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This chapter critically explores the autobiographical narrative method developed by the German sociologist Fritz Schütze. We shall argue that the methodology can help to uncover domains of psycho-social experience that may be hard to... more
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      MigrationReflexivityBiographyBiographical Methods
Die Kinder jener sechzig- bis siebzigtausend deutschen Juden, die sich in den 1930er Jahren vor der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung nach Palästina/Israel retten konnten, wuchsen in einer komplizierten Atmosphäre auf, die z.T. für die... more
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      Language maintenance and attritionSprache und IdentitätAutobiographical Narrative InterviewSprachbiographien
Most of the research concerning the validity of the selection & assessment interviews has a low degree of validity, relevance, ecological validity and impact. We all have read in the course of the years the classical papers developed from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyPsychological Assessment
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      MultilingualismConversation AnalysisLanguage and IdentityMigration Studies
En este documento se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de una aproximación original, en la investigación científico-social. Consiste en el método biográfico-residencial MBRam. Es una versión actualizada, ampliada y mejorada... more
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      Memoir and AutobiographyAutobiographical TheoryAutobiographical Self-RepresentationAutobiographical Memory
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      Conversation AnalysisReported SpeechGesprächsanalyseNarrative Interviews
«Τα Αρχαία δεν έχουν Φωνή. Εσύ Έχεις».... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
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      Authorship AttributionCelebrity CultureTelevision authorshipAlexander Kluge
El documento es una autobiografía descriptiva paradigmático-unidimensional aperiódica. Es unidimensional, por cuanto el autor presenta su propia historia de vida en torno a un unico componente: el conjunto de indicadores de su actuar... more
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      World HistoryAutobiographyBiography20th Century Mexico
This dissertation tested whether learning could be improved for students of Spanish language background through a Mastery Learning (ML) approach. It was hypothesized that higher levels of achievement and more positive affect could occur... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchAutobiographical Narrative Interview
A la hora de la desmaterialización de la imagen fotográfica digital, ¿cómo y con qué renovados propósitos insertan fotografías impresas en sus ficciones y ensayos ciertos escritores latinoamericanos? Como breve muestrario de algunos usos... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of CultureLatin American Studies
In this article, we aim to clarify the benefit of perspectives derived from biographical research and figurational sociology in attempts to understand and explain illegalized migration. In addition, we intend to discuss the methodological... more
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      EthnographyBorder StudiesForced MigrationMigration Studies
This collection of 131 photos features four introductions that discuss the development of commercial photography in the Huzhu area of Qinghai Province, China; details of photo collection; the social place of photographs within traditional... more
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Entretien de William Marx avec Johan Faerber sur ‘Un savoir gai’ et sur la place de l’homosexualité dans la société et dans le développement de l’individu.
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      ChristianitySociologySocial PsychologyFrench Literature
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      European StudiesBiographyBiographical MethodsAutobiographical Narrative Interview
Contents: Anne Betten: Introduction to the Following Three Articles, 11-14; Anne Betten: Telling Stories as Means of Argumentation. Narratives about Youth Experiences in Interviews with Second Generation "Yekkes", 15-32; Patrick... more
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      Discourse AnalysisOral historyAgency TheoryMasculinity
In this interview with Fritz Schütze, the "father of the autobiographic-narrative interview", the focus is on his work in qualitative research and the development of his ideas. He describes the path towards analyzing the structures of a... more
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      Qualitative studies (Psychology)Qualitative Methods (Sociology)Qualitative methodologyAutobiography
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      MultilingualismNarrative and IdentityLanguage and MigrationLanguage Attitudes
This paper argues that autobiographical video art radically transforms intersubjective relationships with viewers, and in doing so deconstructs critical spectatorship by positioning the viewer as an interlocutor. Here I draw attention to... more
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryContemporary Art
Interview with Fritz Schütze – sociologist, professor emeritus of General Sociology / Microsociology and former director of the Institute of Sociology at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg, widely known as a creator of the... more
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      InterdisciplinarityNarrativeOral historyBiography
This publication explores the issues of technique and method of a narrative interview developed by Fritz Schütze. A social scientist will find in the text some methodological guidelines on conducting a narrative interview so as to... more
