Comparative Private Law
Recent papers in Comparative Private Law
Ringraziamenti XI Premessa dell'Autore XV X Class Action. Dalla comparazione giuridica alla formazione del giurista Titolo del capitolo XV PREMESSA DELL'AUTORE «C'era una volta un uomo proprietario di un asino e di un cavallo. Un giorno... more
in Research for Development Multidisciplinary Design of Sharing Services (M. Bruglieri ed.), Springer Polimi, 2018. The article describes the main legal challenges for regulating the sharing (or collaborative) economy in Europe and... more
Against the backdrop of the predominant legal positivism, this book strives to depict private law as a complex social phenomenon interacting with human culture as a whole and its history. The author sketches the national jurisdictions... more
In the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills case, the High Court of Justice in matter of private copy exception provides the twofold prime... more
This work addresses the impact of language diversity and nation-specific doctrinal structures on harmonized company law in the EU. With this aim, two emblematic case studies will be analysed. The first case study is related to the... more
Protéger la possession des biens meubles et immeubles d’une personne étrangère à Rome, à l’Époque classique romaine constitue, de notre perspective, une noble conception juridique qu’une cité puisse en exprimer dans sa politique vis-à-vis... more
This paper is designed upon a comparative research design set out to investigate socio-legal historical accounts of customs by using case law from different decisions of Uganda’s family courts. The case law precedents used are drawn upon... more
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
Chocolate Santa Claus is (not) coming to town! La sentenza cilena sul «Viejito Pascuero» e l'esigenza di rimediare le regole sul food marketing nell'interesse dei minori La scheda di iscrizione è disponibile sul sito:... more
Cross-selling is together with up-selling one of basic methods how an entrepreneur can increase his revenues or how he can help to increase revenues of his business partner (in case he is combining sale of his own products with sale of... more
This paper considers the phenomenon of bitcoins, the best known cryptocurrency, commonly pre-sented as a means of self regulation, because its circulation does not require the intermediation of central authorities, thanks to the use of... more
Si tratta del "report" italiano per la sessione in materia di "Optional choice-of-court agreements" a XX Congresso internazionale della Accademia internazionale di diritto comparato, tenutosi a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel luglio 2018. Nel... more
San Marino trust law is embedded in a consolidated civil law tradition stretching back to the ius commune system of fiduciary instruments, thereby making it possible to trace, to a large extent, an itinerary related to common law trusts,... more
The objective of Civil Procedure Laws is rendering justice. Civil Procedural Laws try to make sure that all litigants get equal chance to present their case and to convince the court their version of the truth to the required standard.... more
SARA TONOLO ricercatore nell'università dell'insubria Sommario: 1. Osservazioni introduttive. -2. La qualificazione autonoma della compensazione e l'individuazione della legge ad essa applicabile. Riferimento generale al metodo che si... more
The article describes the problem of tortious liability for failure to render assistance. There are no legal systems that establish a duty to render assistance in the provisions of civil law. This stems from the fact that in most of them,... more
Il libro si propone di esaminare l’utilità della distinzione tra ordine pubblico interno e internazionale, nonché le modalità operative di questa clausola generale, da intendere non piú soltanto come limite alla libertà negoziale o alla... more
The legal treatment of agreements to negotiate is of great importance in a modern commercial context, and strikes to the heart of two fundamental values in the law of contract: the freedom to contract, and the freedom from contract. Very... more
Harm and loss in the French law of civil liability after the Projet de réforme of March 2017. Pure economic losses and pure non-economic losses (wrongful life and wrongful death). Punitive damages. Vindicatory damages. Functions of civil... more
The study published in the 3rd vol. of the Studi Talamanca (2001) deals with the problem, whether the quasi-delicts of Roman law can be regarded as reflection of vicarious liability. According to the author it is not impossible that the... more
The book deals with italian legal history, with particular reference to private law.
This paper critically examines the conventional contractual law remedy of liquidated damages from the Islamic Law of contracts perspective. Liquidated damages are pre-agreed upon measures of damages as used in conventional contracts by... more
Covid-19 disproportionately affected Afro-Americans and other ethnic minorities, along with the poor. There is an emerging consensus that the race differential is also associated with socioeconomic correlates. A large share of the black... more
I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i micro lm e le copie fotostatiche), sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Le fotocopie per uso... more
Digital ridesharing platforms and transportation network companies such as Uber have not been regulated in most European countries yet, including Italy. The current legal framework is obsolete and should be revisited as soon as possible ,... more
This essay offers a glance at three major areas of Israeli contract law, namely the law of formation, the law of defects, and the law of remedies for breach of con‐ tract. While covering the whole field would be too presumptuous within... more
This book investigates whether national courts could and should import innovative solutions from abroad in the adjudication of complex legal disputes. Special attention is paid to the concept of “legally relevant damage” and its... more
In the financial markets, an increasing attention is being paid to the exchange-traded products (ETPs). An ETP is a derivatively priced security which trades during the day on a national stock exchange. ETPs are typically benchmarked to... more
يهدف هذا المقال إلى إبراز دور المحكمة العليا الأمريكية في حل مشكلة تنازع القوانين من خلال دراسة إحكامها في هذا المجال وما تركته من أثر على الكيفية التي يتم بها فض تنازع القوانين بواسطة المحاكم الأمريكية سواء كنا بصدد المحاكم الفيدرالية أو... more
La dimensione ultranazionale del diritto, divenuta oramai il suo aspetto più peculiare, colloca la comparazione al centro del sapere giuridico, contribuendo a ridefinirlo come sapere critico. Questo conduce innanzi tutto a ridefinire... more
L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso... more
Mercato, concorrenza regole, vol. 2/2015 (pp. 245-278) Abstract: The case for regulating the sharing economy (J.e.l.: K) Despite the great deal of attention and fierce regulatory battles worldwide, the sharing economy is still an... more
Abstract My first argument is that it is not reasonable to teach the rules of coexistence to those from other cultural and national experiences without combining this learning with a simultaneous effort to translate behavioral habits and... more
Comparisons of property laws require an understanding of what is living law, governing and structuring social practice and social expectations, and what are instead the intellectual tools that lawyers use to rationalise, structure, and... more
One of the main inroads to the so-called Classic Contract Law has been made by implied terms imposing a certain quality on the subject matter of contracts, an outcome that has been achieved by resorting to a variety of legal sources and... more
This study published in the Scritti in onore di Generoso Melillo in 2009 deals with the problem, whether the so-called "triad of properietary rights" (uti+frui, habere, possidere) regarded in Eastern Europe often as "classical" can really... more
La presentación del libro La Responsabilidad Civil. De la comparación a la aplicación fue elaborada por los profesores Héctor Campos y José L. Gabriel.
"Im Recht überdauern besonders kurze Rechtssätze häufig nicht allein wegen ihrer juristischen Bedeutung, sondern aufgrund leicht eingängiger und sprichwortartiger Prägnanz. Hierin liegt auch eine der Besonderheiten des nur 13 Wörter... more