Bertrand Russell
Most downloaded papers in Bertrand Russell
The Times Literary Supplement 'There is no one who uses English language more beguilingly than Russell, no one smoothes the kinks and creases more artfully out of the most crumpled weaves of thought.'
[1] What does the word ‘physical’ mean in its most general theoretical philosophical use? It’s used in many different ways, and it’s hard to imagine that philosophers could reach agreement on a best use. [2] Should we tie the meaning of... more
El siglo XX será recordado por los grandes avances científicos y tecnológicos, la conquista del espacio, el uso masivo de las computadoras y las telecomunicaciones, el desarrollo de economías a escala mundial y por una notable expansión... more
"Michel Weber and Will Desmond, (eds.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought X1 & X2, 2008. (695 p. + 726 p. ; ISBN 978-3-938793-92-3 ; 398 €) Gathering 115 entries written by 101... more
Publicada en 1931, La perspectiva científica pertenece al grupo de obras de divulgación que Bertrand Russell escribió en el período de entreguerras. Su objeto fue el de «considerar la influencia de la ciencia sobre la vida humana», y a... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
"Ronny Desmet & Michel Weber (edited by), Whitehead. The Algebra of Metaphysics. Applied Process Metaphysics Summer Institute Memorandum, Louvain-la-Neuve, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2010. (978-2-930517-08-7 ; 220 p. ; 40 €) Drawing upon... more
AUZEF-Felsefe "20. YY Felsefesi" ders özeti (1-14. Ünite). Russel, Mantıksal Felsefe, Witgenstein, Analitik Felsefe, Moore, Eleştirel Dil Felsefesi, Husserl, Fenomenoloji, Heideger, Fundemental Ontoloji, Tractacus, Frankfurt Okulu,... more
A mildly chronological overview of the philosophers who may have been inspired by the use of psychoactive chemicals, inc. Plato, de Quincey, Davy, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, James, Bergson, Benjamin, Jünger, Paz, Marcuse, Sartre, Foucault;... more
"Este trabajo se ocupa del desarrollo histórico-filosófico de las posiciones subjetivistas sobre los valores surgidas a partir del siglo XVIII con David Hume, en el seno de la tradición del empirismo analítico. Partiendo de esta posición,... more
C.K. Ogden (1889–1957) and I.A. Richards’ (1893–1979) The Meaning of Meaning is widely recognised as a classic text of early twentieth-century linguistic semantics and semiotics, but less well known are its links to the ‘logical atomism’... more
An overview of the origins and development of analytic metaphysics. The first part is strictly historical, focusing mainly on Russell and Moore, and then on Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Stebbing, but also on other authors whose work has been... more
The main question treated in this book is the relation between statements (sentences, propositions) and reality. The book is the first volume of a larger work about the fundamental (ontological, epistemological, linguistic) character of... more
In this article, I want to explore the possibility of seeing private phenomenal experiences along the line with Russell’s thought: as having objectivity, which would allow seeing them as objects of scientific research. Or, in other words,... more
In Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy, Oskari Kuusela discusses Wittgenstein’s early and later philosophies of logic, situating them in the context of early and middle analytic philosophy, with particular reference to... more
Draft of an article to appear in U. Kriegel (ed.) Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness.
