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      Medical AnthropologyDivinationAfricaUganda
Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) of species Human mastadenovirus B (HAdV-B) are genetically highly diverse and comprise several pathogenic types. AdVs closely related to members of HAdV-B infect African great apes and the evolutionary origin of... more
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      Central AfricaBiological SciencesPhylogenyCluster Analysis
We present results, analyses, and an in-depth historical contextualization of the fieldwork undertaken in 2012 and 2013 at the Kindoki site in the Lower Congo (DRC). This site is linked to Mbanza Nsundi, one of the Kongo Kingdom's... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyBiological AnthropologyPhysical Anthropology
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      ReligionHistoryAfrican StudiesAmerican Studies
This book presents a provocatively new interpretation of one of New Orleans' most enigmatic traditions, the Mardi Gras Indians. By interpreting the tradition in an Atlantic context, Dewulf traces the " black Indians " back to the ancient... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMusicMusic History
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a global concern due to their ubiquitous presence and toxicity. Currently, there is a lack of information regarding POPs from South Africa. Here we report and interpret concentrations of... more
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      Persistent Organic PollutantsMass SpectrometryEnvironmental MonitoringCentral Africa
This training manual was develop for the DRC and more broadly for Central Africa and aims to build community resilience by teaching integrated fire management concepts and skills, including fire management planning, fire preparedness,... more
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      ForestryFire and Emergency ServicesLeadershipResilience
discusses the first 10 years of oil management in Chad
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      Oil and gasCentral AfricaChadLake Chad Basin
À rebours des autres régions du monde, l'Afrique pourrait devenir bientôt le continent de la déforestation, avec la RDC qui perd plus d'un million ha de couvert arboré par an. En Afrique centrale, la déforestation est le fait d'une petite... more
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      GeopoliticsCentral AfricaTropical forestCongo Basin
Des débats sur l'efficacité environnementale des plans d'aménagement en Afrique centrale se sont fait jour récemment. Une première discussion porte sur le déboisement supplémentaire qui serait lié aux concessions aménagées par rapport aux... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementCentral AfricaConcessions
What are and how are memories witten? Since classical antiquity that an understading of the phenomon of memory has been searched for. How do memories, images of another time, constitute themselves as representations? How do we make... more
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      AnthropologyArt HistoryHeritage StudiesSouthern Africa
À partir de l’évolution de la configuration réticulaire des voies de communication terrestres transfrontalières, cette thèse propose une analyse historique du processus d’intégration régionale entre le Cameroun et les pays limitrophes... more
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      International RelationsCritical Regionalism (Architecture)Postcolonial StudiesTransport Logistics
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      ReligionAfrican StudiesLatin American StudiesBlack/African Diaspora
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      African HistoryWest AfricaHistory of SlaveryCapitalism
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      African StudiesAnthropologyEthnomusicologyEthnography
The filoviruses, Marburg and Ebola, have the dubious distinction of being associated with some of the highest case-fatality rates of any known infectious disease-approaching 90% in many outbreaks. In recent years, laboratory research on... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyCentral AfricaDisease OutbreaksChild
Et si la loi du plus riche était la meilleure ? Cet article tend à répondre à cette question, au regard de l'attitude d'un État dans le sous-système international CEMAC. Il choisit de rendre compte de la dynamique de contestation d'un... more
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      Central AfricaRegional IntegrationPowerConsensus
Cette étude évalue l’abondance des graines d’Erythrophleum suaveolens dans la banque de semences du sol des forêts denses humides d’Afrique centrale. Les travaux ont été menés au Nord-Congo dans deux types forestiers : la forêt à Celtis... more
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      AfricaTropical EcologyCentral AfricaTropical Forest Ecology
Anthropologists have long recognized that breastfeeding involves much more than feeding; it entails intimate social interactions between infants or children and their mothers. However, breastfeeding has predominantly been studied with... more
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      AnthropologyCentral AfricaCultural AnthropologyInfant
SUMMARY Forest concessions in Central Africa are being subjected to a combination of pressures from agribusiness investments, population growth and the informalisation of the domestic timber trade. This puts them at a crossroad. Despite... more
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      Central AfricaTropical forestConcessionCongo Basin
Au début des années 1930 au Congo belge, l’administration diligente une série d’enquêtes ethnographiques visant à connaître, pour mieux les contrôler, les Congolais. Benoît Henriet relate la façon dont ces derniers usent cependant de... more
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      Historical AnthropologyEthnographyHistory Of EmotionsColonialism
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      AnthropologyForest EcologyCentral AfricaCongo River
Du fait de leur multifonctionnalité, les forêts tropicales constituent un objet d’étude privilégié pour analyser les politiques environnementales à l’échelle locale et globale. Qu’elles soient considérées comme richesses nationales, bien... more
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      African StudiesSocial SciencesPolitical EcologyCameroon
The campaign in East and Central Africa during the First World War has received relatively little attention despite the remarkable exploits of Major General Edward Northey and Norforce. In field command for two and a half years, he... more
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      Military HistoryBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )First World WarCentral Africa
The Ruzizi Valley, south of Bukavu in the extreme east of the DRC, is dominated by rice production. Rice is presumably not very old as it is an Asiatic crop, and was probably introduced in the 1920s. The rice is irrigated and the valley... more
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      EconomicsAgricultureCentral Africa
