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Contemporary China is increasingly open in its interaction with the global cultural community, generating one of the most prestigious projects-the Royal Shakespeare Company's "Chinese Classics Translation Projects" (2015-2023). This... more
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      Cultural HeritageAdaptationTheatre TranslationChinese Theatre
A study of Chinese Buddhist monastic robes, known as kashaya, with a focus on those associated with the Qing court in China. Many of these robes were also used as theatrical costumes.
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      Buddhist StudiesBuddhist ArtChinese ArtCostume and Identity
The third section of Rhapsody of the Ming Tombs Reservoir (Shisanling shuiku changxiangqu 十三陵水库畅想曲, 1958), the first film in Mao-era China to include elements of science fiction, envisions a technologically advanced future in the year... more
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      Chinese StudiesScience Fiction FilmMainland Chinese FilmChinese Science Fiction
There Is Not One China: Chinese Theaters in East Asia This article discusses Rossella Ferrari's book Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia. This research monograph by a scholar of Chinese theaters... more
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内容摘要:从1958 年到1960 年短短两年间,来自不同戏曲剧种的三部鬼戏被成功搬上银幕, 分别为越剧电影《情探》、蒲剧电影《窦娥冤》、弋阳腔电影《还魂记》。越剧《情探》而非川 剧《情探》被选中搬上银屏,这与编剧田汉夫妇的文化政治影响力、傅全香的明星效应,以及 1957... more
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      GhostsFilm AdaptationSupernaturalChinese Cinema
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      Russian LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantastic Literature
羅仕龍,〈從《青銅馬》的文本、演出與導演談十九世紀法國戲劇舞台上的中國形象〉,福建師範大學文學院《海峽人文學刊》第3卷第4期(2023年12月),頁110-119。【中國人民大學書報資料中心《舞台藝術(戲曲、戲劇)》轉載,2024年第4期,第89-98頁。】 司克里布的喜剧《青铜马》首演于1835 年,并于1857... more
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      Comparative LiteratureChinese TheatreImage of China
Chinese, English and Thai based on horizontal spatial concepts to describe time. Specifically, all three use the temporal metaphor of the directional terms, ‘front’ and ‘back’. Previous studies found that Chinese leans towards a... more
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      Chinese Language TeachingComparative studiesSpatial Metaphor of Time
1948年中共东北局相关职能部门对萧军及所属《文化报》展开的批判,是现代文学史上一场重要的文化事件。回到原始报刊,重新梳理现象的前因后果,有助于我们对战时中国左翼文学形态、“当代文学”确立及其挑战等相关话题形成更为立体的认识。对于萧军《文化报》的批判並不能仅在萧军个人命运的意义上予以定位,这一事件还呈现了战时左翼文学多条路径与延安文艺道路之间的张力,预示了“当代文学”在城市中文化领导权的确立,共和国文艺体制的雏形正诞生于这一交互过程中。作为当时全中国城市化率最高的地区与冷战前... more
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    • Chinese Modern Literature
As the fin-de-siècle New Leftist champions of revolution, Zhang Guangtian, Huang Jisu and Shen Lin struck a melancholic note with their collaborative play Che Guevara (Qie Gewala) (2000-1) on the postrevolutionary, depoliticized Chinese... more
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      Performing ArtsMelancholyNew LeftChinese Theatre
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    • Tempo
The present paper aims to explore the translator's (in)visibility in literary translations through the lens of Chesterman's (1997) binary points on translation ethics pertaining to both macro-ethical and micro-ethical matters. The most... more
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      Translation StudiesChinese literatureTranslation and Ethics
We have constructed the first all-sky map of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect by applying specifically tailored component separation algorithms to the 100 to 857 GHz frequency channel maps from the Planck survey. This map shows... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstrophysicsCosmic Microwave Background
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      Theatre StudiesChinese StudiesChinese TheatreContemporary Chinese Performance Art
Through the lenses of “global theatre history,” this article examines how the western magicians or, the amusing physicists, of the 1870s and 1880s influenced Shanghai theatre in its collective pursuing of visual effects.... more
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      Theatre HistoryHistory magic lanternHistory and Urban Culture of ShanghaiShanghai Visual Culture
Sous la direction de :
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This is a performance review of Jianjun Li's The Master and Margarita. New Youth Theatre Company, Theatre YOUNG, Shanghai. August 11, 2023.
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    • Chinese Theatre
There Is Not One China: Chinese Theaters in East Asia This article discusses Rossella Ferrari's book Transnational Chinese Theatres: Intercultural Performance Networks in East Asia. This research monograph by a scholar of Chinese theaters... more
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      Asian TheatreChinese TheatreAsia as methodHong Kong theatre
This article presents the profile of the East Asian theatre artist Danny Yung, director of the acclaimed Zuni Icosachedron theatre in Hong Kong. In the first part, Maciej Szatkowski offers a synthesis of his artistic biography, from his... more
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyHong Kong studiesHong Kong avant-garde theatre
Tematem artykułu są losy dramatu urodzonego w Krakowie Leopolda Kampfa Yeweiyang (W przededniu). Nieznany w Polsce dramat, napisany w języku niemieckim, a przetłumaczony na język chiński z języka francuskiego do dziś jest przedmiotem... more
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      Asian TheatreContemporary Chinese LiteratureChinese literatureChinese Theatre
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      HistoryChinaTraditionLanguage and Linguistics
Imagen de la mujer en Sueño en el Pabellón Rojo. La construcción y la transgresión del género The image of woman in Dream of the Red Chamber.
