Children’s Geographies
Recent papers in Children’s Geographies
This paper explores children’s (aged 7–16) outdoor play in terms of location preference, usage pattern, and accessibility range of play spaces in three neighbourhoods in Dhaka. Data were collected through a survey of children and their... more
Space, and it various permutations, affects bodies but to what extent does it teach? This paper explores the pedagogic dimensions of space. Engaging critically with phenomenological accounts of body/space relations, it examines how... more
Governments, civil society, and policymakers assert the potential of international migration to foster development and alleviate poverty. Often such claims are rooted in macroscale geopolitical analyses of migration and development, which... more
This chapter explores the dynamics of place as experienced by third culture kids (TCKs) who spend their developmental years in multiple and diverse physical and social contexts. Traditional conceptualizations and assumptions about a... more
Despite centuries of progressive resistance, the enduring structures of empire, settler colonialism, hetero-patriarchy, white supremacy and neoliberal capitalism have proven resilient. Alternatives have been forged within different scales... more
(In press: November 2020) Refiguring childhood stages a series of encounters with biosocial power, which demarcates a specific zone of intensity within the more encompassing arena of biopower and biopolitics. Attentive to the contingency... more
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This chapter reviews key scholarship on childhood, food, and subjectivity. Popular debates about children and food produce a series of young subjects that are invested with collective hopes and fears, such as the idealized “organic child”... more
With the advent of the Trump presidency we are facing the most anti-refugee and immigrant administration in recent U.S. history. This follows on the heels of the Obama era, characterized by record deportations and severe U.S. policies of... more
Resumen: En este artículo exponemos los resultados de diversas investigaciones que hemos realizado en la Ciudad de México para estudiar la relación que tienen los niños con el espacio público urbano, con un enfoque sobre los espacios de... more
This is a special issue of Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, volume 97, issue 3, pages 209-274. INTRODUCTION: NEOLIBERALISM AND POST-WELFARE NORDIC STATES IN TRANSITION (pages 209–212), Guy Baeten, Lawrence D. Berg and... more
The Sage Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood
In verschiedenen städtischen Kontexten weltweit brachte das 20. Jahrhundert den Übergang von der Stadt-als-Spielplatz, die von Kindern angeeignet und gelebt wird, zum Rückzug der Kinder auf speziell für sie gestaltete Spielplätze. Die... more
Within children’s geographies there has been an absence concerning sexuality and in particular how this can lead to the discrimination and marginalisation of individuals. Similarly, within geographies of sexualities the demographic of... more
This paper advocates for increased scholarly curiosity about the painful and hopeful psychic agency of children and youth in critiquing neoliberal urban gentrification and imagining alternative forms of city life. It performs a... more
Power is a critical aspect of child-adult relationships and the formation of children's geographies. It is tempting to see the adult world as all powerful and children's worlds as subjected to control and direction, but the picture is... more
School gardens are widely celebrated as spaces to promote health and sustainability by connecting children with their food. While scholars have assessed the effects of gardening in practice, media discourses play a key role in... more
This paper examines the relevance of the ocean in children's urban experiences, putting into dialogue the premises of blue urbanism and child-friendly cities. The focus is on discussing how children's lives are entangled with coastal... more
In this essay, Kate Cairns considers the implications of assessing garden pedagogies, arguing that a rhetoric of effects assumes an essentialist conception of the child-as-educational-output and bolsters a neoliberal vision of social... more
Based on research in the Totonacapan region in Veracruz, Mexico, we examine left-behind children’s perceptions of migration to the United States (“el otro lado”) as manifest in their complex understandings of the journey, landscapes of... more
This article investigates the effects of relocation on children’s satisfaction with mass housing built in the context of squatter housing regeneration. The results are based on a survey and group interviews with 137... more
Canada’s rural idyll is embedded within the colonial legacy of a white settler society; however, little research has examined how class and gender up- hold this articulation of rurality and whiteness. This article draws on ethnographic... more
Political geographies of youth can be defined as the politics of young people across differing geographical and environmental landscapes, geo-economic contexts, and spatial domains. It is also understood as a new subfield of research... more
Özet Son yıllarda çocuk çalışmalarındaki artışla beraber çocuk coğrafyalarına da ilgi artmıştır. Çocuk coğrafyaları, çocuk ve çocukluk kavramına bakışı çeşitlendiren disiplinlerarası bir yaklaşıma sahip olmasının yanında beşeri coğrafya... more
This article explores the cultural, youthful, and embodied acts of subject-making of South Asian immigrant teens growing up in a post 9/11 New York City, wherein they experience Islamophobia in their neighborhoods and schools. I argue... more
Special issue in Global Studies of Childhood Volume 4 Number 3 2014
This work explores the socio-spatial relations, urban practices, and institutional arrangements that contribute to the inclusivity of urban nightlife to children. Through a survey of selected literature, this work shows that while there... more
The feminist post-structuralist emphasis on social location has yielded crucial insights within debates about power and reflexivity in educational research; however, spatial location is also at play in the formation of educational... more
In R. Heiman, C. Freeman, and M. Liechty (Eds.) The Global Middle Classes: Theorizing Through Ethnography, Santa Fe: SAR Press. (2012)
Video ethnography is one way that researchers might investigate how adults, children and young people interact with their environment and with each other. Video produced by research participants, or 'video ethnography', can provide... more
À partir de données qualitatives issues d’une année d’observation dans des établissements scolaires du secondaire genevois, cet article met en dialogue la notion de carrière, et le concept de place. Il postule que pour trouver sa place... more
This study investigated the predictors of children's geographical knowledge of other countries and, in particular, whether a child's demographic characteristics, travel experience, and a¡ect towards a country predict the child's level of... more
Με αφετηρία την αρχή της δεκαετίας του 1990, ο διακριτός κλάδος που ονομάζουμε "Γεωγραφίες των Παιδιών" [Children’s Geographies] έχει συγκροτήσει ένα σαφές πλαίσιο για την έρευνα πάνω στην καθημερινή ζωή των παιδιών από τη σκοπιά της... more
The Sage Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood
This article focuses on the material and discursive constructions of nature and chil dren in the city. While dominant representations and idealizations of nature and child hood depend on the binary logic of the nature/culture and... more
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Se presentan en este artículo reflexiones derivadas de dos investigaciones complementarias, que tuvieron por objetivo contestar a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cuál es la relación de los niños con el espacio públic urbano en la Ciudad de... more