History of games, playing cards
Recent papers in History of games, playing cards
This presentation examines the status of a deck of cards that circulated in Mexico City around 1583. The deck contains 18 cards created by the second monopoly of playing cards in Mexico City under the administration of Alonso Martínez de... more
Origins of the Minor Arcana presents the story of the Tarot's much-neglected Minor Arcana, particularly its origin story, which is to be found in the symbolic and gaming traditions of the Chinese and the Arabs. Set against the backdrop of... more
Playing, an important activity already well known from advanced animals, is an a priori of human personal and social development. It is quite a special way how man becomes familiar with the natural world around him, with social... more
Copy of page 1 of the final proofs.
Poemetto in ottave di gusto canterino, pubblicato forse per la prima volta a Firenze nel 1553. Dopo un breve proemio ogni ottava contiene il ritratto di una prostituta fiorentina, che viene associata a una delle 40 carte figurate dei... more
Spielkarten gefunden in den Fehlböden, von Kartenmachern aus Stuttgart und Strassburg, teils zweitverwendet.
A chronological and analytic survey of European texts which specifically mention the invention of playing cards, from the 14th to 18th centuries.
Двинянинова А. Р. Марсельский шаблон таро // Aliter. 2021. № 15. - С. 45–63. «Марсельское таро» Международное общество игральных карт определяет как собирательное название определенного шаблона карт с особым дизайном, названного так... more
An anonymous, undated printed booklet of ca 1655, in the Department of Manuscripts of the BNF (Paris), that offers the earliest sofar known rules of the game of Tarot, proved to be printed in Nevers in 1637 and written by the abbé Michel... more
This is a presentation of the main subjects and ideas I have shared with my students in Spring 2017. This course is based on my research on the subject which will culminate in a monograph to be finished in 2018.
A webliography of digitized historical books on gaming and gambling from the 17th to the 19th century.
«Deux cartes à jouer italiennes du XVe siècle», Le Vieux Papier, fasc. 396, avr. 2010, p. 49-53
Uno spregiudicato religioso di origine francese, un inflessibile cardinale napoletano mandato dal Papa a governare Bologna, un vecchio senatore petroniano purosangue, un mazzo di carte per giocare a tarocchino bolognese che viene... more
A.V.Lebedev, The Aegean origin and early history of the Greek doctrines of reincarnation and immortality of the soul (Epimenides, Pherecydes, Pythagoras, and Onomacritus’ Orphica), in: N.B.Bogdanovich (ed.). Myth, Ritual,... more
ROMa:/-iRSmi! ;vi DE c: rA'ti so.; J -; , ,K 5;DIU a lafi 2006 Cuprins Lucrefiu Mihailescu-Btrliba, Les professions des affranchis privis en Dalmatie, Pannonies et Mesies 13 Ligia Ruscu, Zum Icult des Mithras an der Westpontischen Kilste... more
This essay considers how a historical legacy of printed games dating back to the sixteenth century in Italy laid the foundation for modern board games like those produced by Milton Bradley. The technology of print and the broad publics it... more
This note investigates the path that led to the creation of the Chariot trump of the Tarot “of Marseille” (fig. 2). The track originates from a drawing by the Venetian painter Jacopo Bellini showing a triumphal wagon pulled by two horses... more
A son tour, Detlef Hoffmann reprenait ce cavalier d'épée dans son livre Le monde de la carte à jouer (Leipzig, 1972), . Bien que ces cartes aient été régulièrement mentionnées (par Cicognara, Cibrario, Kaplan et d'autres) comme des... more
CARD GAMES AND DIPLOMACY AT THE COURT OF KING CAROL I OF ROMANIA. Card games are part of parlour games, commonly defined as activities involving several people and having entertainment as their main aim. Card games were present at the... more
Как известно, карты Таро отличаются от обычных игральных карт наличием т. н. Старших арканов, или Триумфов, помимо номерных карт и карт двора. Со времён итальянской эпохи Возрождения, когда только появились карты Таро, они приобрели... more
Playing cards were known in England as early as 1413.
Were playing cards printed in Ferrara in 1436? In an important article published in 1996 Pr. Gherardo Ortalli has highlighted the intensive production of playing cards that the Este family, who ruled Ferrara, had organised during the 15th... more
I have cataloged almost 200 films incorporating cartomancy scenes, including 150 with Tarot trumps (and/or the Fool). Discussion chapters address the history of the cards, with special note taken of those that make film appearances, the... more
The game of Tarot reached a peak in France between 1570 and 1650. Many writers of the time referred to Tarot, and some are particularly detailed when they mention the rules of the game. In his amazing book Les Bigarrures du Seigneur des... more
Bei Sanierungsarbeiten an einem 1847 erbauten Haus in Dormagen-Stürzelberg wurde im Fundamentbereich ein Dominostein aus Ebenholz und Elfenbein/Walknochen gefunden. Wahrscheinlich wurde er zur Zeit der französischen Besetzung des... more
This is a book review of "A Wicked Pack of Cards: The Origins of the Occult Tarot" by Sir Michael Dummett, Thierry Depaulis, and Ronald Decker
Когда в Петергоф пришла настоящая снежная зима со жгучим морозом, свершилось открытие музея-спектакля «Дом игральных карт». Это действительно знаменательное событие для тех, кто очарован историей и символизмом карт, кого тяготит азарт или... more
Die Geschichte des Dominospiels in Europa ist bisher wissenschaftlich nicht bearbeitet worden. Die ältesten Nachweise stammen aus China. Frühe archäologische Funde aus Nordwesteuropa reichen bis an die Grenze des Mittelalters zurück, sind... more
This study aims to show the life history of playing cards as a fascinating interplay between cultures and concepts. That interplay concerns the cultural meaning that is not given but created and developed when human and non-human agents... more
This article examines when and how playing cards were introduced in Russia and links the adoption of card playing in the Russian Empire to the process of Westernization in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The author examines the... more
An old article in three parts about the early history of the game of Ombre, still valuable.