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The global financial crises have had severe impact on various financial markets and the world economies at large. At various points in time during economic recessions, the confidence of the global investors is always sapped while most... more
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      GlobalizationInternational TradeGlobal Financial CrisisCapital Controls
The IMF remains fundamentally an instrument of advanced and creditor countries, to force contractionary adjustments on poor, indebted countries.
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      Development EconomicsMacroeconomicsFiscal policyCapital Controls
The notion of open capital accounts has greatly evolved from unregulated liberalisations in the ‘80s, to now warranting management through capital controls and macroprudential measures. The risks of procyclical cross-border capital... more
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      Financial EconomicsMacroeconomicsMalaysiaGlobal Financial Crisis
The article analyses capital controls (CC) in South Africa in light of the historically and geographically specific social relations of production. It highlights the role that CC have historically played in reproducing particular forms of... more
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      FinanceDevelopment StudiesMarxismState Theory
This white paper examines the current state of debate about – and evidence for – the links between cash, crime, and terrorism. Drawing from IMTFI’s accumulated expertise on monetary technologies, from cash to digital, it examines a range... more
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      EconomicsAnthropologyEthnographyInformal Economy
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      International EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Relations
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      Developing CountriesCapital ControlsQuantitative EasingSovereign Debt restructuring
John Maynard Keynes was certainly the most famous and arguably the greatest political economist of the twentieth century. His seminal publication, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, published in 1936, changed economics... more
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      FinanceEconomicsInternational EconomicsMonetary Economics
This paper offers an original survey of the Malaysian crisis and the effects of the consequent imposition of capital controls by authorities in September 1998 and of their subsequent relaxation in February and September 1999. We identify... more
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      Asian Financial CrisisCapital Controls
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      Capital ControlsBretton Woods
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      Real EstateInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomics
This paper analyzes one of modern macroeconomics’ most well-known conundrum, the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle. In this paper, the author compares the exercise Feldstein and Horioka performed in the early 1980s with the results achieved using... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsFinancial EconomicsMacroeconomics
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      Economic HistoryMacroeconomicsTime series EconometricsPanel Data
Capital control is used as policy toolkit for safeguarding domestic economy from the volatility of capital flows. However, the effect of capital control is rather far fetched as the signaling effect of capital control can moderate... more
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      Spatial econometricsCapital Controls
This paper offers an original survey of the Malaysian crisis and the effects of the consequent imposition of capital controls by authorities in September 1998 and of their subsequent relaxation in February and September 1999. We identify... more
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      Human GeographyDevelopment EconomicsApplied EconomicsStock Market
Macroeconomic Projects, Master in Public Policy & Development, Paris School of Economics
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      ImmigrationEconomic GrowthConsumptionDeveloping Countries
Recent political economy scholarship has interpreted the recent resurgence of capital controls across the Global South as attempts by some developing countries to preserve their policy space to pursue heterodox economic policies. This... more
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      MarxismBrazilState TheoryMoney and Banking
Capital controls have not worked in the past, no matter what Joseph Stiglitz thinks, and they're a disaster for Greece now.
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      Development EconomicsInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsFinancial Economics
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      GlobalizationConstructivismInternational organizationsInternational Organizations (International Studies)
• Iceland imposed capital controls in October 2008 in order to prevent massive capital flight and a complete collapse of the exchange rate.
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      LawCapital ControlsCross-Border InsolvencyIcelandic banking crisis
"Capital Controls: A Legal Analysis", Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 5/2017, pp. 626-635
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      European LawLaw and EconomicsEU LawEconomic Law
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      EconometricsMacroeconomicsCapital ControlsCurrency Crises
We study how capital controls and domestic macroprudential policy tame credit supply booms, either directly or by enhancing the local bank-lending channel of monetary policy. We exploit credit registry data and the introduction of capital... more
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      Risk TakingCapital ControlsCarry TradeCredit Supply
The aim of the article is to analyze the changing position of the state in the capitalist world economy form the perspective of Karl Polanyi’s political theory. The main thesis of the article is that the position of the state largely... more
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      International RelationsInternational RegimesInternational Political EconomyCapitalism
This article provides a critical interrogation of the Brazilian tax on foreign exchange derivatives deployed between 2011 and 2013. It analyses the drivers of the policy-making process that led to implementation of the measure, locates it... more
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      FinanceInternational Political EconomyBrazilFinancialization
The recent global financial crisis sparked renewed debates, both within academia and policy-making circles, about regulating highly mobile cross-border money-capital flows. A particular type of policy tool has received considerable... more
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      Development StudiesWork and LabourMarxist political economyPostkeynesian macroeconomics
“Restrictions on the Free Movement of Capital in contemporary EU law”, (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2022) (480 pages). Το παρόν βιβλίο πραγματεύεται τη νομική φύση των περιορισμών στην κίνηση κεφαλαίων, περιλαμβανομένων και των αποκαλούμενων... more
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      European LawCapital MarketsEuropean UnionEuropean Union Law
The causes and consequences of international capital mobility have been widely discussed in the fields of International Relations (IR) and International Political Economy (IPE), particularly in the aftermath of recurring financial crises... more
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      International RelationsInternational Political EconomyBrazilState Theory
Este artigo objetiva discutir criticamente a proposta de Pérsio Arida de adoção da plena conversibilidade do real no Brasil. sustenta que a conversibilidade da moeda resultaria em menores taxas de juros domésticas no país, assim como... more
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      Brazilian StudiesFinancial LiberalizationCapital Controls
“The Imposition of Capital Controls in Greece & Cyprus”, Business & Company Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki), Iss. 11/2017, pp. 1307-1318
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      European UnionEU LawEconomic LawCapital Controls
There is extensive theoretical literature related to economies characterized by the existence of foreign exchange controls. A common feature of these papers is that such policy is imposed exogenously. This extended essay presents a simple... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsCapital Controls
From the United State’s Interest Equalization Tax of 1963, the Chilean encaje of the 1990s, the restrictions imposed by Malaysia in September 1998, to instituted controls in Iceland in 2008 and Cyprus in 2013, capital controls have... more
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      Emerging EconomiesCapital FlowsCapital ControlsInternational capital flows
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      International EconomicsCapital ControlsExchange Rates
The 2008 financial crisis has emphasized the importance of macro financial linkages. In the financial sector, attention is now focusing on macro prudential regulations that are geared toward the stability of the financial system as a... more
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      AccountingCorporate GovernanceCapital MarketsBrazil
This paper improves upon the recently developed literature on exits from fixed exchange rate regimes in three ways: 1) It allows for two indicators for post-exit macroeconomic conditions, the change in the excange rate and the change in... more
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      EconometricsMacroeconomicsSensitivity AnalysisMacroeconomic Policy
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      GlobalizationFinancial LiberalizationGlobalization and GovernanceFinancialization
O monitoramento da Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) apontou que o Brasil aderiu, desde o início de 2020, a mais três novos instrumentos jurídicos da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE). Dentre os 254... more
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      BrazilOECDCapital ControlsOCDE
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      FinanceEconomic GeographyInternational Political EconomyBrazil
This article compares the euro crisis to the Great Depression. The challenge in both is to depreciate the real exchange rate of crisis countries – regain ‘competitiveness’ – without depreciating the nominal exchange rate. The monetary... more
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      Great DepressionEuro AreaCapital Controls