Stage Design
Recent papers in Stage Design
This course surveys the development of theater architectures, stage spaces and technologies from the ancient world through the 21 st century. The course satisfies the interdisciplinary college option. The survey will be contextualized in... more
This book is available from Focal Press.
Creating the Modern Stage: Designs for Theater and Opera examines the extraordinary innovations in scenic design during the twentieth century. Modern technology and materials allowed for innovative approaches to stage sets. New theories... more
The rise of pictograms in the 1960s is usually associated with the Olympic games (Tokyo 1964, Mexico City 1968, München 1972 or world exhibitions (Montréal 1967). It is often suggested that the designers of the symbols for these events,... more
En 1937, Louis Jouvet publiait un article sur « L'apport de l'électricité dans la mise en scène au théâtre et au music-hall ». Il y livrait des vues pénétrantes sur la lumière au théâtre, sans dissocier technique, histoire et esthétique.... more
Kirjassa Kohtaamisia ajassa. Kulttuurihistoria ja tulkinnan teoria Ollitervo, Sakari; Parikka, Jussi; Väntsi, Timo (toim.). K&h: Turku 2003, 206-321. (e-kirja 2015, Doria):... more
Η σκηνογραφία, ως εφαρμοσμένη τέχνη, είναι το αποτέλεσμα μίας συνάρτησης ανάμεσα σε τρεις παράγοντες: τον σχεδιασμό του καλλιτέχνη σκηνογράφου, το οικονομικό μερίδιο που της αναλογεί από τον προϋπολογισμό της παραγωγής και φυσικά τη... more
En tanto fenómeno transcultural, el Festival de Eurovisión viene siendo objeto de interés académico recientemente en referencia a los aspectos identitarios (étnicos, nacionales y de género) que expone a través del espectáculo. Sin... more
Thinking on contemporary Sicily, as visual and so- cial palimpsest of it historical composition, makes the idea of a stage concept in a possible match with social archeology concerning late XX century and the big betrayed social and... more
: Reclutamiento y selección de personal Periodo de actividades : Del 21 Enero al 21 de Febrero del 2013
[English abstract below] Bien que la «Neuvième livraison» des planches de L’Encyclopédie (1772) consacrée au théâtre et à ses machines suggère d’abord une démarche positiviste, voire mécaniste, l’ensemble des planches constitue surtout... more
ABSTRACT: Over the first half of the 20th century, avant-garde painters delved into theatre art and conceived innovative designs they put forward to break through the prevailing naturalism of the time. Spanish painter Maruja Mallo... more
À l'automne 1968, lorsque les architectes américains Robert Venturi et Denise Scott Brown se rendirent à Las Vegas avec leur assistant Steven Izenour et leurs étudiants de la Yale University pour étudier la forme de cette ville de l'Ouest... more
how innovative and unique the stage was and how it functioned with references to Aphra Behn's The Rover.
Bir Sinema Filmi; senaryo (metinsel altyapı), mekan tasarımı, dekor, kostüm, kameranın kullanımı, ışık tasarımı (görsel altyapı), ses&müzik tasarımı (işitsel altyapı) gibi pek çok sanat disiplinini toplayarak, sentez yaparak yeni bir... more
Last week we took a look at how aperture and f/stop settings work on your camera to restrict and control the elements in your photos that are in focus. The goal for our weekly challenge was to get you comfortable with adjusting the f/stop... more
A Featured Film assembles the scenario (textual infrastructure), interior design, decor, costumes, use of camera, lighting design (visual infrastructure), sound & music design (audial infrastructure) and many other art disciplines; and... more
ÖZ 21. yüzyılda uluslararası çapta büyük ölçekli sahne gösterilerinin tasarımcısı olarak anılan Es Devlin, tiyatro, opera, konser ve moda tasarım sahneleri arasında bir köprü vazifesi görmektedir. Tasarladığı sahneler ile bir yandan... more
New exhibit offers rare insight into this prolific master scenographer.
El fenómeno de asimilación e interacción entre televisión e internet está creciendo de forma significativa en los últimos años. Eso se está traduciendo en un impulso en la penetración de la televisión conectada e híbrida, hasta el punto... more
Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method. Routledge, 2019. Directions for Directing: Theatre and Method lays out contemporary concepts of directing practice and examines specific techniques of approaching scripts, actors, and the... more
Sahne tasarımında gerçekçi anlayış, seyirci üzerinde gerçeklik yanılsaması yaratma hedefi doğrultusunda, sahnede gerçek yaşamı olduğu gibi göstermek gerektiğini ileri sürer ve sahne tasarımındaki tüm unsurlarda gerçeğe benzerliği gözetir.... more
Antonia Eder: Warum Frauen (um)fallen und Männer (ab)gehen: Raumsemantik in Hebbels Dramen, in: Ein starker Abgang. Inszenierungen des Abtretens in Drama und Theater, hg. v. Franziska Bergmann/Lily Tonger-Erk, Würzburg 2016, S. 201-226.
How has light influenced the staging of theatre throughout history? What does light contribute to performance? How does it make meaning? This collection explores the creative potential of light in the theatre. Through a wide range of... more
Recife 4 TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS. Proibida a reprodução total ou parcial, por qualquer meio ou processo, especialmente por sistemas gráficos, microfílmicos, fotográficos, reprográficos, fonográficos e videográficos. Vedada a... more
‘I want theatre in Kenya to be truly professional. You, as an actor, can be a brand. And make money…The quality of the shows has really gone high because the professionalism of the performers.’ – David Opondoe, Managing Director of... more
A educação deve ser pensada de forma ampla. O aprendizado dá-se não somente no âmbito dos muros da escola, mas também com a tecnologia, com a família, com os amigos e com o convívio em sociedade e, ainda, com, para e através dos meios de... more
Appia “müzik partitur için neyse, ışık da temsil için odur,” der, “akılcı bir anlam taşıyan öğelerin aksine, saf duygunun bir öğesidir.” Bu önemli ifade öğelerini, tiyatronun temeli olan seyirci için anlaşılır kılabilecek tek kişi... more
Sahneleme anlayışında mekân kullanımı icracılara pek çok alternatif sunmaktadır. Tarihsel süreçte tiyatro sahnesi, anlatılan hikâyeyi veya eylenen aksiyonu seyirciye en iyi şekilde aktaracak yapısal çözümlerin arayışında şekillenmiş ve... more
Contemporary ecological concerns bring with them an opportunity for innovation; to rethink traditional practices and forge ecologically inspired approaches that push intellectual and creative boundaries. This article investigates... more
... Agradezco la amabilidad de los señores Reynaldo, Rolando, Marina y la ... En la actualidad resultados semejantes podemos encontrar en los estudios de Lescano, 2001; Padilla de Gil, 2000; Schufer, Necchi, 1998; Merchán, 1995; Zuloaga,... more