Continental (vs.) Analytical Philosophy
Recent papers in Continental (vs.) Analytical Philosophy
Resumen El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el modo en que Borges, en su relato Tigres azules, desarrolla varias ideas interesantes en torno a la lógica, el lenguaje y las matemáticas. El punto de partida es el escepti-cismo borgeano... more
In this essay I argue that the notion of the infinite plays a critical role at key points in Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari's arguments, and that it does so throughout Deleuze's philosophical career. To clarify how this notion develops... more
How do philosophical accusations of talking nonsense relate to the layperson’s notions of meaning and meaningfulness? If one were to explain carefully what philosophical nonsense was supposed to be, would one be greeted with... more
I argue that Theodor W. Adorno is best understood as a moral perfectionist thinker in the stripe of Stanley Cavell. This is significant because Adorno’s moral philosophy has not received serious interest from moral philosophers, and much... more
Le genre littéraire « science-fiction » (ou « SF »), qui semble stimuler la pensée à divers titres, est pris entre une contrainte étrange (la thématisation presque folklorique de la « technoscience » future) et une variabilité infinie... more
To get a comprehensive understanding of the core concept of “the end of art”, this book analyses the intellectual trajectory of Arthur Danto, highlighting his successive achievements in philosophy of action, philosophy of history and... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
Workshop presentation for "Mind the Gap: (In)famous Oppositions in the History of Philosophy", organised by the Dutch Research School of Philosophy & University of Utrecht. Held at Nunspeet, 13 May 2017.... more
The present work is devoted to the exploration of some formal possibilities suggesting, since some years, the possibility to elaborate a new, whole geometry, relative to the concept of “opposition”. The latter concept is very important... more
A review of contemporary theory of the Psychology of Concepts, focussing on Analytical and positivist approaches.
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
présenté en vue de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches sous la direction de Jean-Luc Marion Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2009 Liminaire Ce mémoire de synthèse accompagne la présentation, en vue d'une habilitation à diriger des... more
Essay for Borderless Philosophy, Vol. 5 on the theme of the analytic-continental division. SPECIAL TOPIC ISSUE: “The End of Analytic Philosophy and/or Continental Philosophy, Yes or No? And If Yes, Then What’s Beyond?”... more
New School for Social Research ♦ Department of Philosophy Lecture invited for the NYC PSWIP 2nd Annual Colloquium Great Men, Little Black Dresses, & The Virtues of Keeping One’s Feet on the Ground: On the Status of Women in Philosophy... more
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
Hobbes’s political philosophy starts from a number of premises that are supposed to be self-evident, supplemented by various observations from experience. These statements are examined critically and in their interrelatedness in order to... more
"" In contrast to many of his contemporaries, A. J. Ayer was an analytic philosopher who had sustained throughout his career some interest in developments in the work of his ‘continental’ peers. Ayer, who spoke French, held friendships... more
Part of the vol. "Interpreting Cassirer," ed. S. Truwant, CUP 2021
The Analytic Turn in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Philosophy, The Analytic Turn in Early Twentieth-Century, Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Russell, Frege, Wittgenstein, Bolzano,... more
L’inquadramento delle problematiche teoriche affrontate nella prima parte della produzione foucaultiana rispetto alla riflessione epistemologica, costituisce l’oggetto di questo lavoro. Gli anni sessanta del secolo scorso vedono infatti... more
In addition to the long-standing divide between so-called 'analytic' and so-called 'continental' philosophy, philosophy is challenged in the political realm and concerns about public spending for philosophy increase. This is matched with... more
The theoretical movements known as Speculative Realism and Object-Oriented Ontology depend on the “critique of correlationism” offered by the French philosopher Quentin Meillassoux in his 2009 After Finitude. There Meillassoux claims to... more
Twentieth-century philosophy has often been pictured as divided into two camps, analytic and continental. This study challenges this depiction by examining encounters between some of the leading representatives of either side. Starting... more
Nihilism poses grave problems for those who seek directives to lead their lives. In this article, the three most important ways to deal with nihilism are inquired, with an emphasis on their credibility. Both nihilism from a metaphysical... more
Voraussetzung, Welt und Wissenschaft __________________________________________________________________________________________ ii Voraussetzung, Welt und Wissenschaft... more
In 1911, Bergson visited Britain for a number of lectures which led to his increasing popularity. Russell personally encountered Bergson during his lecture at University College London on 28 October, and on 30 October Bergson attended one... more
Paper delivered at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford, 21 October 2015.
People might be transracial right now and not know it or they know it and have to hide it from a hostile social world. Some forms of intelligent artificial life might have precisely two or two thousand gender categories, a long, long time... more
In der jüngeren Philosophiegeschichte hat die Auseinandersetzung mit Hegel immer wieder unterschiedliche Phasen durchlaufen, wobei die jüngere, eher überraschende Rückkehr zu hegelschen Gedanken im Lager der analytischen Philosophie... more
J. L. Austin's claim that language ‘used not seriously’ is ‘parasitic’ upon ‘normal use’ has proved a puzzle to literary scholars, who have often taken this to mean that they are not allowed to apply the insights of speech-act theory to... more
Chapter in J. Rogove and P. D'Oriano, Heidegger and his Anglo-American Reception: A Comprehensive Approach, Springer, “Contributions to Phenomenology”, 2022
This dissertation presents a comparative reading of Heidegger’s What is Metaphysics? and Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus with the intent of arguing that the analytic/continental divide in philosophy is a spurious one of no... more
This paper assesses the commonalities between Wittgenstein and Marx from a political perspective. In philosophy, it is argued, they dovetail when it comes to criticing an "empty" and hence ideological use of languages, particularly when... more
This introduction to a translated part of Heidegger's article "The Concept of Time" (1924) touches upon his confrontation with physics over the topic of time, his phenomenology of the pro-ject vs. Husserl's phenomenology of the sub-ject,... more
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
forthcoming in Fabio Gironi, The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux: Analytic and Continental Kantianism, Routledge 2018.