Clifford Geertz
Recent papers in Clifford Geertz
‘[A] valid concept of “Islam” must denote and connote all possible “Islams,” whether abstract or “real,” mental or social’ (104)... Ahmed seeks to avoid two major pitfalls: (1) making Islam into a static essence or a category within an... more
In his famous study „Islam Observed,“ Clifford Geertz poses general critical questions for the study of religion. Taking Geertz’s critique and the question „what is Islam?“ as starting points, this paper explores problems caused by... more
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
This paper deals with the poetical practices of American antropologists, which both reveal important institutional issues and the intensity of relationships which this caused. It illustrates three consecutive periods during the history of... more
Einleitung Ich will hier den Hahnenkampf-Aufsatz von Geertz behandeln. Er ist 73 in Dichte Beschreibung erschienen. Geertz will damit nicht nur ein lokales Phänomen interpretieren, er will auch seinen kulturhermeneutischen Ansatz... more
An analysis (in Croatian) of the discourses articulated in public and the politics surrounding the affirmative parliamentary voting on the Istanbul Convention in Croatia, which was then ratified. The article maps four key discourses as... more
Ward Goodenough creó el análisis componencial en la década de 1950, poniendo en marcha una inexplicable moda de búsqueda formal que se conoció como Nueva Etnografía y que surgió meses antes de que surgiera en otro rincón de la... more
This essay considers virtue ethics and universalism in the wisdom literature of Musharrif al-Din Muṣliḥ Saʿdī (d. ca. 690/1291). Published in Renovatio, Spring (2018). If possible, please use this link to access:... more
This paper attempts to apply the Peircean Logics of Abductive Inference to Kulturwissenschaften (Study of Culture), particularly to Cassirer's notion of symbolic form
No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher,... more
Singularmente, y a diferencia de Lévi-Strauss, lo que propone Geertz no es una metodología para la construcción de una antropología científica, como lo fue en un principio el método estructural, sino más bien una actitud o un conjunto... more
This book is, first of all, an inquiry in the nature of moral philosophy. The understanding of such discipline as a rational enterprise aiming at establishing very general rules and principles is criticized. Thanks to an original... more
Em período recente tem havido uma intensa profusão de pesquisas qualitativas em educação no Brasil, ganhando um destaque crescente o uso da etnografia, entretanto, tem ocorrido também um intenso debate sobre os usos e possibilidades da... more
Onder historici heeft hij zijn stempel gedrukt op de generatie die in de jaren zeventig en tachtig volwassen werd en die genoeg hadden van statistische modellen, functionalistische verklaringen, structuren en conjuncturen en dialectisch... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Resenha da obra: SAID, Edward W. Orientalismo: o Oriente como invenção do Ocidente. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007. Edward Wadie Said nasceu em Jerusalém na Palestina (na época, província britânica) em 1935. De família árabe cristã... more
This paper examines the concepts of culture in and the relativistic nature of the symbolic anthropologies of Clifford Geertz and David Schneider, and argues that the two anthropologists have advanced a new kind of cultural relativism,... more
Este libro clásico recién incorporado al conjunto de da cuenta de los prolegómenos y los primeros años de la antropología posmoderna. Con el correr de un par de décadas pudo verificarse que mi sombrío pronóstico, asentado en... more
Geertz inicia o capitulo " Uma Descrição Densa: Por uma Teoria Interpretativa da Cultura " utilizando métodos modernos aplicados às ciências sociais, priorizando as investigações antropológicas, questionando a força com que certas idéias... more
(Đây là bản thảo của bài viết đăng trên Tạp chí Khoa học xã hội (TPHCM) số 5(189)-2014) Từ những năm 60-70 của thế kỷ XX, việc tìm hiểu văn hóa của các cộng đồng người thông qua biểu tượng trở nên phổ biến trong lĩnh vực nhân học văn hóa... more
Phenomenology is the study of things as they appear in the world. While this concept seems simple enough, the ways in which phenomenology manifests itself, particularly in the study of gender and cinema, become more complex. Phenomenology... more
The 1960s witnessed the emergence of symbolic anthropology, a theoretical paradigm that called attention to the importance of symbols, meaning, and interpretation in the study of culture. By challenging the hitherto popular grand theories... more
Recientemente (re)descubrí que había presentado un paper con ese nombre en el Tercer Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social en Rosario, 23 al 29 de julio de 1990. Procuraré re-encontrar el original cuando tenga la oportunidad. Este es... more
Modernidad Es el conjunto de experiencias que todos compartimos, que está relacionado con acontecimientos culturales. Estas experiencias unen a toda la humanidad porque atraviesan todas las fronteras, pero a la vez desune, desintegra, es... more
I wrote this for profs wanting to assign Geertz and Asad to early undergraduates without overwhelming them. Those who have used it say it works! In the volume as a whole, there are other helpful articles written for UG teaching (see table... more
Inspirado pelo pensamento de um dos principais antropólogos do século XX, o texto discute criticamente os fundamentos teóricos e o papel social da antropologia cultural e das ciências sociais. Articulando ferramentas conceituais... more
Buku ini menemukan urgensitasnya dengan arus proses islamisasi, baik yang dilakukan Muhammadiyah dengan gerakan pembaharuan keagamaan maupun Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) melalui dakwah kulturalnya.
the editorial board of Development and Change. Spelling of Indonesian words in pre-1973 quotations has been changed to current usage.
Final chapter of 'Act and Image: The Emergence of Symbolic Imagination'. A revised view of Lévy-Bruhl’s notion of participation mystique. I argue that Jung lost the most valuable aspect of Lévy-Bruhl by “psychologizing” his idea, thereby... more
Ahora que han caído en descrédito las narrativas que hablaban de sociedades lejanas, puras y distintas, este libro recupera la fascinación de las teorías de la cultura examinando críticamente las principales tendencias de los últimos años... more
Semiotik pada perkembangannya digunakan menjadi perangkat teori yang digunakan untuk mengkaji kebudayaan manusia. Semiotik melihat gejala budaya yang timbul dalam masyarakat sebagai suatu tanda yang berkaitan satu sama lain dengan cara... more