All presidents in independent Chad have relied heavily on armed support, creating ample armies, feared presidential guards, and terrifying secret services. Proxy wars, political mistrust, economic opportunity-seeking, and strategic... more
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      Military HistoryCentral AfricaChadSahel
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      ReligionHistoryNative American StudiesAnthropology
Burundi has one of the youngest and poorest populations in the world. Known as a rural-based nation, its urban growth rate is among the world’s highest. These defining characteristics of contemporary Burundi shaped field research on the... more
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      Gender StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesYouth StudiesInternational Development
For decades articles and books have been published on the history of German foreign policy during Cold War. Regardless of whether Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America or the world as a whole, the foreign affairs of the Western Federal... more
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      German StudiesInternational RelationsCultural PolicyGerman History
The mukanda was once an essential institution in Central Africa, comprising a men’s fraternity with boys’ puberty initiation. Thanks to the charisma of its masquerading, the initiation is still going strong among the Eastern Pende... more
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      Central AfricaDemocratic Republic of CongoAfrican Art HistoryAfrican Masks
In his attempt to overcome stagnation and enter adulthood, the Congolese Yankee makes a creative use of language and discourse. By speaking the urban Lingala variant known as Kindoubil, i.e. a consciously manipulated language that sets... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsMobility/MobilitiesLinguistic AnthropologyQualitative methodology
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      African StudiesAfricaAfrican American StudiesCentral Africa
The first part of this article provides an overview of the development of entrenched armed conflicts in Sub Saharan Africa which continue or have resurfaced in 2016. The author (JVdB) aims to expose the underlying causes and nature of the... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismBorder Studies
In 1955, the West German Walter Hallstein had installed the Hallstein doctrine in West German foreign policy to weaken its East German counterpart by preventing the diplomatic relations of the latter with states of the 'First' and the... more
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      German StudiesGerman HistoryAfrica20th Century German History
"This book is drawn from my Ph. D. Thesis. It analyzes the growth of cross-border trade and trafficking in Central Africa (Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, Central African Republic) since the 1980's in a context of poverty, ongoing social and... more
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      Border StudiesInternational TradeInformal EconomyCentral Africa
This issue takes up the invitation Howard and Shain and the example of African borderlands studies to reconstruct the production and imagination of space, and of territoriality in particular, from the eve of the colonial period until its... more
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      Space and PlaceColonialismEast AfricaCentral Africa
Projet du musée du Cameroun. par Commission de mise en place du Musée du Cameroun (dir. G.loumpet, rapporteur A. Loumpet-Galitzine, Aout 1992) Appel d'offre international remporté. Publication du Ministère de la culture et de... more
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      African StudiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Abstracts in English and German are available at :
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      Ethiopian StudiesIconoclasmWest AfricaCentral Africa
O objetivo principal desta dissertação é o de recuperar a dimensão atlântica da história social das musicalidades afro-brasileiras criadas por africanos escravizados e seus descendentes durante o último século de escravismo e ao longo das... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrican American StudiesCentral Africa
Cet ouvrage organise la comparaison entre les pratiques funéraires des Luba du nord du Katanga telles qu’elles se déployaient jusqu’il y a quelques décennies et les funérailles lushoises d’aujourd’hui. Au fil des chapitres, ruptures et... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSocial ChangeSociology of Religion
Prunier displays a gift for drawing upon unusual resources to help illuminate Rwanda's tragedy. He uses Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to underscore the lasting power of Rwanda's ethnic mythology in one passage, and compares French histo-... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
SUMMARY As forest products from Cameroon and DR Congo are commercialised, a value chain is created from harvesters, processors, and retailers to consumers worldwide. In contrast to dominant narratives focusing on regulations and customs,... more
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      GovernanceCentral AfricaValue chain analysisValue Chain
La situation instable à l'est du Congo (RDC) perdure depuis 1996. La région des Kivus est le théâtre de conflits quasi permanents que se livrent avec une intensité variable les multiples groupes rebelles (FDLR ; ex--CNDP ou M23 ; APCLS,... more
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      Central AfricaDemocratic Republic of CongoRDC
Multiple lines of genetic and archaeological evidence suggest that there were major demographic changes in the terminal Late Pleistocene epoch and early Holocene epoch of sub-Saharan Africa1,2,3,4. Inferences about this period are... more
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      ArchaeologySouthern AfricaMiddle Stone Age (Archaeology)Kenya
Drivers of deforestation in the Congo basin tropical forest. A review Description of the subject. The forests of the Congo Basin are among the best preserved areas on Earth. Nevertheless, the factors causing deforestation around the... more
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      Central AfricaDriverDeforestation
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      BotanyZoologyGeographyHuman Geography
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o termo batuque a partir de uma abordagem etnomusicológica fundada em metodologia decolonial. Defendendo a tese de que batuque atuou enquanto um dispositivo de racialização sonora perante as... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnomusicologyBlack/African DiasporaCentral Africa
Les concessions forestières industrielles sont caractérisées par un faible niveau de participation des populations locales. Leur évolution vers des modèles plus inclusifs semble inévitable, sur la base de la cartographie participative et... more
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      Land tenureCentral AfricaCommunity ForestryConcessions