Icelandic banking crisis
Recent papers in Icelandic banking crisis
Many papers discuss the causes of Iceland’s financial crisis, but none has directly compared Iceland’s financial crisis to past examples of financial liberalization that have led to a financial crisis. Iceland’s crisis of 2008 has... more
The research project focuses on investment behavior and the Icelandic economic bubble and crash, emphasizing that investment behavior has to be seen within a historical and cultural environment. As such the project is related to financial... more
Report to the Icelandic Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs 19 September 2018, from the Social Science Research Institute
Gambling for resurrection in Iceland: the rise and fall of the banks*
Ritgerðin fjallar um þjóðarábyrgð í Icesave-málinu. Þjóðarábyrgð er sú sameiginlega siðferðilega ábyrgð sem almenningur ber á stefnu og athöfnum stjórnvalda sinna og samfélagsgerð. Spurt er hvort þjóðir geti yfirhöfuð borið slíka ábyrgð,... more
This note reviews the Icesave dispute, which originated in the Icelandic banking crisis of October 2008 and discusses its relevance to sovereign debt resolution and current proposals for a sovereign insolvency mechanism
Ritdómur um bók Sveins Haralds Øygards um seðlabankastjóratíð hans á Íslandi
A critical appraisal of the first full-length book to appear on the 2008 Icelandic bank collapse.
The 2008 Icelandic bank collapse was not because the Icelandic economy was too free or because the banks were too big. It happened because Iceland was denied the same liquidity assistance that the other Nordic countries received, both... more
Describes the rapid transformation Icelandic financial institutions went through during the 1990s up to 2008, a period I call the Manic Millennium. While Icelandic banking became at first more efficient, soon typical signs of the ill... more
Bretar neituðu Íslendingum um gjaldeyrisskiptasamninga, veittu breskum bönkum í eigu Íslendinga ekki sömu aðstoð og öðrum bönkum og settu loks hryðjuverkalög á íslenskan banka og íslenskar stofnanir. Hvað olli?
• Iceland imposed capital controls in October 2008 in order to prevent massive capital flight and a complete collapse of the exchange rate.
The years between 2006 and 2008 are key in understanding the Icelandic economic crisis. One of the main questions one gets when discussing the lessons from Iceland is: Was the quick recovery due to how the country 'burned' the creditors?... more
FIH-banki í Danmörku var í eigu Kaupþings og settur að veði fyrir láni til bankans rétt fyrir bankahrunið 2008. Heritable Bank og KSF voru breskir bankar í eigu Íslendinga. Hvað varð um verðmæti þessara eigna? Voru bresku bankarnir... more
Paper discusses the economic crises of Ireland and Iceland from 2008 and onwards.
Bækurnar Hamskiptin eftir Inga Frey Vilhjálmsson og Í skugga sólkonungs eftir Ólaf Arnarson eru báðar um aðdraganda og eftirmál bankahrunsins íslenska og báðar mjög gallaðar, en bók Ólafs þó sýnu lakari.
Book review of "The Moral Perspective: Reflections on Ethics and Practice."
by Vilhjálmur Árnason, translated by Barbara B. Nelson and Mikael M. Karlsson, Reykjavík, University of Iceland Press, 2018, 103 pp., npg (paper)
by Vilhjálmur Árnason, translated by Barbara B. Nelson and Mikael M. Karlsson, Reykjavík, University of Iceland Press, 2018, 103 pp., npg (paper)
En af den islandske selvstændighedskamps mest standhaftige myter har været, at det islandske samfund ikke var klassedelt i det 16., 17. og 18. århundrede. Der var ikke nogen overklasse, og alle var bønder i samme båd - kæmpende imod den... more
The note briefly reviews the collapse of the Icelandic banks in October 27, then goes on to describe the main features of Iceland's IMF program, and concludes by a short evaluation of what was successful and what was less so.
Blaðagrein með spurningum til höfundar ritgerða um bankahrunið. Newspaper article with questions to an author of papers on the Icelandic bank collapse.
This article aims to connect Iceland and the Basque Country from the democratic regeneration perspective. The time frame chosen for the case studies is the period before and after 2008 global crisis. In Iceland the crisis had an economic... more
In his 2011 book, Back from the Brink, Alistair Darling, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, displays considerable hostility to Iceland, and is misinformed about its economy. Why? This paper suggests some explanations.
í félagsvísindum XIV. Erindi flutt á ráðstefnu í október 2013 ISBN 978 9935 424 17 4
Morgunblaðið 24. apríl 2015.
While neither book adds much to the analysis or understanding of the Icelandic bank collapse, both depending very much on the narrative already offered in the 2010 SIC Report, Bergmann’s book is far more interesting and original. Both... more
Blaðagrein um áróðursherferðir háskólamanna. Newspaper article on propaganda campaigns conducted by certain academics.
Response to a critique by Professor Stefan Olafsson of two previous articles in the journal about liberalism in Iceland, the liberal reforms of 1991–2004 and the 2008 bank collapse.
Answering a question posed by Grapevine, and dividing recent history into a period of stability, 1991–2004, drift, 2004–2009, and vengeance, 2009–2012.
Íslendingar féllu haustið 2008, af því að þeir voru felldir. En aðalatriðið er að standa á fætur aftur og bera höfuðið hátt. Það geta arftakar Jóns Sigurðssonar gert.