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The importance of claims and disputes in Portuguese public contracting is so large nowadays that most construction managers tend to consider a specific final stage of the project life cycle for dealing with them. The aim of this paper is... more
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      Construction ManagementLife CycleClaims
Following the XVIII century Declarations, rights have progressively occupied the whole space of legal, political and moral debate; with the UN's Declaration of Human Rights, the language of rights has been established as a universal... more
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      Human RightsAutonomyClaims
a sample waiver of claim
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      Creative WritingBusinessInformation TechnologyEducation
The construction industry in the UAE has been suffering regularly from time and capital losses due to the incurred delays to completion in projects. Faridi and El-Sayegh (2007) identified 44 factors causing delays to the construction... more
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      Cost EstimationCOST ESTIMATION IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTDesign ChangesConstruction Claims
Dans cet article, on extrait, du « Psychology : Briefer Course » (1892, trad. 2003), de William James (1842-1910), quelques éléments de sa conception de l’estime de soi.
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      William JamesSelf-EsteemAchievementClaims
Disputes and claims are a very important issue in project management because they have a significant impact on the progress of work in construction projects. This study aims to clarify the principles of the importance of claims and... more
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      OWNERClaimsConstruction ProjectContractor
Internet links to download Project Management and related issues books and publications
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementConstruction Project ManagementProject Management Budgetting, Scheduling and planning
The Abstracts that follow are arranged by type of session (Posters fi rst, then Orals, Colloquia, and Workshops). The Poster abstract numbers correspond to the Poster Board number at which the Poster will be presented. Cranberry plants... more
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      Agricultural BiotechnologyProceedingsCostsBiocontrol Science and Technology
This is a study of the political dynamics between the Aosta valley and the eastern hills of the morainic amphitheatre of Ivrea. The political actors involved were different, but in this study are analysed some phases of the conflict... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesItalian PoliticsConflict ResolutionMiddle Ages
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      Pharmacological BiophysicsEvidencePlantActivities
According to the Peace Treaty 10 February 1947, Italy had to restore to Yugoslavia all the objects of public nature having artistic, historical, scientific, educational or religious value removed from the territory ceded to Yugoslavia... more
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      Cultural HeritageYugoslaviaSecond World WarWorld War II
This paper presents a definition of sustainable urban freight transport (SUFT), based on the existing theories and concepts, and develops an indicator set that describes SUFT. The definition of SUFT makes a categorisation of actions... more
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      Urban PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityProceedingsCosts
This paper argues that we must distinguish between two distinct currents in the politics of recognition, one centred on demands for equal respect which is consistent with liberal egalitarianism, and one which centres on demands for esteem... more
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      Field WorkClaimsUniversiti Malaysia Sarawak
This article outlines how the body produces medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). The BodyMind Approach™ (TBMA™) is a suggested therapeutic intervention for disrupting the expression of MUS. This is discussed in three main sections, each... more
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In India, marriage is an important occasion and huge sums are spent for the pre-marriage and post-marriage rituals. Life-long savings are spent on the marriage ceremony.Average Indian saves and spends majority of his earnings on two... more
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This paper, “China’s Strategy in the South China Sea: Role of the United States and India,” strives to understand the changing dynamics of international relations in the 21st Century. Due to the continuously growing global energy demands... more
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      International Relations TheoryConflictForeign PolicyChina
In this paper, the history of the Romanian “Gold Fund” in Moscow is completed by prizing some unpublished Russians documents from the National Archives of Romania and the Russian Archives, as well as a recent Russian bibliography. Our... more
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      World War IRussian RevolutionRussian EconomyClaims
The Maidan protests provide us with insights into Ukrainian society and the dynamics of mobilisation more generally. Based on the EuroMaidan Protest Participant Survey, on-site rapid interviews with protesters, interviews with... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEastern European Studies
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryJudgment and decision makingRepresentation
Hay riesgos que por su naturaleza no pueden ser asumidos por el asegurador. Ya sea por cuantía, por frecuencia, o por el riesgo moral que implican. Sin embargo, la desprotección de la sociedad frente a los mismos, vaciaría a la... more
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      Insurance LawRisk ManagementSpanish LawOmissions
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      Medical AnthropologyProceedingsCostsDamages
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      Energy Storage (in Engineering)ProceedingsCostsDamages
To develop the infrastructure, Indian government spends huge Crores every year. Claims are applicable where projects are lacking in design, plans, effective management, skillful supervision, and close coordination from the client side.... more
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      SPSSClaimsConstruction TechniquesDisputes
| fax 630.820.5765 | D. M. Studler, M.Acc., CPA, CFF Member and Managing Officer of SDC CPAs, LLC Certified Public Accountants SDC CPAs, LLC is an investigative accounting firm specialized in analyzing and handling employee... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingClaims
