Baroque opera
Most downloaded papers in Baroque opera
Might composers of solo song and opera c.1600 have modelled these emerging musical forms, in part, on plainchant recitation? As this dissertation demonstrates, chant and monody were contiguous musical practices, united in their imitation... more
Im Zentrum dieses Bandes steht die Fest- und Opernkultur am Wittelsbacher Hof während der Herrschaft der Kurfürsten Max Emanuel (1680–1726) und Karl Albrecht (1726–1745). Betrachtet wird vor allem die Intention des Fürstenhauses, den... more
This chapter examined Claude's seaports through their relationship with contemporary theatre and the intellectual and cultural life of the Barberini era. In particular it linked Claude's sunsets to both the intense scientific study of the... more
L’ambigua identità delle Amazzoni e la loro rivendicazione di un potere esclusivamente femminile hanno affascinato fin da subito il mondo operistico seicentesco, che ne ha sfruttato con prontezza il potenziale drammaturgico e... more
L a segunda mitad del siglo XVII fue un período de gran experimentación en la música teatral española. La boda de Felipe IV con Mariana de Austria en 1649 supuso el fin de casi una década de luto y abrió una etapa dorada de fiestas... more
P r e f a c e with eighteenth-century re-embodiments of these tales and characters. the experiment was refreshing, to say the least, and led to the conclusion that opera seria lacked a standard formula to represent even a specific... more
Nel 1988, quando Carl Dahlhaus pubblicava il suo contributo sulla Drammaturgia dell'opera italiana, l'atteggiamento degli storici nei confronti dell'opera seria settecentesca era già ambiguo. Accanto ai detrattori, che vi rintracciavano... more
El artículo relata el proceso de recuperación de una ópera inédita de José de Nebra, Venus y Adonis (Madrid, 1729), desde la investigación documental en archivos y el estudio crítico de fuentes hasta la preparación de una edición crítica... more
The morphology of Baroque arias, both in their few pre-eighteenth-century variants and in the later da capo model, has not been fully explained in relationship with its symbolic function, which is that of being the privileged site of... more
A comprehensive source study and analysis of the theatre building for the festive opera Costanza e Fortezza performed during the stay of the imperial court in Prague 1723.
Un grand nombre de pièces du xviie siècle sont « encadrées » par des ornements parathéâtraux : prologues, épilogues, intermèdes et choeurs. Rarement représentés, ces encadrements sont pourtant des indices, laissés par les auteurs, qui... more
In 17th-century works, the use of prologues which put on stage personifications of the arts involved in the show itself plays on an argument which is typical of 16th-century ideas: the 'paragon' or the debate about the superiority of one... more
From the 1680s onwards, Ferdinando Galli Bibiena (1657– 1743) revolutionized the art of stage design by experimenting with a so-called “manner of seeing scenes from an angle”. The scena per angolo substituted the traditional, single-point... more
No, these first steps will not make you a master of Baroque Gesture. But they will create the conditions in which you can study and practise further. So, whilst you are putting in the time to internalise the collected wisdom of... more
In: Das Musikleben am Hof von Kurfürst Max Emanuel (Veröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Bayerische Musikgeschichte), hg. von Stephan Hörner und Sebastian Werr, Tutzing: Schneider 2012, S. 9-25
Nell'opera di Händel Amadigi di Gaula (1715) si combinano elementi di diverse culture europee: un soggetto spagnolo ricavato dal romanzo cavalleresco Amadís de Gaula di Montalvo; un impianto dram-maturgico francese, basato sull'opera... more
The opera aria, having to express the emotional and reflective feeling of a subject, is the result of factors which are not only related to the production system, but also to anthropological and cultural codes belonging to the people who... more
Michele Cumis, «Vantaggioso patto l toccar con gl'occhi e rimirar col tatto». Drammaturgia. poetica, retorica nel ~<Giasone» di G.A. Cicognini Hendrik Schulze, Plot Structure and Aria Position in Nicolò Minato and Francesco Cavalli's... more
This is the first study to examine Antonio Vivaldi's opera, Orlando finto pazzo, in relation to its source text, Matteo Boiardo's masterpiece, Orlando innamorato. The intent of this analysis is to revive interest in a work that was... more
In Singing in Signs: New Semiotic Explorations of Opera. Edited by Gregory J. Decker and Matthew Shaftel. New York, Oxford University Press. In this chapter, I make a case for the interpretive significance of Baroque topics by examining... more
The myth of Ariadne, echoing the tradition of Ovid, Catullus and other sources, was one of the preferred themes of opera writers. Over the centuries, opera composers interpreted the two parts of the myth differently – whether in Crete or... more
How can academic research, continuing professional development, artistic training and international-level Early Opera performance be better integrated? 17th-century priorities guided Andrew Lawrence-King's 5-year investigation at the... more
The fascinating phenomenon of the migration of theatrical subjects between literary genres, languages and countries is enriched through a new example discussed in this article. A handwritten libretto compiled in Rome for the court of... more
Recensione di una delle migliori realizzazioni discografiche dell'opera.
In "Figure di passaggio. Temi, generi e linguaggi della fin de siècle inglese.". A cura di Benedetta Bini. Viterbo, Settecitta', 2017, pp. 65-85.
Introductory paragraphs to the critical edition of Ridolfo Campeggi's Delle Poesie (1620); brief excerpt from some epithalamia; list of the members of the Accademia dei Gelati in Bologna.
Ricostruzione della vita musicale presso la chiesa di Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio ad Arco di Napoli tramite lo studio delle fonti d'archivio (secc. XVII-XVIII). Tesi del Biennio di Specializzazione in DISCAMUS (Discipline... more
Femminile e maschile nel Settecento / a cura di Cristina Passetti, Lucio Tufano. -Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2018. (Biblioteca di Storia ; 31) ISBN 978-88-6453-711-5 (print) ISBN... more
La escuela de las lágrimas. La sensibilidad barroca y la música, in Barroco, ed. Pedro Aullón de Haro, Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 2004, pp. 969-988
Guicciardi, Borosini, Fabri, Pinacci, Antinori i tenori italiani a Londra.
Este artículo estudia la interpelación entre libreto y música en la ópera Celos aun del aire matan de Juan Hidalgo y Pedro Calderón de la Barca
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Biografía del compositor Francesco Corselli, nacido en Piacenza (Ducado de Parma, Italia) en 1705 y muerto en Madrid en 1778. TRas una brillante trayectoria como compositor en Parma y Venecia se trasladó a España donde ejerción como... more