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Hundred years after the birth of the Dada movement in Zürich, Tristan Tzara’s theatre is unjustly not as well known as his poetry or manifestos. Being himself a theatrical person, always staging his own personality as the leader of the... more
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoWilliam Shakespeare
C'est un essai sur Eugène Ionesco et son oeuvre nommée La Photo du Colonel.
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      French LiteratureEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
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      Comparative LiteratureSamuel BeckettTom StoppardEugène Ionesco
The text proposes an interpretation of the play by E. Ionesco, La Cantatrice Chauve as the staging of what Heidegger calls in Sein und Zeit the improper exist-ence. The poetics of absurdity that Ionesco uses can be understood from the... more
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      Martin HeideggerEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatrePhilosophy and Literature
Dariusz Piotr Klimczak "The Mystic of Blue. The Eugenio Ionesco’s Dramatic Eschatology of The Absurd" In the last scene of the play Exit the King by Eugenio Ionesco the hero Bérenger called „Blue, blue!”. It' s the primary experience of... more
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      PhilosophyTheatre StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Eugène Ionesco
Le mot «absurde» est défini comme quelque chose qui n’a pas de sens ou quelque chose qui n’a pas du sens. Le théâtre de l’absurde est un terme créé par Martin Esslin, dans son livre de 1960, qui est utilisé pour catégoriser les pièces... more
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      Eugène IonescoTheatre of the AbsurdAbsurdity
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      Israel/PalestineÉmmanuel LévinasEugène IonescoHistory of Sculpture
A close analysis of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros based on Marx’s theories
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      French LiteratureLiteratureDramaEugène Ionesco
DÉCOR, CORPS ET MÉDECIN DANS LE ROI SE MEURT D'EUGÈNE IONESCO Dramatiser le vieillissement, l'agonie et la mort, tel est le programme de la pièce d'Eugène Ionesco Le Roi se meurt, créée en 1962. Indécence, exhibition ? Réflexion datée sur... more
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      End Of Life StudiesMedical HumanitiesEugène IonescoEnd of life care
This article deals with the mediality of empty chairs in the works by Vincent van Gogh, Richard Weiner, Egon Schiele, Joseph Kosuth and Eugène Ionesco. These empty chairs are explored as aisthetic-affective figures pervading historical... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
CONTEMPORARY SHAKESPEAREAN REWRITINGS IN THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD: STOPPARD AND IONESCO Abstract This paper aims to analyze the elements of the Theatre of the Absurd in two contemporary absurdist rewritings of Shakespeare’s classics,... more
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      ShakespeareTom StoppardEugène IonescoTheatre of the Absurd
Barely studied by critics, Juan Benet’s theatre presents traits that make it worthy of specific consideration. One of them is, without any doubt, humour. Much less dense than his narrative production, Benetian dramaturgy enhances a deep... more
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      Spanish TheatreAvant-Garde TheaterSamuel BeckettEugène Ionesco
Yazın çevirisi alanında tiyatro çevirisi incelemeleri, yapılan çalışmaların yetersizliğinden dolayı halen ikinci planda kalmaktadır. Halbuki tiyatro metni çevirisi, sadece sıradan bir metin çevirisi değildir, aynı zamanda farklı... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesTranslation theoryEugène Ionesco
Département de français Master d'études littéraires LA MORT CHEZ IONESCO, UNE OBSESSION PERMANENTE Projet de Master 1 Par Mohamad HOMICHE Sous la direction de Dr. Rim CHAMIÉ 2011-2012 2 3 Dédicaces et remerciements Je dédie ce travail aux... more
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
Cântăreața cheală "se piaptănă în același fel", iar Lecția bate pasul pe loc "Mi-am dat seama, în cele din urmă, că nu voiam să fac antiteatru, ci teatru. Sper că am regăsit în mine însumi, intuitiv, schemele mentale permanente ale... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre HistoryApplied TheatreApplied Drama/Theatre
The questioning through the absurd of the political ideology: Eugène Ionesco Eugène Ionesco argues that the artwork should provoke and crystallize a complex variety of disputations, to which it may answer, or it may pose wider questions... more
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatrePolitical theatreTheatre of the Absurd
Les plus belles citations d'Eugène Ionesco
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoFrancophone LiteratureEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
O dilemă românească: unde malum?
