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Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
The wisdom of organisational leadership is adding new vistas on a continuum with enriched and applied research explorations for enhancing organisation effectiveness. It seems the golden saying ‘nothing is permanent’ seems to be very true... more
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      Servant LeadershipInterview Analysis
Most of the research concerning the validity of the selection & assessment interviews has a low degree of validity, relevance, ecological validity and impact. We all have read in the course of the years the classical papers developed from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementPsychologyPsychological Assessment
What needs to be considered before collecting data through semi-structured interviews? How does thinking about analysis before questioning help or hinder interviewing practice? How should the strengths and weaknesses of the method be... more
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      Qualitative ResearchQualitative Research (Education)Qualitative Research MethodsInterviewing
Der vorliegende Band der Reihe "Objektive Hermeneutik in Wissenschaft und Praxis" führt am Beispiel von Forschungsgesprächen mit Hundehaltern detailliert in die objektiv-hermeneutische Analyse von Interviews ein. Dabei werden auch... more
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      Objective HermeneuticsInterview AnalysisObjektive Hermeneutik
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      Qualitative methodologyEmployment InterviewQualitative ResearchIn-depth Interviews
This thesis explores the first phase of the revision of the European Union (EU) Blue Card Directive from June 2016 to June 2017. Out of the four EU labour migration Directives, the Blue Card aims to attract highly-skilled third country... more
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      European StudiesHuman RightsQualitative methodologyEuropean Union
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      Conversation AnalysisReported SpeechGesprächsanalyseNarrative Interviews
W. Lizé, « Trajectoires biographiques et itinéraires d’amateurs. Une enquête sur le goût musical » in S. Chantegros, S. Orange, A. Pégourdie et C. Rougier, La fabrique biographique, Limoges, PULIM, 2012.
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      Sociology of CultureCultural SociologySociology of MusicIn-depth Interviews
New psychoactive substances (NPS) remain a global public health and clinical challenge. Popular NPS include synthetic cannabinoids (SCs). A conceptual metaphorical analysis of user experiences of SCs was conducted in two European... more
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      Drugs And AddictionConceptual MetaphorQualitative ResearchIreland
Trolling has been one of the most talked about issue in relation to the internet in the second decade of the 21st century to date. Many people have spoken out against those who use the Internet to abuse others. It is clear that on their... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal Justice
Human well-being is tightly linked to the natural environment. Although this notion is well-established, it remains difficult to assess how the biophysical features of a specific area contribute towards the well-being of the people... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyEthnobotanyIn-depth InterviewsMixed Methods Research
Der Beitrag fasst Lachen in sprachbiographischen Interviews als zentrale Positionierungsressource bei der narrativen Verarbeitung von Erlebnissen mit Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit. Die Rahmung als komische oder problematische Erzählung... more
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      LaughterHumor StudiesLaughter in InteractionInterview Analysis
Tuck, E., Smith, M., Guess, A. M., Benjamin, T., & Jones, B. K. (2014). Geotheorizing Black/land: Contestations and contingent collaborations. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 3(1), 52-74. In this article, researchers... more
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    • Interview Analysis
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      Humanitarian InterventionIn-depth InterviewsInterviewingInvestigative Interviewing
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
MLA Citation: Chauhan, Abnish Singh. "CL Khatri: In Conversation with Abnish Singh Chauhan." Creation and Criticism, vol. 4, joint issue nos. 14-15, July-Oct 2019. Web Page:... more
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      Indian English LiteratureIn-depth InterviewsInterviewingIndian Writing in English
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      MultilingualismNarrative and IdentityLanguage and MigrationLanguage Attitudes
Returning to two interviews with jazz lovers, the article looks at the effects of the questions asked by the survey-taker concerning the production of data, specifically about a particularly sensitive object from this point of view:... more
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      Cultural SociologySociology of MusicIn-depth InterviewsJazz Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySocial PsychologyEducation
This course will advance student’s skills in the analyzing of qualitative data (e.g. interviews) by using an interpretative approach. This course will help students prepare and transform their findings into a clear and relevant overview,... more
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      Qualitative methodologyData AnalysisAcademic WritingAcademia Research
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      RecruitmentInterview QuestionsInterview Analysis
Qualitative Interviews sind ein weit verbreitetes Forschungsinstrument für die Untersuchung subjektiver sprachbezogener Erfahrungen und Bewertungen. Die in dem vorliegenden Beitrag vorgenommenen Analysen ausgewählter sprachbiographischer... more
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      DialectologyFolk LinguisticsInterview AnalysisLanguage Biographies
These reflections came about during and after an interview for Global TV News Canada. I was interviewed at very short notice on Tuesday 6 June on Waterloo Bridge, London, England by Redmond Shannon of Global TV News Canada, regarding the... more
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      Urban GeographyJournalismReflective PracticeTerrorism
Abstract (summary) This presentation highlights principles from a germinal study that ascertained the best practices and most effective means of interrogation during criminal investigations by joining the methods of story telling;... more
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      CommunicationInterviewingInvestigative InterviewingPolice Interrogation
Delovanje kariernih centrov pridobiva na univerzah vse večjo vlogo. Zanimanje študentov za karierni center pa se še ni razvilo v dovoljšni meri. Opravljena raziskava prikazuje predloge za reorganizacijo področij del znotraj kariernega... more
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      Career Guidance CounselingCareer GuidanceEmploymentStudents
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      Language and IdentityNarrative InterviewsAutobiographical Narrative InterviewInterview Analysis