Chinese Theatre
Recent papers in Chinese Theatre
Tosco, Alessandro, “‘To repay grace is no madness’: fathers sacrificing sons in Chinese dramas of the Yuan Dynasty”, in Italian Association for Chinese Studies. Selected Papers 3, edited by E. Giunipero & C. Piccinini, Cafoscarina,... more
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Constructed Worlds 通都大邑
Borders and Liminalities 四海為家
Inside Out 禮尚往來
Cosmos+Polis= 天下?
Constructed Worlds 通都大邑
Borders and Liminalities 四海為家
Inside Out 禮尚往來
Cosmos+Polis= 天下?
Guan Hanqing, Turbare il Cielo e commuovere la Terra: l’ingiustizia subita da Dou E, introduzione, traduzione e commento di Alessandro Tosco, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2020, collana “Asia Orientale古今東亞” 31. ISBN: 9788825538427.
Read as a form of social document, one of the most interesting areas of life illuminated by the huapu (" flower-guides, " that is, theatergoers' lists, rankings, and descriptions of the Beijing theater's boy-actors), is what they show us... more
This chapter discusses how jingju (Beijing opera) managed to prosper around 1930 when Shanghai became a locus of constant conflicts, uprisings and social unrests that involved nations, classes, warlords, and political parties against the... more
DESCRIPTION Transnational Chinese Theatres is the first systematic study of networks of performance collaboration in the contemporary Chinese-speaking world and of their interactions with the artistic communities of the wider East Asian... more
Perspectives, Lectures on Humanities n° 20 = 第二十期“视界人文”讲座邀, Zhongguo Renmin Daxue Wenxueyuan – People’s University of China – Schol of Humanities, 中国人民大学文学院, four conferences, Beijing, may 31th-june 8th 2017.
In 1838, the French Sinologist Antoine Bazin translated and published an anthology entitled Le Théâtre chinois (The Chinese Theatre), in which Zheng Dehui’s Tchao-meï-hiang (or Zhou Mei Xiang, literally “The Smart Housemaid Meï-hiang”)... more
A New Book by Scott Park Phillips will be the first cultural history of Chinese martial arts. Every day, millions of people practice Chinese martial arts. Most of them would love to read a history that not only incorporates all the latest... more
Investigación de tesis de licenciatura en donde se aborda la integración de la ópera de Beijing, el teatro occidental, enfocando la mirada en el teatro de la crueldad de Antonin Artaud en la dramaturgia de Gao Xingjian, autor chino que... more
Politics, People-ness, and Debate over Realism: The Soviet Perspective of Mei Lanfang’s Tour to USSR in Mei Lan-Fang and the Chinese Theatre... more
Translated and introduced by Antonio Leggieri Feng Weimin's zaju play Seng Ni Gong Fan (A Monk and a Nun Commit a Sin Together) broke away from the canonical zaju tradition while preserving some of its elements. Feng's language created... more
“The subject matter of post-modern art is not reality, but rather the passive substance of pre-contemporary art” – wrote Andrzej Książek, an art theorist, in his text Sztuka przeciw Sztuce. Z teorii awangardy XX wieku (Art against art.... more
Introduction to the piece "Teahouse" and to the author, first Italian translation of the piece with notes on translation, investigation of the contemporary impact of "Teahouse" (brands, tourism, film, and particularly of the 2010 main... more
Published in Journal of Martial Arts Studies Vol. 1, 2015.
