Baccio Baldini
Recent papers in Baccio Baldini
""La "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" segnò il culmine della tradizione di trionfi e di canti del Carnevale fiorentino nel Rinascimento e assurse a modello per analoghe parate dei decenni successivi, così come il "Discorso" in cui... more
Impresión BRIZZOLIS D.L.: M-6618-2020 © de la edición: Fundación ACS © de los textos: sus autores Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la... more
This paper deals with Marsilio Ficino's astrological conception of the pagan sibyls and its likely influence on Baccio Baldini's engravings from the 'Prophets and Sibyls' series and trump cards of the tarot of Marseille; it subsequently... more
Hercules was an exemplar of moral and civic virtue when represented in Italian Renaissance art. How he embodied masculinity, however, has not been explored. A popular but complicated figure, he visualized the burdens and tensions of... more
Egli sapeva bene cosa significava quella rottura delle idee, quell'incrinatura in seno alle cose.
This note investigates the path that led to the creation of the Chariot trump of the Tarot “of Marseille” (fig. 2). The track originates from a drawing by the Venetian painter Jacopo Bellini showing a triumphal wagon pulled by two horses... more
In occasione del settimo centenario dalla morte di Dante Alighieri, il volume rievoca il suo rapporto con Verona, città nella quale egli soggiornò a lungo nei primi vent'anni del Trecento. Il Poeta fu ospite della corte scaligera,... more
Representations of the planets and their children were among the first pagan images to be produced and adopted in the late Middle Ages. During the circa 200 years in which they mainly appeared, up until the end of the sixteenth century,... more
In Italy the famous engravings known as “Finiguerra Planets” and representing the Seven planets and their Children were popularized in two different series, but only the first one was made by the Florentine engraver Baccio Bal- dini... more
This contribution describes specific aspects of the dispute on the concept of fate developed during the Renaissance, starting from the edition and commentary of an unpublished letter written by Vincenzio Borghini in 1570s. This text... more
Edited by: Alessandra Pedersoli, Antonella Sbrilli. Including contributions by: Damiano Acciarino, Maddalena Bassani, Elisa Bastianello, Monica Centanni, Simona Dolari, Francesca Ghedini, Laura Leuzzi, Antonella Sbrilli, Silvia Urbini.
Sotto la segnatura Palatino C.B.III.53, I della BNCF si conserva gran parte dei figurini originali utilizzati per allestire la "Mascherata della Geneologia degli Dei" del Carnevale fiorentino del 1566. Lo studio delle annotazioni... more
The article aims to shed light on some particular aspects of the activity and the scientific thought of Baccio Baldini, Director of the Laurentian Library and Court physician of the Medici family in Florence. The analysis of his work as a... more
In: Theatrum Orbis MMXVII, La Biennale di Venezia.
Venise, Marsilio, 2017
In: Theatrum Orbis MMXVII, La Biennale di Venezia.
Venise, Marsilio, 2017
Sebbene difettino, allo stato attuale delle conoscenze, le evidenze di un intervento diretto di Leonardo nell'incisione di matrici da stampa, diversi sono i segni che, attraverso gli scritti e le opere, dimostrano la sua familiarità con... more
Christian fortitude and civic heroism blend in the Renaissance figure of a muscular, idealized, nude Hercules overcoming his foes and performing mythic labours or resting in glorious victory (see plate 1). 1 By the time Cesare Ripa's... more