This public article presents three arguments for the plausibility of panpsychism: the view that sentience is a fundamental and ubiquitous element of actuality. Thereafter is presented a brief exploration of why panpsychism has been... more
We consider the connections between panpsychism and Russellian monism, and discuss recent objections to the positions due to Howell and Kind. We suggest possible avenues of response open to the Russellian monist, and develop the ideas of... more
The Analytic Turn in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Philosophy, The Analytic Turn in Early Twentieth-Century, Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Russell, Frege, Wittgenstein, Bolzano,... more
"Michel Weber (ed.), After Whitehead: Rescher on Process Metaphysics, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought I, 2004. (339 p. ; ISBN 3-937202-49-8 ; 89 €) When Rescher’s Process Metaphysics (1996) was published, it was... more
In a recent "Eco-Preacher" blog post, "Religion and Science Can be Besties," (, pastor, professor, and activist Dr. Leah Schade claims that "the narrative of... more
"Michel Weber, Whitehead's Pancreativism. The Basics, Foreword by Nicholas Rescher, Frankfurt / Paris / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought VII, 2006. (278 p. ; ISBN 3-938793-15-5 ; 84 €) There is one question that any potential... more
This study explores the religious advocacy of the " untouchable " reformer, Bhimrao Ambedkar, during the 1950s to expand what we know about the nexus between religion, force, and the quest for social justice. Unearthing the sources of... more
Shakespeare never met Wittgenstein, Russell, or Ryle, and one wonders what a conversation between them would have been like. “What’s in a name, you ask?” Wittgenstein might answer “A riddle of symbols.” Russell might respond “An... more
"Abbreviations—Whitehead v Abbreviations—James vi 0. Preface vii 1. Introduction—Whitehead’s Reading of James and Its Context 1 2. The Creative Advance of Nature 27 3. Panpsychism in Action 65 4. The Polysemiality of the Concept of... more
Quentin Skinner is the Barber Beaumont Professor of the Humanities at Queen Mary, University College London. He is the author of numerous books and articles on early modern political thought and is a founder of the so-called ‘Cambridge... more
The aim of this paper is to show that " traditional " and " resolute " interpretations have not freed the Tractatus from the apparent paradoxical self-defeat. I argue that these readings only give it new clothing. Hacker's " traditional "... more
Panpsychism, the view that phenomenal perception is a fundamental property of the universe, is one of the oldest theories in philosophy of mind. While it may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, panpsychism deftly avoids many of the... more
This chapter provides an introduction to panpsychism, panprotopsychism, and neutral monism to an interdisciplinary audience.
In: GRAMSCI E LA SCIENZA Storicità e attualità delle note gramsciane sulla scienza a cura di Marina Paladini Musitelli Atti del Convegno organizzato dall’Istituto Gramsci del Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaborazione con S.I.S.S.A. (Scuola... more
Plato’s contest for the early Academy was to answer Parmenides’ criticisms of the Theory of the Universal Forms through an interpretation of the dialectical exercises presented in the Parmenides (§I). Plato’s Theory of the Universal... more
Resumen: Wittgenstein, el filósofo más original del siglo XX, fue tomado erróneamente por un positivista. Pese a ello, la intención con la que Wittgenstein escribió el Tractatus era, en última instancia, una intención ética, que puede... more
This is the introductory essay to the collection of essays: 'Acquaintance: New Essays' (eds. Knowles & Raleigh, forthcoming, OUP). In this essay I provide some historical background to the concept of acquaintance. I examine various... more
In 1911, Bergson visited Britain for a number of lectures which led to his increasing popularity. Russell personally encountered Bergson during his lecture at University College London on 28 October, and on 30 October Bergson attended one... more
This article explores the strategies available for defending Aquinas’s view of existence in the context of contemporary analytic philosophy. The rival view of existence prevalent among contemporary analytic philosophers is subject to... more
Cette conférence a un double but : 1) dessiner précisément la figure du « réalisme métaphysique », qu’exemplifient, de manière différente, Frege et Russell, et tenter d’en comprendre les raisons. 2) Evaluer ce « réalisme métaphysique »,... more
This talk was given at the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society on July 13, 2014.
Being and Intelligibility is a philosophical treatise on the meaning of being in its two senses. The book explores the most originary ontological question, namely, " what do we mean when we say that something is? " , and also the most... more
I aim to present a solution to the apparent paradox of the Tractatus by means of a minimalist reading grounded in the idea that the correct logical symbolism alone " finally solves " in essentials the philosophical problems. I argue that... more
Revista Aproximação Volume 8 – Edição 2014/02 A Revista Aproximação é uma publicação acadêmica eletrônica especializada em Filosofia. Seu objetivo principal é veicular o trabalho de pesquisa dos graduandos da UFRJ. Estamos abertos,... more
Philippe Devaux, La Cosmologie de Whitehead. Tome I, L'Épistémologie whiteheadienne. Édité par Thibaut Donck et Michel Weber, Préface de Paul Gochet, Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions Chromatika, 2007. (978-2-930517-01-8 ; 351 p. ; 35 € ;... more