Construction activities are the most competitive and it involves higher risk with minimum profitability due to competition. Construction of any infrastructural work involves complex management skills related to manpower, materials, plant,... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction IndustryDelayDamages
A motivational extension of social identity theory is proposed: the uncertainty reduction hypothesis. Building on social identity theory and self-categorization theory, a subjective uncertainty reduction model of motivation associated... more
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      Social PsychologyProceedingsCostsDamages
The goal of the study was to see how customer happiness affected service quality efficiency at National Insurance companies. The National Insurance Company of India (NIC) is a large general insurance company in India that serves a large... more
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      Open AccessSettlement PatternsPromptsClaims
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      Project ManagementContractClaims
Based on the supplications sent to the Grand Duke of Tuscany and forwarded to the courts of the Governor of Livorno and of the Consuls of the Sea of Pisa, which were both competent in civil, commercial and maritime matters, this article... more
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      Maritime LawMediterranean Studies17th-Century Studies16th Century (History)
The implementation of austerity and neoliberal policies has disrupted everyday life for a significant number of Europeans, especially among young people. Rising tuition fees, labor market reforms, levels of unemployment, precarious... more
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      European StudiesPolitical ParticipationYouth StudiesClaims
While a wide range of dispute resolution mechanisms exist, practitioners favor legally binding ones such as litigation and arbitration. Since initiating a litigation or arbitration case against a business partner may dissolve the business... more
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      ContractsDecision MakingContract LawDecision Making Analysis and Modeling
L'évolution de la mentalité des négociants bretons peut être retracée grâce à l'analyse des cahiers de doléances rédigés au printemps 1789, puis de mémoires recommandant, au début du XIX e siècle, diverses mesures pour stimuler l'activité... more
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      French RevolutionTradeBrittanyClaims
Sindh Consumer Protection Act 2014 was legislated to protect and preserve the rights of consumers. However, the Act has limited scope. Numerous shortfalls have been discussed and it was suggested that such lacunas may be eliminated so... more
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      Consumers RightsConsumer protection lawConsumersClaims
This study explored the effects of bullying victimization (BV), as a Type II traumatic stressor, on intelligence quotient (IQ), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and complex PTSD symptoms. Participants were 390 African American and... more
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The aim of the current work was to evaluate the frequency and the type of cases of medical liability from a single center in the first ten months of the pandemic as well as to identify critical issues associated with the organization of... more
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      Emergency MedicineRisk ManagementEmergency ManagementForensic Pathology
This paper examines the visibility of the EU in the debates that took place in the national public spheres of nine European countries during the period 2008-2014. We inquire whether the impact of the recent economic crisis and the... more
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      Public OpinionCrisis CommunicationPolitical communicationEuropean Union
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of filling techniques and consistency of low-shrinkage composites on the bond strength and internal gap formation in Class I bonded restorations. Two low-shrinkage restorative systems... more
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      AutobiographyWrongful BirthLonelinessSuffering
Abstract. The aim of this work is to explore how the concept of shape can be applied in the context of Intellectual Property Law (IPL). Despite the global nature of IPL, the system is plagued with considerable uncertainty, especially in... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDiagramsShapeClaims
The low level of financial literacy in m any countries suggests that households or consumers of financial products  are  at risk of sub-optimal financial decisions. This study ex amines the financial literacy  and its imp act on the... more
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      Business AdministrationFinancial LiteracyFinancial managementReal estate management
Les auteurs tiennent à remercier chaleureusement MM. Ryan Gauderon et Hadrien Monod, MLaw et doctorants au Centre de Droit pénal de l'Université de Lausanne, pour leur relecture et mise en forme minutieuse. Code de procédure pénale du 5... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureClaims
Il dibattito filosofico politico e giuridico degli ultimi anni è stato scosso da critiche che fino a poco tempo fa sarebbero sembrate indicibili: quella che Bobbio descrisse felicemente come “età dei diritti” non sarebbe in crisi per una... more
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      Political PhilosophyMichel FoucaultEuropean Legal HistoryTeoría Política
This paper examines the relatively new cause of action afforded to policyholders under s.13A of the Insurance Act 2015 - a claim for ‘Late Payment’ - against the backdrop of business interruption claims in relation to the COVID-19... more
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      Insurance LawCivil LitigationBad FaithInsurance, Contracts, Commercial Law
In the condition of the increasing complexity of the business systems and their environment is the controlling an essential basic of the success of each company. It is a phenomenon which integrates the information processing, the analysis... more
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      DownloadsFinancial ControllingClaimsWorking Capital
V.D. Gogunsky, E.V. Gavrish, S.V. Tkachuk. Models competency training. The features of formation of competence training, based on the totality of the most general concepts that should be detailed in a set of knowledge, skills, skills,... more
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      TrainingMathematical ModellingFormalizationCompetence
The main aim of microfinance is to empower women. women make up a large proportion of microfinance beneficiaries . traditionally ,women have been unable to readily participate in economic activity .microfinance provide women with the... more
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    • Claims
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      Pharmacological BiophysicsEvidencePlantActivities