A paper on contemporary Chinese theatre from the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976 to the twenty-first century
Hong Shen is best known as one of the founding fathers of spoken drama (huaju), and his plays and his roles as a dramatist have been widely acknowledged. In this essay, Xuelei Huang traces Hong’s personal life and reveals his ambiguous... more
Theatricality, or an aesthetics of exaggeration, is the highlight and defining characteristic of the stage in xiqu (indigenous Chinese drama). When Maoist art fell under the general aegis of socialist realism, however, xiqu leaders... more
Italian Commedia dell’arte was part of Huang Zuolin’s studies aimed at the articulation of his xieyi (写意) concept of theatre. In the Sixties, when Chinese dramas were performed according to the standards of revolutionary realism and... more
Sino alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo a Pechino erano vietate le opere teatrali nelle ore serali, insieme al divieto di usare luci artificiali nei teatri. Le rappresentazioni iniziavano di solito a metà giornata e finivano verso le sei... more
The chapter takes an expansive approach to the notion of Trans-Asia to explore the potential of "trans-Asian theatricalities" to comprise intercultural contacts taking place both within and outside the confines of geopolitical Asia. It... more
Ma Zhiyuan, Un’oca solitaria infrange il sogno profondo: l’autunno nel palazzo degli Han, Introduzione, traduzione e commento di Alessandro Tosco, Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2018. ISBN: 97888-54869219. (In Italian)
本文以無名氏撰《貨郎旦》為例,分析元雜劇在法國的翻譯、改編及其接受過程所衍生的意義流動。本文首先關注法國漢學家巴贊(Antoine-Pierre-Louis Bazin)收於《中國戲劇選》(Théâtre chinois,1838)裡的《貨郎旦》譯本,根據譯本對於「貨郎」等關鍵詞和概念的理解,以及譯本文字增刪、形式調整等面向,從而檢視譯本與原作之間的敘事視角差異與主題偏移。為了解時人對於《貨郎旦》的接受,本文根據馬南(Charles... more
本文以李健吾改譯自《費朵拉》(Fedora, 1882)的《喜相逢》(1944)為例,試析李健吾於抗戰期間的戲劇創作如何進行跨語際、跨文化的實踐。《費朵拉》原為法國劇作家薩杜(Victorien Sardou)為名伶貝恩哈特(Sarah... more
The Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2012 adaptation of Ji Junxiang’s Orphan of Zhao was a negotiation of Chinese and Western theatrical tradition. As opposed to Western theatre’s formalistic appropriation of the East in the 20th century and... more
Much of the public discourse on China relates largely to the country's expanding economic and military power. The result can be that regular Americans and policymakers alike ignore the diverse arts that flourish in or come from China.... more
Kinesko tradicionalno pozorište ima dugu istoriju i veoma je kompleksno. Javna izvođenja stara su koliko i sama kineska civilizacija, a potekla su od religijskih i sekularnih rituala, ceremonija koje su uključivale ples i druge vrste... more
English Abstract: Since the eighteenth century, Chinese drama has been known to European readers because of Prémare’s French translation of The Chinese Orphan [Zhaoshi guer]. However, no Chinese performers have been found on French... more
Wenn im Mediensystem der Moderne der Autor, in der Formulierung Foucaults, seine „Rolle des Regulators von Fiktionen“ verloren hat, dann ist damit freilich nicht einfach eine Gewichtsverlagerung auf einer imaginierten... more
In 2012, Zuni Icosahedron (Hong Kong), Za-Koenji Public Theatre (Tokyo), and the Jiangsu Kun Opera Theatre (Nanjing) initiated the Toki Project, an intercultural platform devoted to the transmission of kunqu and noh through contemporary... more
Kinesko tradicionalno pozorište ima dugu istoriju i veoma je kompleksno. Javna izvođenja stara su koliko i sama kineska civilizacija, a potekla su od religijskih i sekularnih rituala, ceremonija koje su uključivale ples i druge vrste... more
Practitioners of xiqu (traditional Chinese theatre) have long appropriated Western plays and theatrical ideas to modernize Chinese tradition for new theatricalities. Primarily, plays driven by plot and characterization have been selected... more
Since the 1980s the Taiwanese theatre troupe Contemporary Legend Theatre (CLT) has been devoted to transforming jingju by way of adapting world classics. Through an analysis of its adaptation of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot (2005),... more
This dissertation centres on a series of theatrical adaptations of canonized Chinese Classical novels by Hong Kong director, Edward Lam. His adaptions are avant garde and postdramatic, grounded in his use of subversive theatre aesthetics.... more
É dito que existem três possibilidades quanto à entrada de espécimes exóticas em um dado ecossistema: sobrevivência, extinção ou mutação. Na China, também é observado este fenômeno similar nas artes cênicas, quando o teatro moderno... more
本文試圖分析二十世紀前半期的中國戲劇對於西方「佳構劇」概念的引介... more