounds may be generated as by-products of water-treatment processes. Here we... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisWater Treatment
This paper explores neuro-genetic applications in processing electronic nose data corrupted with additive Gaussian noise. For this study, published sensor data for different polymer-coated surface-acoustic wave (SAW) sensor arrays exposed... more
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      EngineeringGeneticsMicroelectronicsPattern Recognition
Owing to the growing demand for low-cost 'networkable' sensors in conjunction with recent developments of micro-electro mechanical system (MEMS) and radio frequency (RF) technology, new sensors come with advanced functionalities for... more
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      Computer ScienceRemote SensingMEMSWireless Sensor Networks
an important figure of merit in focal pllyle array sensors, especially for accurate target positions such as star trackers. In-situ evaluation by MTF in different stages of imager system developments is necessary for an ideal design of... more
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      Signal ProcessingImagingImage QualitySensors
An improvement has to be made in the inspection speed and the crack detection ability needed to inspect cracks in express train wheels. In this paper a linearly integrated Hall sensor array (LIHaS) is proposed in order to improve the... more
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      Signal ProcessingSensor ArraysMagnetic fieldNon Destructive Testing
Studies were carried out in vitro on a cellulose based agar at two water activities (aw; 0:975; 0:995) and on three types of paper at two relative humidities (75, 100% RH) for the potential for di erentiation of contamination and... more
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      Cultural HeritageBiological SciencesConducting PolymerElectronic Nose
Anomaly detection in a wireless sensor network (WSN) is an important aspect of data analysis in order to identify data items that significantly differ from normal data. A characteristic of the data generated by a WSN is that the data... more
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      Distributed ComputingArtificial IntelligenceGame TheoryRemote Sensing
An approach is presented to the problem of detecting the number of sources impinging on a passive sensor array that is based on J. Rissanen's (1983) minimum description length (MDL) principle. The approach is applicable to any type... more
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      Sensor ArraysComputer SimulationEstimationFrequency
The CAFADIS camera project has consisted in building a camera to measure wave-front phases and distances under different scenarios (from microns to kilometres), using highly specialised electronic technology, namely Graphics Processing... more
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      Adaptive OpticsCamera CalibrationField Programmable Gate ArrayThree Dimensional
A dynamic model of a metal-oxide semiconductor gas sensor is proposed and discussed as a tool for obtaining a substantial reduction of the time needed for sensor calibration. The sensor dynamics turn out to be well represented using a... more
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      Materials EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryGas SensorSteady state
Limited battery power at wireless video sensor nodes, along with the transmission quality requirements for video data, makes quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning in a wireless video sensor network a very challenging task. In this paper,... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyRemote SensingService Quality
The achievement of a proper and uniform pressure distribution between the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) and the bipolar plates of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a key factor of stack design and assembly. Contact... more
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      Fuel CellThin FilmPEM fuel cellExperimental Evaluation
A combined method for the simultaneous measurement of the clamping pressure distribution and endplates deformation in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) is presented. The proposed approach, which allows overcoming some important... more
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      EngineeringDigital Image CorrelationFuel CellCopper
Wireless sensor nodes, each a self-powered system performing sensing, communication, and computation, form reliable mesh networks coordinating efforts to add intelligence to the environment. ABSTRACT | Wireless sensor nodes are autonomous... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringWireless Sensor NetworksWireless Mesh NetworksProcess Integration
Wireless sensor networks have been used to gather data and information in many diverse application settings. The capacity of such networks remains a fundamental obstacle toward the adaptation of sensor network systems for advanced... more
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      Distributed ComputingRemote SensingWireless CommunicationsScheduling
In this paper, we have developed a sleep monitoring and gesture recognition system for patient based on polysomnography which will be useful for patient communication with healthcare personals and/or relatives. In particular, we present... more
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      Gesture RecognitionWireless NetworkPoint of CareSensor Array
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in wireless sensor networks. One of the major issues in wireless sensor network is developing an energy-efficient clustering protocol. Hierarchical clustering algorithms are very... more