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      Narrative InterviewAutobiographical Narrative InterviewQualitative Methodology and Analysis
Quilting as a craft and as art is performed mainly but not exclusively by women however it is relatively hidden in British culture. Folk ideas of patchwork include bed quilts and baby quilts as utilitarian items made by mothers, or... more
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      Autobiographical Self-RepresentationQuiltingAutobiographical Narrative Interview
1 imAxw xr niswt-bit Haa-ib-ra mry bAw iwnw 2 (i)m(y)-rA prwy-HD wr swnw 3 aA n xA (i)m(y)-rA pr-wr p(Ay=) f-TAw-(m)-a(wy)-nt 1 The imAxw before the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Haaibre, beloved of the bAw of Heliopolis, 2 the overseer... more
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      LanguagesAncient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient History
In political discourse, as much as in social studies, the term integration is commonly viewed in the context of migration. On the basis of ‘objective’ indicators and statistical analysis, the level of integration is measured and assessed... more
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A Test of a Mastery Learning Approach for Teaching Basic Paragraph Writing Skills to Spanish Language Background Students
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      Participatory Action ResearchAutobiographical Narrative Interview
The article indicates the importance of the category of experience in the interpretation of oral history recordings. Using the “stepwise” model of interpreting records, the paper shows how the category of experience interacts with other... more
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      Oral historyAutobiographical Narrative InterviewAuthobiographiesOral History Theories and Methods
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      Teacher EducationAutobiographical Narrative Interview
Resumen: Se presentan a texto completo los prefacios, escritos por el propio autor, de cada uno de sus cuatro publicaciones autobiográficas. En primer lugar, el aparecido en una colección fotográfica sobre su vida... more
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      Self and IdentityAutobiographyMemoir and AutobiographyAutobiographical Theory
«Δεν αισθάνομαι Σίσυφος»
«...μια σωστή αλλαγή θέλει μακροχρόνιο σχεδιασμό»
(Εφημ. Πρωινός Λόγος 05/12/2004, 51 και
Εφημ. Εορδαϊκός Παλμός 15/12/2004, 17 και
Εφημ. Γνώμη της Χαλκιδικής 08/01/2005, 1 και 6).
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      Greek LiteratureLiteratureModern Greek literatureIn-depth Interviews
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      Teacher EducationAutobiographical Narrative Interview
Transition to adulthood represents the transition to specific adult roles and responsibilities in close connection with life contexts. The literature in this area calls this phase emerging adulthood highlighting its complexity,... more
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      DisabilityThematic AnalysisTransition to AdulthoodAutobiographical Narrative Interview
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      PsychologyEuropean StudiesBiographyBiographical Methods
In political discourse, as much as in social studies, the term integration is commonly viewed in the context of migration. On the basis of ‘objective’ indicators and statistical analysis, the level of integration is measured and assessed... more
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      MigrationIntegrationAutobiographical Narrative InterviewGood life
In response to sharply growing number of North Korean migrants since the mid-1990s, the Korean government have developed a wide range of settlement policies for the new citizens. Their adapting experiences in liberal democratic states,... more
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      Peace EducationPeace and Conflict ResolutionAutobiographical WritingAutobiography and life writing studies
It is shown that a person produces texts about his life in a state of narration. Each narrative is a part of the socio-historical, individual-psychological contexts and the context of the narrative itself, the situation of the narrative... more
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      Future StudiesPersonality PsychologyMeaning of LifeNarrative Psychology
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      Autobiographical Narrative Interviewmündliches ERzählen
The question of use of second language speakers’ personal narratives-in-interview as data has been widely debated in the applied linguistics field. I subscribe to scholars before me who argue for an analysis beyond content but one that... more
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      Positioning TheoryImmigrantsAutobiographical Narrative Interview
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      Language and IdentityNarrative InterviewsAutobiographical Narrative InterviewInterview Analysis
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      AutobiographyCross-cultural autobiographyMemoir and AutobiographyAutobiographical Theory
“Unorthodox Autobiographies” is intended to challenge conventional discourses of autobiographical studies by rupturing its narrow definitions, and thus opening it up to new lines of flight and states of inquiry. We aim to provide a... more
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      AutobiographyCross-cultural autobiographyMemoir and AutobiographyAutobiographical Theory
This paper presents two studies. The first study was designed to determine whether expressions of autonomy and relatedness in autobiographical narrative vary by age of memories and by (sub) cultural specificity within one (Russian)... more
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      Developmental PsychologyIndividualismAutobiographical MemoryCollectivism