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      GnosticismComparative LiteratureEugène IonescoRomanian Literature
La fecunda influencia de Samuel Beckett y Eugene Ionesco en las primeras piezas de Fernando Arrabal es el tema de este artículo, que busca subrayar asimismo el papel central que jugó el contexto bélico del que surgirá la obra de este... more
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      Antonin ArtaudSamuel BeckettHarold PinterEugène Ionesco
Rhinoceros by Eugène Ionesco (1959) presents the gradual literal and metaphorical transformation process of characters into rhinoceroses under the strong influence of the dominant ideology throughout the play. Ionesco’s play discusses and... more
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      Eugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
This paper deals with the language used by one of the most famous modern writers EUGENE IONESCO (1909-1994), in his plays The Chairs and The Bald Soprano. Ionesco is the writer whose sense of literature incorporated with the experiences... more
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      English LiteratureLiteratureEnglish languageDrama
The subject matter of this article is the two plays of the “Theatre of the Absurd”: Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” and Eugene Ionesco’s “Rhinoceros”. Firstly by drawing upon Camus’ interpretation, it investigates the concept of the... more
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      Samuel BeckettEugène IonescoTheatre of the Absurd
Wokół terminologii związanej z dramatem i teatrem absurdu narosło wiele nieporozumień, tautologicznych uogólnień, tak że autonomiczne pojęcie absurdu straciło jakikolwiek wyrafinowany sens. W niniejszym artykule Dariusz Piotr Klimczak... more
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatreTheatre of the Absurd
This study aims to highlight an important issue concerning the onset of Ionesco's career as a playwright, more precisely his theoretical views on the subject of theatre and also his metatheatrical preoccupations that can be observed in... more
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      Theatre HistoryEugène IonescoLuigi Pirandello
Cette étude a pour objet de dévoiler, dans un premier temps, quelques dénonciations et critiques de Ionesco qu’on a repérées dans "Rhinocéros", avec une attention spéciale portée au phénomène de massification. Ensuite, dans un deuxième... more
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      French LiteratureEugène IonescoFrench TheatreFrench and Francophone Theatre
Erdal Öz, 12 Mart Muhtırası'ndan etkilenmiş ve o dönemde yaşadıkları edebî kalemine sinmiş bir sanatçıdır. Yaralısın romanı bu süreçte yaşadıklarının isim, yer ve zaman belirtilmeden ama derin bir dil kullanımıyla okura hissettiren önemli... more
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      Eugène IonescoTürk Dili ve EdebiyatıYeni Türk EdebiyatıErdal Öz
Résumé Le théâtre d'Eugène Ionesco fait l'objet d'un paradoxe: son «avant-gardisme» spectaculaire se nourrit d'une vision essentiellement classique. Plus précisément, Ionesco envisage des «archétypes oubliés», et cherche à les... more
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      GnosticismComparative LiteratureFrench LiteraturePerforming Arts
Tiyatro ve çeviriyi bir araya getiren bu kitap, 20. yüzyılda ortaya çıkan absürd tiyatroyu başta Eugène Ionesco olmak üzere Samuel Beckett ve Arthur Adamov gibi öncüleri de ele alarak Ionesco’nun Türkçeye çevrilen oyunlarını... more
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      Translation StudiesSamuel BeckettEugène IonescoEugene Ionesco absurd theatre
L’un des promoteurs du théâtre de l’absurde, Eugène Ionesco, se déclarait aussi disciple du classique du théâtre roumain : I. L. Caragiale. Ainsi, il a impliqué dans sa démarche de traduire les comédies de Caragiale en français, Monica... more
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      Eugène IonescoTraductionLittérature FrançaiseLimba și Literatura Română
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      Theatre StudiesEugène IonescoTheatre of the Absurd
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      Eugène IonescoPolitik TiyatroAbsürd Tiyatro
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      Eugène IonescoAbsürdÇEviri Stratejileri
The Complete Conference Talk given by Alain Robbe-Grillet at the 1996 Oxford University Alain Robbe-Grillet Conference (September). Presented in the Original French of Alain Robbe-Grillet, transcribed in English by Edouard d'Araille.... more
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      Post Modern LiteratureSamuel BeckettEugène IonescoNouveau roman
内容摘要:戏曲对“荒诞剧”有过两次改编,分别是1982年魏子云改编自《椅子》的《席》和2005年当代传奇剧场的《等待果陀》。虽然看似相去甚远,但戏曲与荒诞剧在思想背景和表演形态上均可呼应,如禅宗思想和丑角代表的喜剧精神上。《席》的主创并未深挖尤奈斯库与中国文化的共性,加之缺乏统筹的导演,作品沦为创新不足的应景之作;而当代传奇剧场的团队在高扬艺术家主体性的同时,充分把握原著的精髓和京剧的长短,突破剧种对演员的限制,丰富了戏曲跨文化改编的可能性。由此亦见对话原则和艺术家能动性对跨... more
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      Samuel BeckettEugène IonescoIntercultural Theatre
Practitioners of xiqu (traditional Chinese theatre) have long appropriated Western plays and theatrical ideas to modernize Chinese tradition for new theatricalities. Primarily, plays driven by plot and characterization have been selected... more
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      Eugène IonescoFrench TheatreTheatre of the AbsurdExperimental Theatre
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      Comparative LiteraturePerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesTheatre History
Mesajele nu au nici un efect asupra mea. În acest moment, mi-e totuşi atât de rău încât îmi este greu să scriu. Nici ideile nu-mi vin când durerea este atât de violentă. Este aproape ora 5, va veni noaptea, noaptea pe care o detest dar... more
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    • Eugène Ionesco
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesContemporary Art The so-called theater of the absurd is commonly regarded to expose first and foremost the absurdity of life in the sense of the human condition. In contrast to this assumption, this article... more
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      Samuel BeckettEugène IonescoRhinocerosWaiting for Godot
Traduire le non-sens dans le théâtre ionescien 1 In the criticism of literary translation, the studies about theatre play translations have remained secondary to those of the novel and poetry. The theatre has such characteristics as the... more
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      Translation StudiesNonsenseEugène IonescoTheatre of the Absurd
Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitaires de France. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      Reception StudiesAutobiographyAvant-Garde TheaterEugène Ionesco
A study of Eugene Ionescu's only novel, Le Solitaire, (The Hermit)
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      AsceticismFascismEastern ChristianityEugène Ionesco
"When looking back at the early history of photography, one is reminded that its protagonists made work that took on all of the long-established genres then found in painting: istoria, or edifying narrative, genre, or scenes from daily... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArtArt Theory
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      DramaEugène IonescoTheatre of the Absurd