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      Distributed ComputingData MiningDistributed SystemRouting protocols
The recent interest in the surveillance of public, military, and commercial scenarios is increasing the need to develop and deploy intelligent and/or automated distributed visual surveillance systems. Many applications based on... more
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      Remote SensingDistributed SystemSoftware AgentsSensor Network
The design of a reconfigurable capacitive sensor array interface comprised of a subsystem able to read an array of capacitive-type sensors and an embedded processor is described. Each sensor is connected to a ring oscillator, which... more
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      Hardware Description LanguagesSensor ArraysOscillationsOscillators
Surface mountable eddy current sensors are a revolutionary new concept in nondestructive inspection. These eddy current sensors can be mounted, like a strain gage, at critical locations for detection of crack initiation and monitoring of... more
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      Giant MagnetoresistanceAerospaceSensor ArraysIEEE
Most multi-camera systems assume a well structured environment to detect and track objects across cameras. Cameras need to be fixed and calibrated, or only objects within a training data can be detected (e.g. pedestrians only). In this... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingLocalization
The development of carbon nanotube-(CNTs-)based gas sensors and sensor arrays has attracted intensive research interest in the last several years because of their potential for the selective and rapid detection of various gaseous species... more
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      Carbon NanotubeNanotechnologyConsumer ElectronicsGas Sensor
We consider the role played by the sensor locations in the optimal performance of an array of acoustic vector sensors. First we derive an expression for the Cramér-Rao bound on the azimuth and elevation of a single far-field source for an... more
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      Cramer Rao Lower BoundSensor placementMaritime EngineeringThree Dimensional
Using a circular 37-SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) sensor array, we observe spontaneous transitions in neuromagneticfield patterns in the human brain which occur at a critical valueof a systematically variedbehavioral... more
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      Mathematical SciencesHuman behaviorPhysical sciencesPhase transition
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      Gas SensorsElectronic NoseQCMPrincipal component analysis (PCA)
The electronic tongue based on a sensor array comprising 23 potentiometric cross-sensitive chemical sensors and pattern recognition and multivariate calibration data processing tools was applied to the analysis of Italian red wines. The... more
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      Analytical ChemistryPattern RecognitionQuantitative analysisRed Wine
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) offer the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of existing transportation systems. Currently, collecting traffic data for traffic planning and management is achieved mostly through wired... more
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      Distributed ComputingRemote SensingModelingIntelligent Transport System
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      Remote SensingEnergy ConsumptionSimulationTDMA (Time division multiple access)
ROCOM is a four-loop test facility for the investigation of coolant mixing in the primary circuit of pressurized water reactors. Recently, a new sensor was developed for an improved visualisation and quantification of the coolant mixing... more
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      Best practiceComputation Fluid DynamicsHigh ResolutionNumerical Model
The technique of interpolated arrays is applied to ESPRIT-type direction finding methods. The resulting method uses sensor arrays with an arbitrary configuration, thus eliminating the basic restrictive requirement of ESPRIT for two (or... more
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      AlgorithmsConvergenceMultidisciplinarySensor Arrays
Recent advances in microelectronics and biosensors are enabling developments of innovative biochips for advanced healthcare by providing fully integrated platforms for continuous monitoring of a large set of human disease biomarkers.... more
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      BiochemistryBiosensorsSensor ArraysBiosensor
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      Analytical ChemistrySemiconductor DevicesConducting PolymersPolymers
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnalytical ChemistryMultivariate StatisticsFuzzy Logic
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsPhysiologyHumanoid robots
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyRemote SensingComputer Networks
System aspects of an anti-intruder multistatic radar based on impulse radio ultrawideband (UWB) technology are addressed. The investigated system is composed of one transmitting node and at least three receiving nodes, positioned in the... more
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      LocalizationCoverageSignal DetectionSensor Array
A platform for performing rapid, real-time binding assays on sensor arrays based on silicon ring resonators is presented in this paper. An array of 32 sensors is interrogated simultaneously. Using eight sensors as controls, 24... more
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      Quantum PhysicsMicrofluidicsBiosensorsBioMEMS