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A Kolozsváron született, Budapest és Kolozsvár közt ingázó, néhány hónapig a Bácskában is élő, egy-egy rövid nyugat-európai és amerikai tartózkodást is maga mögött tudó író, Hunyady Sándor (1890-1942) drámáit vizsgálva az... more
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      Minority LiteratureBačkaTrianonPost Trianon Hungary
The book deals with the analysis of the data of the national tax census from 1828, which refer to three free royal cities and thirteen markets of Bačko-Bodroška County in the Kingdom of Hungary. The mentioned census represents a very... more
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      Economic HistoryCensusIstorijaNovi Sad
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      Jewish StudiesJewish genealogyNovi SadBačka
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      Jewish StudiesJewish genealogyBačkaJevrejska Zajednica
Saþetak: Do suštinske promene sredwovekovne etniaeke slike Vojvodine došlo je u vreme turskih osvajawa, koja su dovela do išaeezavawa maðarske populacije i nastajawa srpske etniaeke veoeine. Posle osloboðewa od Osmanlija došlo je do... more
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      Modern HistoryDemographyHistory of HungaryBanat of Temesvar
The paper presents the results of a part of several years’ research into sacred architecture on the territory of Vojvodina, referring to the study of the preserved 56 Orthodox churches built in Backa during the 18th and 19th centuries.... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureTypologyArchitectural History
When it comes to ethnic identification, the Bunjevci of Bačka are a deeply divided community: some of them believe they are merely a subgroup of Croats who speak a dialect of Croatian, while others claim they are a distinct ethnic group... more
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      BunjevciCroats in BačkaBačka
The work "Yearbook of the Historical Society of Bacs-Bodrogh District and Serbian Topics" analyzes the socio-historical background of the founding of the Historical Society in Zombor (Sombor) in 1883, as well as its role in the... more
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      History of HungarySocial HistoryIntellectual and cultural historyHistory of Historiography
Članak o pismu koje su bački Bunjevci 1668. g. uputili papi Klimentu IX, napisanom bosančicom i narodnim jezikom.  Objavljeno u "Bunjevačkim novinama" br. 118 (Subotica, april 2015, str. 22-23)
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      XVII centuryBunjevciBačkaSombor
Историјски приступ социолошком феномену миграција има за задатак указати на просторни и хронолошки контекст уз посебно тумачење узрока и последица ове појаве. Овај рад у право има то за циљ, да прикаже кроз историјски осврт сеобу... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistory of Belgrade
Zbornik radova o nastanku, prošlosti i istorijskom razvoju grada Bačke Palanke, broj 3 Sadržaj: REČ UREDNIКA - 3 Predrag Vajagić ISTORIJAT RAZVOJA GRBA BAČКE PALANКE - 5 Sunčanik 30/32, 2009/2010, str.16. Nebojša Кuzmanović BAČКA... more
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      Local HistoryArchitectural HistorySerbian historyHeraldry and Vexillology
The origins of surname Vekich.
Порекло презимена Векић.
Poreklo prezimena Vekić.
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      HistoryBalkan HistoryMigrationSerbian
Te site of Čurug is situated in the Bačka region of Vojvodina, on the south side of a former branch of the Tisa River. It is multi-layered site, with over 950 heterogeneous features dating from ten culturally and chronologically distinct... more
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      Celtic ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Settlement archaeologyArheology
Članak se bavi trima pjesničkim zbirkama pisanima novoštokavskom ikavicom kojom se služe bački Bunjevci: „Natpivavanja“ Ivana Pančića, „Avaške godine“ Milovana Mikovića i „Rič fali“ Vojislava Sekelja. Za razliku od najvećeg dijela... more
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      Croatian dialectsBunjevciBačkaNeo-Štokavian Ikavian Dialect
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      TypologyHornBulgariaLate Iron Age (Archaeology)
Steuer György (1875–1943) jelentései, emlékiratai Kállay Miklós magyar miniszterelnökhöz a bácskai közállapotokról. A jelentések, emlékiratok fókuszában a bácskai németek állnak. A forrásközlés a Lymbus 2018 Magyarságtudományi... more
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      Nazi GermanyWehrmachtBunjevciBačka
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      Jewish StudiesLocal HistoryJewish HistoryHistory of the Jews
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      ArchaeologyLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Ageархеология
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Prvi pomeni Bunjevaca u Bačkoj vezani su za crkvene arhive i franjevački red provincije Bosne Srebrne, koji je preuzeo dušebrižništvo nad doseljenim Bunjevcima od vremena njihovog najranijeg doseljavanja, pa sve do kraja XVIII stoleća.... more
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      17th century Europe18th CenturyFranjevciBunjevci
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      ArchaeologyLate Roman ArchaeologyархеологияBanat
Od trenutka kad su u Srbiji politički priznati kao samosvojna zajednica do danas Bunjevci koji se ne smatraju Hrvatima prošli su kroz dinamičan proces redefiniranja vlastita identiteta. Iako su u početku inzistirali na tom da čine jednu... more
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      VojvodinaBačkaTrianonPost Trianon Hungary
Након смрти свог пријатеља, владике банатског Георгија Летића, епископ бачки Иринеј Ћирић (1884-1955) преузео је дужност администратора епархије банатске. У том својству, поштујући жељу покојног владике Летића, он је у два наврата боравио... more
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      BačkaHistory of Serbian Orthodox Church
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologySarmatians
Bevezetб Tavaly [2018] volt szaz eve annak, hogy Vajdasagot йjraegyesitettek а Szerb Kiralysaggal-az ez alkalomb61 rendezett tinnepsegsorozat kozepette arnyekban maradt Ujvidek varosi rangja es neve megszerzesenek 270. evfordul6ja. Arr61... more
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      HistoryAustro-HungaryAustro-Hungarian HistoryAz újkori Magyarország
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      Jewish StudiesHistory of the JewsJewish genealogyBačka
THE 1744 CENSUS OF OLD BEČEJ There are several censuses of Old Bečej Township from the time of the Tisa military border and the District of Potisje. From the period leading up to the demobilization of the Tisa military border, comes a... more
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      Historical DemographySerbian historyHabsburg Monarchy in the 18th centuryBačka
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      Jewish StudiesJewish genealogyBačkaJevrejska Zajednica
The book deals with the analysis of the data of the national tax census from 1828, which refer to three free royal cities and thirteen markets of Bács-Bodrog County in the Kingdom of Hungary. The mentioned census represents a very... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of HungaryHistorical StatisticsCensus
Results of a preliminary survey of Odonata fauna conducted from 2016 to 2020 are presented. The aim of the research was to map possible habitats in the territory of Northern Bačka suitable for the life and reproduction of these insects,... more
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In the paper we will introduce the results of several recent archaeological surveys in the area of Novi Kneževac, Čoka and Kikinda municipalities on the north Banat side of Tisza and Kanjiža and Senta municipalities on the Bačka side of... more
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      SerbianNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithicBačka
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)History of HungaryHolocaust StudiesHolocaust
Vas Čurug leži v jugovzhodni Bački, na desnem bregu stare struge Tise. Leta 1927 je Doka Česarov pri kopanju zemlje na svojem vrtu naletel na dragocene predmete, katerih del je prodal Narodnemu muzeju v Beogradu. Muzejski kustos Jožo... more
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      SerbiaHoardsBačkaSilver Bracelets