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      Chinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureClassical Chinese literatureChinese literature
Variations in the Construction of Theoretical Discourse in Promotional Materials for Mei Lanfang’s American and Soviet Visits... more
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      Modern Chinese HistoryRussian & Soviet TheatreLate 19th/Early 20th Century American Theatre & DramaIntercultural Theatre
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This study aimed to determine the degree of the use of information and communication technology by kindergarten teachers in Amman and the obstacles to that use. To answer the study, the researchers developed a questionnaire to explore... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceMathematics EducationDegree in music
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本译文系梅兰芳1930年访美之前和在美期间,燕京大学成员与梅剧团、美国诸多文化机构和文化界人士联络的信件。这些信件的内容涵盖剧院选择、宣传、联络以及其他相关琐事。从信件中可以看出燕京大学帮助梅兰芳的动机,了解梅兰芳赴美演出的难处,亦能推断后来燕京大学撤离梅兰芳团队的原因。 Title: Correspondence of Members of Yenching University on Mei Lanfang’s American Tour Abstract:... more
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      Intercultural TheatreChinese Theatretraditional chinese theatre
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Much has been written about the prominent British sinologists in the history of English translations of Chinese literature in the nineteenth century. It should be noted that the development of British sinology, including literary... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesHistory of Sinology
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R. Bartra afirma dos cosas que, tal como se presentan, son contradictorias: por un lado afirma que “el salvaje” es una invención europea del siglo XII, pero también afirma que es una invención que se da en toda época. Para tomar posición... more
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      ArtTransnationalismPostdramatic theatreEuropean Theatre
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
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      Ethnic StudiesAsian StudiesArtSocial Science
This paper studies Soong Tsung-faung’s (or Song Chunfang) English and French publications in China between 1917 and 1921, and examines their relationship with his better-known writings in Chinese. Through the perspective of the “contact... more
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      Modern Chinese Intellectual HistoryWang Guowei
The preference to stage non-Chinese stories was an important aspect of the origins of modern Chinese theatre. Although Western stories play a crucial role in today’s repertoire, this phenomenon was just emerging at the turn of the... more
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      Chinese TheatreModern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies
Wang Zhongsheng´s theatre entrepreneurship has long been noticed in the history of modern Chinese theatre. This paper further analyses some of his most representative works by using materials from contemporary newspapers such as... more
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      Chinese TheatreModern Chinese LiteratureHuaju Spoken Drama
Full interview available here: Widely considered amongst the most innovative figures in Italian contemporary art,... more
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      Contemporary ArtPerformanceItalian TheatreEuropean Theatre
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      Chinese literatureChinese Theatretraditional chinese theatre
Postsocialism has been widely discussed in analyses of mainland Chinese culture and society since the Mao era (post-1976), and especially since the onset of economic reforms that began in the 1980s and gained momentum in the 1990s.... more
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      Theatre StudiesChinese StudiesPerformance StudiesChina
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
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      Artmovie theater
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      Translation StudiesChinese StudiesChinese Language and CultureChina
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      CataloniaLa vida es sueñoLitreture
本論文主要分析晚清民國三個《西廂記》法語譯本/改本,探究中、法 文人如何在晚清民國文化交流模式的轉變過程中,以劇本譯介、小說改編為 方法,介入漢學知識傳遞。《西廂記》法譯本首見於十九世紀漢學家儒蓮 (Stanislas Julien)手筆,一八七二至一八八○年出版。儒蓮譯本被後繼漢學家莫朗(George Soulié de... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesClassical Chinese literatureChinese literature
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      Chinese StudiesChinese TheatreKunqutraditional chinese theatre
1933年7月美国黑人诗人休斯访华是1930年代左翼国际主义的大背景下的文化事件,其意义亦应在这一背景下探讨。1930年代初共产国际对"黑人问题"的重视,为休斯走向国际舞台提供了条件。休斯本人对1920年代美国黑人文学中"异域化"倾向的反思,构成了他向左转的内在动力。他对现代中国的体验与书写,传达出跨越民族边界的基于共同被压迫境遇的连带感。左翼国际主义虽然促成了休斯的苏联与中国之行,但其中隐含的以民族为单位的认识框架仍构成了某种内在限制,并影响了1930年代中国文坛对休斯的接... more
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      Langston HughesLeft-wing intellectual movements
En este artículo se describen los hechos fundamentales, el comportamiento y la obra del poeta, dramaturgo y escritor Antonin Artaud, lo que sirve para presentar una aproximación al entendimiento de la estructura psíquica del autor. Artaud... more
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Hu Xingliang 胡星亮: Zhongguo xiandai xiju sichao-Xiju xiandaihua yu shehui xiandaihua 中国现代戏剧思潮-戏剧现代化与社会现代化 (Trends of Thought in Modern Chinese Theater-The Modernization of Theater and the Modernization of Society), Beijing shifan daxue... more
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      Theatre StudiesChinese TheatreModern Chinese Intellectual History
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    • English Literature
Jingju (Beijing/Peking opera) is a synthesis of elements of many different regional forms and has a ‘tradition’ of innovation and integration of diverse influences. But it currently sits at the centre of intense conflicting pressures: the... more
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      ArtBeijingPerformance Studies and Musical Theatre
本文首節對西方漢學界中盛行的漢字字形決定漢詩藝術的觀點提出質疑,後續六節則從分析漢字字音對漢詩藝術的影響入手,剥絲抽繭,一層層地尋繹漢詩詩體之内聯性。首先發現的是,漢字每個字的發音是單音節,而絶大多數字又是含有意義的詞或是能與其他字結合的語素,從而使漢詩發展出一種獨一無二的節奏。此節奏的特點是韻律節奏和意義節奏總體是合二爲一,但兩者之間又存有分離的張力。其次,我們又探察到漢詩節奏與句法密不可分的關係。就傳統句法而言,每種詩體獨特的節奏都決定該詩體組詞造句的主要語序以及可以有何... more
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      PoetryChinese poetryTraditional Chinese Poetry