Recent papers in Quilting
Jacqueline Bishop's celebrated piece Tristes Tropique I (2013), exhibited in the 2014 Jamaican Biennale, is part of the artist's larger engagement with the utopic and the dsytopic, the local and the global, the image and the gaze, in... more
Critical review considers the work of ceramics artist Linda Lighton and fiber artist Jessica Wohl, both of whom use their disciplines to illuminate societal anomalies concerning gun control and domestic violence.
Discusses Bisa Butler's approach to portraiture and examines the ways in which the artist harnesses photography and quiltmaking to produce transformative representations of her subjects.
The paper presents a new method that automates the process of extracting graphic information from reference images and integrating the data into patchwork garments design. The main stages of the transition from a 2D reference image to the... more
Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2018). City and Craft: Trabzon. In H. Arapgirlioğlu, A. Atik, S. Hızıroğlu, R. L.Elliot, & D. Atik (Eds.), The Most Recent Studies in Science and Art (Vol. 2, pp. 1994-2008). Ankara: Gece... more
This chapter explores some tensions in both textile theories and practices informed by the feminist 1970s. While tracing the lines between radical and reformist approaches to women's textiles, it pinpoints moments of intersection and... more
The needle arts are traditionally associated with the decorative, domestic, and feminine. Stitching the Self sets out to expand this narrow view, demonstrating how needlework has emerged as an art form through which both objects and... more
In order to depart from an arguably hegemonic and colonial cultural perspective in the field of Composition and Rhetoric (Comp/Rhet), we claim that scholars in Comp/Rhet disproportionately continue to value quantitative and qualitative... more
One Hundred Good Wishes Quilts (OHGWQ) are a contemporary form of material culture that commemorates an American family’s adoption of a Chinese child. Made and/or coordinated by parents in the midst of adopting, OHGWQ are community-based... more
A strong characteristic of American popular culture in the 1920s and 1930s was its fascination with all things “oriental,” or generally exotic. It was expressed in a multitude of areas, including furniture, fashion, movies and... more
In this chapter, I begin by exploring the rich history of activist quilting and activist quilt scholarship. I then turn to what I call the expanded field of quilting, following Rosalind Krauss’s (1979: 30-44) term “the expanded field.”... more
The Guicciardini Quilts are two historiated embroideries supposedly made in Sicily in the late fourteenth century. They are named after the Florentine Guicciardini family to whom it is thought they have always belonged since their... more
What is activated at that joint where time is at once toofast and tooslow? What is felt? Propositions for Social Dreaming, a quilt-based project by Andrew Goodman and Erin Manning, explores this active interval of time in the making by... more
A comprehensive analysis of 650 quilts made between 1870 and 1945 revealed two related yet divergent trends. On one hand, many quilts embody the anti-modern sentiments common to the era, in particular those of the Aesthetic Movement and... more
Women fiber artists have engaged in the core concepts of Modern Art, including color theory, geometry, and abstract composition, in ways that have not always been acknowledged by art historians. Through research, writing and an... more
Fashion conscious consumers demand updated and up style look for themselves. They not only look at the functions of the product but also the aesthetics according to the current fashion. They are now more conscious of what they buy, about... more
This writing represents my early attempt at a transdisciplinary reading of Yvonne Vera’s fiction through theoretical writings about the textile. First published in 2004 in The End of Unheard Narratives: Contemporary Perspectives on... more
African American quiltmaking began to gain recognition as an expressive form distinct from European American quiltmaking in the countercultural climate of the 1970s. Representations of it since then have served to update the Eurocentric,... more
The needle arts are traditionally associated with the decorative, domestic, and feminine. Stitching the Self sets out to expand this narrow view, demonstrating how needlework has emerged as an art form through which both objects and... more
The 1845 essay “The Patchwork Quilt”, printed in The Lowell Offering, is among the earliest descriptions of quilt-making and is now seen as both a celebration of and a eulogy to pre-industrial work processes. The essay posits the... more
During a public dialogue in 2019 African-American artist Faith Ringgold described her original publisher’s disappointment that the biography she had written did not recount experiences of subjugation – experiences Ringgold suspected were... more
In my final issue as Senior Editor of Art Education, I examine art + design praxis as a means for determining where we are now as practitioners and a profession, and where we must go from here.
Rhetorical scholarship has recently made significant contributions to an emerging "meta-field" that we might loosely call "shit studies." In this essay, we review scholarship pertaining to the study of "shit" in communication.... more
The Tentmakers of Cairo or Khayamin (derived from the Arabic word for tent, 'khayam'), can demonstrate ongoing engagement with the changes in the usage, composition and production of their traditional craft: khayamiya (Egyptian Tentmaker... more
Quilting as a craft and as art is performed mainly but not exclusively by women however it is relatively hidden in British culture. Folk ideas of patchwork include bed quilts and baby quilts as utilitarian items made by mothers, or... more
Free-motion quilting patterns are functional and decorative patterns sewn on pieced quilts using a single-line continuous stitch path for each region of the quilt. Seven families of quilting patterns are commonly used by quilters [3]. We... more
On December 4, 2016, more than two hundred people wrapped Bogotá’s Palacio de Justicia in hundreds of testimonial quilts, repeatedly chanting “Memory wraps justice,” like a mantra. The quilts were made by women who were victims of the... more
An examination of the quilted burial gown of Doña Teresa Gil, c. 1307
Before the idea of ‘work’ takes shape and affects the imaginary/ imagery, it is the preliminary germination of a flimsy thought that begins work. The state before ‘work’ begins is the stage that is replete with theatricalities, embedded... more
The shortage of personal protective equipment—N95 masks, surgical masks, caps, gowns, and gloves—amid the current COVID-19 pandemic is well-documented. In researching women’s leisure quilters for 20+ years, there is no doubt that they... more
The harsh life imposed upon Antebellum slaves in Louisiana was not only physically dangerous, but also strangled their socio-cultural maneuverings as they grappled with losing their identity as Africans. Female slaves, working both in the... more
Best known for her quilts that that combine painting, fabric and storytelling, Ringgold has exhibited in major museums in the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Her work is in the permanent collection... more
Free-motion quilting patterns are functional and decorative patterns sewn on pieced quilts using a single-line continuous stitch path for each region of the quilt. Seven families of quilting patterns are commonly used by quilters [3]. We... more
A multitude of masks have been sewn in an attempt to cope with the COVID-19 crisis. The people involved in this fabrication often practice sewing as a hobby or engage in more specialized needlework activities such as patchwork and... more